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Bible Basics Sunday School Class

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1 Bible Basics Sunday School Class
Sunday, September 8, 2013 11:00 AM Conference Room

2 Goals for This Class Memorize Scripture Learn Bible basics
Learn one verse per week Study its context, meaning, and usefulness Keep it in our memories forever Learn Bible basics Know the overall story of God’s people Study the specific people, places, and events of the Bible Discover and act on God’s mission for us

3 Memorizing Scripture 100 Bible Verses Everyone Should Know by Heart by Robert J. Morgan “… we are what we think, and our lives run in the direction of our thoughts.” The goal is to move Scripture from sensory memory to short-term memory to long-term memory to our subconscious minds so it can make us more like Christ.

4 The Bible on Scripture Memorization
Deuteronomy 6:6-9 Joshua 1:8 Psalm 1:1-3 Psalm 119:11 Proverbs 7:1-5 Philippians 4:8 Colossians 3:16 2 Timothy 3:16

5 Benefits of Scripture Memorization
Clearer thoughts Steadier nerves Healthier emotions Purer habits Happier homes Greater respect Eternal optimism

6 How to Memorize Scripture
Make up your mind that you CAN do it and you WILL do it. Work at it every day. Keep your current memory verse posted in several places where you will see it. Repeat it out loud as often as possible. Read the verse in its context and study it. Learn the reference as part of the verse. Review often. Figure out some homemade mnemonics and mental associations. Use your verses.

7 This Week’s Memory Verse
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” - Genesis 1:1 What does this verse tell us? God existed in the beginning, he was not created. God creates, and he created us and our world. God created us, therefore he must have a plan for us in time and eternity. For the whole context, read Genesis 1 & 2.

8 Learning Bible Basics Named: The Patriarchs from Nazarene Publishing House Six-week study of the leading men of the Old Testament Other sets available: The Women, The Disciples, and The Unnamed

9 Tips for Learning Bible Basics
Read the assigned passage at least three times, ideally from different Bible translations. Use Bible reference materials to help you study. Interact with God and His Word every day by reading, studying, meditating, memorizing, praying, or sharing. Pray for wisdom and understanding as God reveals Himself to you through His Word.

10 Choosing Bible Translations
New American Standard Bible English Standard Version King James Version Holman Christian Standard Bible New International Version New Living Translation Word-for Word Thought-for-Thought

11 How to Use Reference Materials
Use a Bible dictionary to look up words you don’t know or words that differ in the various translations. Use a “who’s who of the Bible” type of book to look up people you read about. Use a Bible atlas to look up the setting and other places mentioned in your reading. Use a history book to look up the time period and major events to discover the historical context. Use a concordance to find other places this subject matter is mentioned in the Bible.

12 Homework Read the story of Noah in Genesis 6-9
Complete the homework handout Optional: Order the Named: The Patriarchs workbook and complete lesson one on Noah or print the free sample of the Noah lesson at the link below: Check out our class blog for updates, links, and downloads at:

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