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Keep Fort Rucker “Above The Best.”
Directorate of Public Works Environmental and Natural Resources Division Environmental Management System (EMS) General Awareness Training Keep Fort Rucker “Above The Best.”
Army’s Environmental Mission Statement
Integrate environmental values into the Army mission in order to: Sustain readiness Improve the soldier’s quality of life Provide sound stewardship of resources Strengthen community relationships
DPW Environmental and Natural Resources Division Mission Statement
To provide customer assistance to ensure that all organizations and personnel on Fort Rucker can accomplish their missions in full compliance with all environmental laws and regulations and with minimal adverse impact on the environment.
Environmental Management System (EMS)
Provides a framework for managing environmental responsibilities so they become more efficient All environmental programs have been incorporated in to the EMS as specified by Army policy Environmental considerations or requirements integrated into day-to-day practices and overall operations Helps organizations to stay in compliance and continuously improve overall environmental performance Army requires use of the ISO14001 standard for the framework of the EMS all installations
Environmental Management System (EMS)
Each post organization is integrated into the EMS through Environmental Officers / Environmental Point of Contacts All organizations on Fort Rucker must formally appoint an EO or EPOC using USAACE Form 2729, Environmental Officer and EPOC Appointment Memo according to GC Policy Memo dated 9 JAN 13. EMS programs shall include measurable environmental goals, objectives, and targets that are reviewed and updated annually Includes all environmental media areas in addition to the significant aspects
Army’s Environmental Program
MISSION FOCUSED EMS Environmental Policy Planning Implementation & Operation Checking & Corrective Action Management Review
EMS In Action E = pc2
E = pc2 = Environmental Policy Prevent Pollution, Environmental
Comply with Laws, and Continually Improve Environmental Policy = Garrison Commander Memo dated 9 JAN 13 establishes Fort Rucker’s Environmental Policy – available at All installation personnel, including civilians, contractors, and military, are required to be aware of this policy in order to conform with ISO14001
EMS In Action Identify aspects and impacts
EMS Elements Environmental Aspect Environmental Impact
An element of an organization’s activities, products, or services that can interact with the environment The cause Environmental Impact Any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partly resulting from an organization’s activities, products, or services The effect
Review of Significant Aspects
The EMS Implementation Team conducts an annual review of functional areas and processes Annual review intended to identify areas that may affect significant aspects as a result of changes in activities, products, or services The significant aspect ranking procedure will then be used for these processes that are identified during the annual review The EMS Management Representative (EMSMR) will also review the significant aspects to ensure that any potential issues are addressed Significant aspects determine what is managed within the EMS framework
Determining Significance of Aspects
Five factors for determining significance: Frequency Environmental Impact Mission Impact Regulatory Impact Community Concerns
Fort Rucker Significant Aspects
All installation personnel should be familiar with the significant aspects and how their activities could impact them Air Emissions Energy Use / Conservation Hazardous Waste Generation Natural Resource Alteration Noise Generation Pollution Prevention Solid Waste Generation Spills to Water / Soil
EMS In Action Develop objectives and targets
EMS Objectives Divert 50% of solid waste Reduce Class II ODCs in new equipment by 100% Develop a Tracking Mechanism for Asbestos and Lead Abatements Ensure all contract maintenance/custodial personnel receive required Asbestos Training prior to working in areas/buildings containing Asbestos Reduce personnel exposure to lead based paint Improve the Section 106 Consultation Process Reduce use of products or processes that degrade the environment Reduce hazardous waste disposal by 10% by CY15 from CY12 baseline Insert EMS requirements into contracts Increase awareness of environmental requirements for construction projects Reduce energy consumption and increase energy awareness Improve efficiencies and effectiveness within the forestry section and the Natural Resources Branch overall USAACE Form 2724, Objectives and Targets Action Plan, is used to track progress in meeting these objectives
EMS In Action Roles and Responsibilities
Roles and Responsibilities
Defined in procedures and management plans associated with all environmental media areas and relating to significant aspects EMS Master Document List contains a list of all procedures, forms, and plans that are applicable to environmental issues Training classes cover roles and responsibilities for the personnel attending the class
EMS In Action Training and Awareness EMS Awareness
Competence-Based Training
EMS Awareness Tools Everyone working on Fort Rucker must be aware of the EMS – including the policy and how activities may impact the significant aspects Available tools include: Policy Posters Website EMS Awareness Slides Flying Green Newsletter EMS Brochure Environmental Officers and EPOCs are responsible for ensuring personnel receive EMS awareness training
Competence-Based Training
Any type of training necessary to complete an assigned job USAACE Form 2702, Environmental Training Matrix, lists all environmental training that may be necessary DPW-ENRD provided training for environmental requirements includes: EO Initial Training (16 hrs) – one time EO/EPOC Refresher Training (4 hrs) – annual HWSAP Manager Course (2 hrs) – annual 90-HWAS Manager Course (2 hrs) – annual DOD HM/HW Handler Course (24 hrs initial / 8 hrs refresher) SPCC Plan Training (2 hrs) – annual
EMS In Action Documentation Control of Documents
EMS Documents EMS documents are maintained on the Sustainable Fort Rucker website EMS Audits EMS Forms EMS Implementation EMS Objectives and Targets EMS Plans EMS Posters and Brochures EMS Procedures EMS Training Meetings and Agendas Policy Significant Aspects and Impacts EMS Master Document List EMS Master Record List
Fort Rucker Environmental Website
The official version of all documents is maintained on the Sustainable Fort Rucker website Announcements of new and updated items are included on the News / Updates section on the right side of the home screen Organizations are required to verify that they have the most recent version of all documents prior to use – especially important when completing any forms
EMS In Action Audits and Inspections
EMS Conformance Fort Rucker uses its EMS as a framework to:
Ensure more efficient management of the installation’s environmental programs; Help the installation stay in compliance with regulatory requirements; and Help continuously improve overall environmental performance. Fort Rucker’s EMS is mission-focused and integrated into all installation activities EMS conformance is essential to continued success of the environmental programs The EMS status is checked through internal EMS audits
EMS Internal Audits Installation-wide internal audit conducted annually in conjunction with internal EPAS Internal audits are used to improve the overall EMS program Corrective actions will be developed and implemented for any issues identified during the audit Findings and corrective actions for the audit will be presented at the EMS Implementation Team Meeting and reviewed with GC during annual management review
Types of Inspections Internal Compliance Inspections
Conducted by personnel internal to the Army Primarily conducted by Fort Rucker Personnel May be conducted by other Army personnel (i.e., Army Environmental Command for external EPAS) External Compliance Inspections Conducted by regulatory agencies Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
EMS In Action Annual review with GC and EMS Implementation Team
Management Review Conducted each year as a desk-side review with the Garrison Commander Covers all areas required in the ISO14001 standard: Results of internal audits and evaluations of compliance, Communication(s) from external interested parties, including complaints, The environmental performance of the organization, The extent to which objectives and targets have been met, Status of corrective and preventive actions, Follow-up actions from previous management reviews, Changing circumstances, including developments in legal and other requirements related to its environmental aspects, and Recommendations for improvement.
POC Information Melissa Lowlavar, DPW-ENRD
Chief, Environmental Management Branch EMS Management Representative
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