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The Origin and Evolutionary History of Life

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1 The Origin and Evolutionary History of Life
Chapter 21

2 Learning Objective 1 What conditions do geologists think existed on early Earth?

3 Early Earth

4 The Origin of Life Biologists generally agree
life originated from nonliving matter by chemical evolution Origin of life is difficult to test experimentally testable hypotheses about chemical evolution

5 KEY CONCEPTS Although there is no direct fossil evidence of the origin of life, biochemical experiments have demonstrated how complex organic molecules, found in all living organisms, may have formed

6 4 Requirements for Chemical Evolution
1. Absence of oxygen oxygen would oxidize abiotically produced organic molecules 2. Energy to form organic molecules

7 4 Requirements for Chemical Evolution
3. Chemical building blocks water, minerals, gases in atmosphere to form organic molecules 4. Sufficient time for molecules to accumulate and react

8 Learn more about conditions on early Earth by clicking on the figure in ThomsonNOW.

9 Learning Objective 2 Contrast the prebiotic soup hypothesis and the iron–sulfur world hypothesis

10 Chemical Evolution Prebiotic soup hypothesis
organic molecules formed near Earth’s surface in “sea of organic soup” or on rock or clay surfaces Iron–sulfur world hypothesis organic molecules produced at hydrothermal vents in deep ocean floor

11 Miller and Urey’s Experiment

12 Organic molecules collect in the trap Heat source
Electrodes NH3 CH4 To vacuum H2O H2 Spark chamber Condenser Figure 21.2: Miller and Urey’s experiment in chemical evolution. Boiling chamber Organic molecules collect in the trap Heat source Fig. 21-2, p. 449

13 Insert “Miller's reaction chamber experiment”

14 See the Miller–Urey experiment unfold by clicking on the figure in ThomsonNOW.

15 Learning Objective 3 What major steps are hypothesized to have occurred in the origin of cells?

16 The Origin of Cells Macromolecules
assembled from small organic molecules Protobionts (macromolecular assemblages) formed from macromolecules Cells arose from protobionts

17 Microspheres

18 RNA World Model RNA Natural selection at molecular level
first informational molecule to evolve progression toward self-reproducing cell Natural selection at molecular level resulted in information sequence DNA → RNA → protein

19 RNA Molecules

20 Large pool of RNA molecules
Selection for ability to catalyze a chemical reaction Molecules with some ability to catalyze the reaction Amplification and mutation to create large pool of similar RNA molecules Figure 21.4: In vitro evolution of RNA molecules. Repeat the selection–amplification–mutation process Molecules with best ability to catalyze the reaction Fig. 21-4, p. 451

21 Large pool of RNA molecules
Selection for ability to catalyze a chemical reaction Molecules with some ability to catalyze the reaction Amplification and mutation to create large pool of similar RNA molecules Repeat the selection–amplification–mutation process Figure 21.4: In vitro evolution of RNA molecules. Molecules with best ability to catalyze the reaction Stepped Art Fig. 21-4, p. 451

22 Learning Objective 4 How did the evolution of photosynthetic autotrophs affected both the atmosphere and other organisms?

23 The First Cells Prokaryotic heterotrophs Autotrophs
obtained organic molecules from environment probably anaerobes Autotrophs evolved later produced organic molecules by photosynthesis

24 Photosynthesis Generated oxygen in atmosphere Aerobes
changed early life permitted evolution of aerobes Aerobes use oxygen for efficient cellular respiration

25 Ozone

26 Sun Ultraviolet rays 3(O2) Upper atmosphere 2(O3) Lower atmosphere
Figure 21.6: The formation of ozone. Ozone (O3) forms in the upper atmosphere when ultraviolet radiation from the sun breaks the double bonds of oxygen molecules. 2(O3) Lower atmosphere Fig. 21-6, p. 453

27 Learning Objective 5 What is the hypothesis of serial endosymbiosis?

28 Serial Endosymbiosis Eukaryotic cells arose from prokaryotic cells
Certain eukaryotic organelles (mitochondria, chloroplasts) evolved from prokaryotic endosymbionts incorporated within larger prokaryotic hosts

29 Serial Endosymbiosis

Aerobic bacteria Multiple invaginations of the plasma membrane Endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope form from the plasma membrane invaginations (not part of serial endosymbiosis) Aerobic bacteria become mitochondria Photosynthetic bacteria... Figure 21.7: Serial endosymbiosis. ... become chloroplasts EUKARYOTIC CELLS: ANIMALS, FUNGI, SOME PROTISTS EUKARYOTIC CELLS: PLANTS, SOME PROTISTS Fig. 21-7, p. 454

31 Insert “The endosymbiont theory”

32 Learn more about endosymbiosis by clicking on the figure in ThomsonNOW.

33 KEY CONCEPTS Photosynthesis, aerobic respiration, and eukaryotic cell structure represent several major advances that occurred during the early history of life

34 Learning Objective 6 What are the distinguishing organisms and major biological events of the Ediacaran period and the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic eras

35 Proterozoic Eon 2500 mya to 542 mya About 2.2 bya
life consisted of prokaryotes About 2.2 bya first eukaryotic cells appeared

36 Ediacaran Period Ediacaran period Ediacaran fossils Ediacaran fauna
600 mya to 542 mya last period of Proterozoic eon Ediacaran fossils oldest known fossils of multicellular animals Ediacaran fauna small, soft-bodied invertebrates

37 An Ediacaran Sea

38 The Paleozoic Era (1) Began about 542 mya
lasted about 291 million years Many plants and animals appeared all major plants (except flowering plants) all animal phyla reptiles fishes and amphibians flourished

39 Cambrian Radiation

40 Fig. 21-9a, p. 457 Figure 21.9: Fossils from the Cambrian Radiation.
All three of these fossils were discovered in the Burgess Shale in the Canadian Rockies of British Columbia. Fig. 21-9a, p. 457

41 Fig. 21-9b, p. 457 Figure 21.9: Fossils from the Cambrian Radiation.
All three of these fossils were discovered in the Burgess Shale in the Canadian Rockies of British Columbia. Fig. 21-9b, p. 457

42 Fig. 21-9c, p. 457 Figure 21.9: Fossils from the Cambrian Radiation.
All three of these fossils were discovered in the Burgess Shale in the Canadian Rockies of British Columbia. Fig. 21-9c, p. 457

43 Devonian Period

44 (b) Pterapsis (c) Jamoytius (a) Thelodus Fig. 21-10, p. 458
Figure 21.10: Ostracoderms. Ostracoderms, primitive jawless fishes that lived in the Devonian period, ranged from 10 to 50 cm (4 to 20 in) in length. (a) Thelodus Fig , p. 458

45 Carboniferous Period

46 The Paleozoic Era (2) Greatest mass extinction of all time
at end of Paleozoic era (251 mya) > 90% of marine species extinct 70% of land-dwelling vertebrate genera many plant species

47 The Mesozoic Era Began about 251 mya Dinosaurs dominated
lasted about 185 million years Dinosaurs dominated reptiles diversified insects flourished flowering plants appeared birds appeared early mammals appeared

48 Triassic Period

49 Cretaceous Period

50 Cretaceous Period 66 mya Collision of extraterrestrial body with Earth
end of Cretaceous period many species abruptly became extinct Collision of extraterrestrial body with Earth may have caused dramatic climate changes resulted in mass extinction

51 Cenozoic Era From 66 mya to present
flowering plants, birds, insects, mammals diversified greatly Late Miocene and Early Pliocene epochs human ancestors appeared in Africa

52 The Fossil Record

53 The saurischian pelvis
Saurischians Ilium Hip socket Pubis Ischium Coelophysis Figure 21.15: Saurischian and ornithischian dinosaurs. In each dinosaur figure, the pale yellow femur is shown relative to the pelvic bone. The saurischian pelvis Fig a, p. 461

54 The ornithischian pelvis
Ornithischians Ilium Hip socket Pubis Ischium Figure 21.15: Saurischian and ornithischian dinosaurs. In each dinosaur figure, the pale yellow femur is shown relative to the pelvic bone. Stegosaurus The ornithischian pelvis Fig b, p. 461

55 KEY CONCEPTS The fossil record tells us much of what we know about the history of life, such as what kinds of organisms existed and where and when they lived

56 Fossil Trilobites

57 KEY CONCEPTS Certain organisms appear in the fossil record, then disappear and are replaced by others

58 Stromatolites

59 KEY CONCEPTS Scientists identify and demonstrate relationships among fossils in rock layers from different periods of geologic time

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