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Developing a Systematic Approach for Faculty Enrichment Using Detailed Assessments as a Basis Presented for Global Learn 2015 by Linda Merillat, PhD Monica.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing a Systematic Approach for Faculty Enrichment Using Detailed Assessments as a Basis Presented for Global Learn 2015 by Linda Merillat, PhD Monica."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing a Systematic Approach for Faculty Enrichment Using Detailed Assessments as a Basis Presented for Global Learn 2015 by Linda Merillat, PhD Monica Scheibmeir, PhD, APRN, FAANP

2 Introduction Many institutions have experienced a drop in enrollment. Move toward more hybrid and online delivery models. Older faculty who use many aspects of technology sporadically. Professional development focuses on ‘how-to’ not ‘how-to- integrate.’ Repeated use of tool does not guarantee effective use of that tool. Faculty not skilled in developing media-rich experiences.

3 Strategy Adopted A systematic approach using detailed assessments as a basis for faculty enrichment was adopted. Focus of initial effort was the School of Nursing at a medium-sized Midwestern University. Participants included 30 full and part- time faculty members.

4 Detailed Assessments Teaching and Learning Skills Checklist Technology Skills & Interest Checklist Learning Management Systems Skills Checklist (D2L)

5 Teaching and Learning Skills Checklist Focuses on general skills needed to successfully deliver a course. Skewed toward hybrid or online courses. 97-point assessment of key benchmarks organized around elements of the Interactive Teaching Design (ITD) framework. ( Broad categories include: –Teaching & Learning Foundation –Context of the Learning Experience –Planning the Content –Preparing the Presentation –Facilitating the Interaction –Reflecting on the Results

6 Technology Skills & Interest Checklist Focuses on wide range of technology tools used in education. 50-point assessment of key benchmarks organized around the technology categories outline in the Technology section of the Faculty Support Center ( Broad categories include: o Basic Applications o Collaboration Tools o Communication Tools o Multimedia Tools o Class Mgt. Tools o Reflection Tools o Presentation Tools o Research Tools o Interaction Tools o Nursing Applications

7 Learning Management Skills Checklist (D2L) Focuses on skills needed to successfully use the learning management system. For this university, Desire-to-Learn (D2L) is being used. 45-point assessment. Broad categories include: –General D2L Skills –Planning the Content –Preparing the Presentation –Facilitating the Interaction –Reflecting on the Results

8 Teaching & Learning/D2L Results

9 Technology Skills & Interests Results

10 Teaching & Learning Best Practices Goals Teaching & Learning Best Practices Goal Number of Faculty Choosing Goal Learn to post.pdf documents with the OCR option (text-readable rather than image). 15 Learn different class management techniques to gauge student understanding. 13 Learn more about recommended communications practice. 13 Learn more about teaching & learning frameworks. 12 Learn to use guiding questions to focus student work in each unit/lesson. 12 Learn about using essential questions to frame the learning experience. 11 Learn how to better manage multimedia files. 11 Learn more about giving students opportunities to provide feedback to the instructor. 11 Learn to access my university files remotely. 11 Learn to design a unit using the Learning Experience Designer. 11 Learn how to inform my students about netiquette. 10

11 Use of Technology Goals Number of Faculty Choosing Goal Learn to set up and use a Virtual Classroom (ie. Zoom, Lync). 17 Learn to set up a grading rubric for an assignment. 17 Learn to customize my course homepage/create a widget. 15 Learn to create a survey. 14 Learn to review student participation in the course/ Learn to use the course logs to monitor student activity. 14 Learn to use virtual groups tools/shared editing tools/wiki. 13 Learn how to set up and manage groups. 13 Learn to use digital storytelling. 13 Learn to back up my course for future reference. 12 Learn to set up and organize my gradebook better. 11 Learn to use reflective blogging. 11 Learn to create a video. 10 Learn to set up and take attendance. 10

12 General Goals Applying to Most Secure messaging options at the university Basic graphic design principles Accessibility principles and guidelines –Formatting tables headers in D2L to comply with Quality Matters/Accessibility standards. –Creating.pdf documents with the OCR option. Using the SMARTBoard in the conference room Information on Scholarship of Teaching & Learning resources Way to manage personal FAQ type of information Plagiarism detection options at university

13 Conclusions Faculty rated themselves above average in general teaching & learning best practices except in the area of context: understanding accessibility, usability in an online environment, and diverse student populations. Faculty rated themselves in the low range across most technology skills categories including many basic areas. Faculty varied significantly in how they rated their interest in learning more about different technologies. Some individuals indicated a high interest (4) in many areas, while a few indicated a low interest (1) across the board.

14 Preferences for Providing Professional Development

15 Use of Online Resource Center

16 Planned Improvements to Faculty Enrichment Program Expanding the program to include adjunct faculty. Re-administer assessments annually to document progress toward goals. Optimize the assessments to be taken as a set. Statistical reliability and validity for the instruments needs to be determined. Automatically generate goals and provide links to resources based on more information or high interest being selected in the assessment instrument.

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