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THE MIDDLE AGES. Why are they the dark ages? - The collapse of trade and towns, kind of - Loss of literacy and a common language - Development of Germanic.

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Presentation on theme: "THE MIDDLE AGES. Why are they the dark ages? - The collapse of trade and towns, kind of - Loss of literacy and a common language - Development of Germanic."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why are they the dark ages? - The collapse of trade and towns, kind of - Loss of literacy and a common language - Development of Germanic kingdoms END OF AN EMPIRE?


4 The Barbarian Kingdoms c. 500 ce

5 Used Church revenues to: -Raise armies -Repair roads -Care for the poor -Evangelized The Church THE CHURCH EXTENDS IT’S POWER

6 St. Benedict sets rules for monasteries -Once a monk enters a monastery, he is to remain there for life -Daily life should follow a strict schedule, pray 8 times per day -Seven hours a day dedicated to manual labor -2 hours per day devoted to reading -2 meals per day, wine ok, but no red meat STRENGTHENING OF PAPAL POWER


8 The beginning of Witch Village U

9 A political and military system based on holding of land: the control of the land was the key to the system FEUDALISM THE BASIS OF GOVERNANCE

10 Constitutional Peasants

11 The economic engine behind Feudalism A small estate from which a lord’s family gained it’s livelihood Self-sufficient Serfs Free peasants THE MANOR SYSTEM


13 From French word Cheval (horse) and Chevalier (horse-riding lord) Aid the poor and help the weak Lords fight bravely in the defense of three masters: -Earthly feudal lord -Heavenly Lord -Chosen lady CHIVALRY

14 The Black Knight gz690

15 Under the code of chivalry, a knight’s duty to his lady becomes equally important as to his duty to his lord Marriage is to advance status, usually arranged No sex in romantic love ROMANTIC LOVE

16 The tale of Sir Lancelot 34

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