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Involving the IV-D Attorney Sometimes a referral will go to the IV-D Attorney when there is an issue about the NCP’s ability to work The child support.

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Presentation on theme: "Involving the IV-D Attorney Sometimes a referral will go to the IV-D Attorney when there is an issue about the NCP’s ability to work The child support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Involving the IV-D Attorney Sometimes a referral will go to the IV-D Attorney when there is an issue about the NCP’s ability to work The child support agency, the IV-D Attorney, and the Social Security Administration must partner together to communicate and work efficiently to get as much support to families as possible

2 REFERRAL TO THE IV-D ATTORNEY There are three questions the attorney needs to answer before proceeding: – Is the NCP already receiving benefits OR is the NCP in the application process? – If the NCP is receiving benefits is it Title II (SSD) or Title XVI benefits (SSI)? – Is this an Establishment action OR an Enforcement action?

3 NCP ALREADY RECEIVING BENEFITS Determine whether the benefit is SSI or SSD Request that the NCP provide written verification from SSA of the benefit amount If the benefits are SSD, determine whether the child(ren) qualify for an auxiliary (dependent) benefit Verify the total auxiliary benefit amount and the number of children that share it

4 NCP ALLEGEDLY APPLIED FOR BENEFITS Verify that NCP has an application with SSA or CS agency Request copy of application from NCP; verify NCP listed the child in your action on the application as a “child” for benefit purposes Request a copy of NCP ‟ s “Social Security Statement” – Find yearly gross reported income – Find amount of benefit if successful

5 NCP “GOING” TO APPLY FOR BENEFITS Give NCP directions to SSA office Tell NCP to keep a copy of application for you Tell NCP to include all children on application Tell NCP to apply for Medicaid – Medicaid application automatically files for Social Security Benefits; workers in that office may help you monitor NCP’ s compliance with process

6 So now you know…. That the NCP is receiving Social Security disability benefits That you are trying to establish an order

7 ESTABLISHMENT CASES SSD If NCP is receiving SSA benefits, all of NCP’s benefit is included in income; the child’s benefit from NCP’s SS is not included on the support calculation anywhere If there is an auxiliary (dependent) benefit, that amount is credited against the child support calculation amount before an amount is ordered CS order may be zero

8 Now you know… That the NCP is receiving SSI That you are trying to establish an order

9 ESTABLISHMENT CASES SSI If NCP is receiving SSI, (welfare SSD) benefit not included on the child support calculation as income No auxiliary benefit is available to dependents If no part of benefit is SSD, report to the child support agency that NCP is on SSI only and be prepared to get Court to order paternity and state debt only; other factors may make you argue for some support

10 You’ve determined that… NCP is receiving SSD benefits You are trying to enforce a child support order

11 Enforcing Cases with SSD Benefits SSD benefits are subject to IWO Even if the child’s benefit exceeds the amount of current child support due in a month, if there are arrears, send IWO to SSA for arrearage payment – See Weaks v. Weaks, 821 SW2d 503 Disability determinations are good for 3 years NCP may be working and still receive some disability payment

12 Unfortunately you now know… NCP is receiving SSI benefits You are trying to enforce a child support order

13 Enforcing cases with SSI benefits Not subject to IWO If NCP is receiving SSI only and no other verifiable form of income, may close the referral, especially for civil contempt cases Note that even if NCP is receiving SSI, it is possible that NCP is also receiving some SSD benefits

14 No benefits yet… If the NCP has applied for disability, but not yet been successful, things to consider when you are seeking to establish a child support order:

15 Establishment with a SSA application In addition to tips listed previously, contact NCP’s disability attorney and determine time frames for a decision If it will take longer than one year for a decision, discuss with your supervisor about office policy – May prefer to establish paternity only and let the child support agency modify the order to add support later – May want to impute minimum wage, but be careful; the Court may not allow if Court believes NCP is disabled and has no income – If the child support agency confirms that NCP is receiving Medicaid and Food Stamps, may want to get paternity only

16 No benefits yet… If the NCP has applied for benefits and you are trying to enforce a child support order, think about doing these things:

17 Enforcing with a SSA application In addition to tips listed previously, contact NCP’s disability attorney for time frames for a decision Request a copy of medical records or have NCP sign a Medical Release form Monitor that NCP is keeping doctor appointments for SSD determination Send IWO to SSA; SSA will put in their COGS system Check your state’s automated system screens to see if NCP has other income, or inquire with child support agency If NCP has private attorney for the enforcement action, do discovery for income and assets If the child support agency confirms that NCP is receiving Medicaid and Food Stamps, you may want to close referral

18 After SVES Match Title II benefit information available to staff when they need it – whether paternity, establishment, modification or enforcement Using Title II for income when establishing or modifying a support order County Prosecutors do not have to wait days for SSA information and can quickly determine if NCP is giving false information MACSS (automated system) screen can be printed and used as evidence instead of getting information again directly from SSA

19 Thank you! QUESTIONS?

20 Contact Information Lara Webb Fors, Esq. Deputy Director Missouri Family Support Division 615 Howerton Court Jefferson City, MO 65109-2320 Phone: (573) 751-5253 Email:

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