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Zdenka Willis NOAA’s Lead to USGEO Director, US IOOS Program Office 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Zdenka Willis NOAA’s Lead to USGEO Director, US IOOS Program Office 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zdenka Willis NOAA’s Lead to USGEO Director, US IOOS Program Office 1

2 GOOS Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations (PICO) Global Implementation of the Strategic Plan for Coastal GOOS Data & information requirements for ecosystem – based approaches to –Managing human uses of ecosystem goods & services –Mitigating the impacts of natural hazards –Adapting to climate change The PICO Plan –Building blocks of a System of Systems –Requirements for implementation 2 Paul DiGiacomo (USA: NOAA/NESDIS) and Jose Muelbert (Brazil: FURG)

3 Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations (PICO) Paul DIGIACOMO (Co-Chair), USA NOAA-NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications & Research Jose MUELBERT (Co-Chair), Brazil Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Instituto de Oceanografia Tom MALONE, USA UMCES Horn Point Laboratory John PARSLOW, Australia CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Neville SWEIJD, South Africa Natural Resources & the Environment, Council for Scientific & Industrial Research Helen YAP, Philippines University of the Philippines, The Marine Science Institute

4 Global Implementation of Coastal GOOS 4 Coastal Ocean Observation Panel (COOP) Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations (PICO) Integrated Design Implementation Strategy Action Plan for Phased Implementation 2003 2005 2012

5 The PICO Plan Identifies key indicators of pressures, states & impacts of changes in state for 7 priority Phenomena of Interest Specifies end – to – end systems that are the building blocks for a System of Systems Identifies essential variables that should be monitored based on these specifications Describes the required infrastructure of the System of Systems to monitor these variables & model changes in states Recommends procedures for building the System of Systems 5

6 Specify the Building Blocks of a System of Systems Determine priority Phenomena of Interest (PoI) & Associated key indicators of ecosystem states For each PoI –Identify user groups & determine their data & information requirements for products & applications –Identify key indicators of relevant pressures, states, & impacts of changes in states –Document observing system requirements Observations (in situ & remote sensing) Modeling & analysis Reporting (real – time or delayed mode) Data management & communications –Assess operational status & identify gaps 6

7 Priority Phenomena of Interest & Associated Indicators 7 Phenomenon of Interest Coastal Eutrophication & Hypoxia Human Exposure to Waterborne Pathogens Habitat Loss & Modification Ocean acidification Harmful Algal Blooms Food Security Key Indicators of Ecosystem States Phytoplankton biomass fields Dissolved oxygen fields Distribution & abundance of waterborne pathogens Distribution & abundance of toxic phytoplankton species Extent & condition of biologically structured habitats Extent & condition of coral reefs Abundance of calcareous plankton Abundance of harvestable finfish & shellfish stocks Vulnerability to coastal flooding Extent & condition of habitat buffers to flooding

8 TemperatureDissolved N, P, SiChlorophyllWater leaving radiances SalinityDissolved O 2 Toxic phytoplanktonDownwelling irradiance Current velocitypHCalcareous plankton Surface wave height & direction pCO 2 Copepod indicator species Absolute sea level Total alkalinity Enteric bacteria Shoreline positionAragonite saturation state Extent of biologically structured benthic habitats BathymetryColored dissolved organic matter Species diversity Sea surface roughness Exploitable fish stocks Total suspended matter Bycatch Large pelagic predators ESSENTIAL ECOSYSTEM STATE VARIABLES GeophysicalChemicalBiologicalBiophysical

9 Example End – to – End System for Indicators of Habitat Loss & Modification Target coral reefs, seagrass beds, mangrove forests & salt marshes Why?  Support high species diversity & living marine resources;  Prevent coastal erosion  Buffer coastal communities against storm surges & flooding  Important carbon sinks (mangrove forest in particular)  Tourist attractions  Important indicators of the impacts of ocean warming & acidification (coral reefs in particular) 9

10 A Building Block of a System of Systems End – to – End System for Habitat Loss & Modification Objectives Document changes in extent & fragmentation of habitat buffers  Mangrove forests, Vegetated sand dunes & Tidal salt marshes  Seagrass beds & Warm water coral reefs Map vulnerability to coastal flooding Estimate impacts of changes in habitat buffers on  The vulnerability of future coastal populations to flooding &  Exposure to pathogens & toxic chemicals during post-flooding runoff 10

11 Requirement Drivers – Products Index of Vulnerability to Flooding –Digital, high resolution (≤ 1 km) maps of vulnerability to flooding updated at 1 – 5 yr intervals depending on Frequency & magnitude of flooding events & Coastal geomorphology –Realistic scenarios for changes in vulnerability 5 – 10 yr out based on projections of Sea level rise Land – use practices Coastal erosion Loss & modification of biologically structured benthic habitats Post – Event Water Quality Indicators –Digital maps & forecasts of water quality updated daily until event signature dissipates 11

12 Data Requirements for Products 12 In Situ Measurements Continuous  Sea level @ sentinel sites  Rain fall & river flows  Water temperature & salinity  Surface currents & wave fields Post – event, daily  Distribution of water quality parameters Seasonally  Validate remote sensing of the extent of habitats Reporting Near real time  Water quality parameters  Tides, river flows, rainfall, currents & waves Delayed mode  Land – use/cover, flood zones  Habitat data  Bathymetry – topography  Validation Remote Sensing Continuous  Surface currents & wave fields  Sea surface temperature & salinity Daily  Rain fall & river flows Annually  Spatial distribution of habitat buffers Digital, high resolution maps @ 5 yr intervals  Land – use/cover  Flood zones  Near shore topography & bathymetry During the event  Time – space extent of flooding Post – event, daily  Temperature, salinity & ocean color fields

13 Model Requirements High resolution digital elevation models of topography, shoreline position & bathymetry Algorithms to compute vulnerability as a function of  Current & predicted seasonal & annual mean sea level,  Near shore bathymetry – topography  Wave fields  Spatial distributions of ecological buffers  Spatial distribution of land use/cover Coastal circulation – wave models High resolution digital geospatial models (GIS) of levels of vulnerability Maps of water quality parameters  Temperature & salinity  Total suspended matter, CDOM & Chlorophyll – a  Waterborne pathogens & chemical contaminants 13

14 Next steps for PICO/Coastal GOOS PICO Plan: GOOS Report #193, website:, go to documents, reports, #193 Working on a executive summary PICO panel dissolved with reorganization of GOOS, but working with new GOOS Steering Committee, the GOOS Project Office and the GOOS Regional Council for implementation Pursue regional demonstration projects at priority super sites, especially Indonesian Archipelago-South China Sea Region Working with GEO Blue Planet task, and with the GEO Coastal Zone Community of Practice (CZCP)

15 U.S. IOOS: A System of Systems Enables Decision making and Science WHO WHY: 7 Societal Goals, 1 System Predictions of climate change and weather Safety and efficiency of maritime operations Forecasts of natural hazards Improve homeland security Minimize public health risks Protect and restore healthy coastal ecosystems Sustain living marine resources WHAT Observation Data Management Modeling & Analysis Research & Development Education WHERE Global Coastal (EEZ to tidal waters)

16 US HF Radar Network 16 Operated by > 30 institutions Used by > 40 government/private entities Industry Partners: US-based CODAR Ocean Sensor and a few WERA systems National Data Management Uses: + Coast Guard : Search &Rescue: Oil spill + Water Quality; Criminal Forensics + Commercial marine navigation + Off Shore Energy + Harmful algal blooms + Marine fisheries + Emerging – Tsunami

17 Component under 2 Tasks in the GEO workplan 2012- 2015 –IIN-01 Earth Observing Systems –SB-01 Oceans and Society: Blue Planet Kicked off at Oceanology International March and 1 st Ocean Radar Conference for Asia Goals: –Transform individual HF Radar networks into a global system where we can provide high quality HF Radar for a range of used. –Development of easy to use standard products –Assimilate HF Radar data into models –Development of easy to use standard products 17 Global HF Radar Network

18 Global HF Radar Assets

19 Global Challenger Glider Mission U.S. IOOS partners sent the first glider across the Atlantic Ocean, calibrating ocean models and collaborating with scientists and students in the U.S., Canada, Spain and Portugal Rick Spinrad’s Global Challenge Build a Global Glider Fleet and Coordinate the first Robotic Circumnavigation Revisit the Historic Track of the HMS Challenger And inspire a global network of students along the way

20 Why Care About GEOSS? The goal is to access the right information, in the right format, at the right time, for the right people, to make the right decisions.

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