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Reward Systems 1 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Reward Systems 1 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reward Systems 1 1

2 business success Why do we deal with reward systems? incentives
motivation satisfaction business performance business success 2

3 Classification of incentive components
wage and salary regulations profit sharing company benefits personnel development and career opportunities working hours and break control work content and place design 3

4 General goals of reward systems
consistence and support to the corporate targets and strategies flexibility while changing of competitive and environmental conditions compliance of laws, standards and ethical principles consideration of stakeholder interests 4

5 Components of monetary incentive systems
fixed periodic payments salary situation based fixed and variable payments premiums, bonus … indirect fixed periodic payments health insurance, invalidity pension … indirect monetary payments company car, mobile phone … neutral payment components participation (e.g. equities) 5

6 Overview of wage and salary classes
e.g. christmas bonus certain wage rate per time e.g. bonus for quality, punctuality single/ group premium e.g. time-based piece rates 6

7 Components of non monetary incentive systems
personnel development and career opportunities social communication group membership cooperative management working hours and break control work content design workplace design 7

8 The Cafeteria-Approach
flexible payment design  employee is able to choose between different payment components in return for use of individual selection the employee disclaim a part of his salary characteristics: individualization of payment components according to an specific budget, periodically returning option and an offer with several alternatives 8

9 The Cafeteria-Approach
advantages: company can win new staff and increase the connection of the employees to the enterprise annual expenditures for this area are exactly calculable increased motivation of staff through periodically returning option employee can adopt his changed needs his job satisfaction as well as identification with his employer increase 9

10 The Cafeteria-Approach
disadvantages: in general awarded achievements are easily considered as natural and expected incentive effects are missed some options limited by tax legislation and wage agreements good consultation of the employee is also often absent 10

11 Conclusion Incentives are drivers for motivation
 successful performance It depends on various factors (e.g.)  Company policy  Competitive context  law and regulations mixed forms of monetary and non-monetary reward 11

12 Thank you for your attention!!!

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