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Cocaine Addiction Erin Gautreau 3310577. What is it? Cocaine is a very addictive stimulant drug. Stimulants make people feel more alert and energetic.

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Presentation on theme: "Cocaine Addiction Erin Gautreau 3310577. What is it? Cocaine is a very addictive stimulant drug. Stimulants make people feel more alert and energetic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cocaine Addiction Erin Gautreau 3310577

2 What is it? Cocaine is a very addictive stimulant drug. Stimulants make people feel more alert and energetic. Cocaine can also make people feel “high”. Crack is cocaine in a form that can be smoked. Cocaine comes from the leaves of the coca bush, which grows in the Andes Mountains in South America. Today, most of the world’s coca is grown and made into cocaine in South America. about_cocaine.html

3 Where it got its name? Some claim that the name “crack” comes from the cracking sound made when it is smoked, and others believe that it refers to the cracking of the glass pipes when smoked. Described in 1986 as “a new drug epidemic” in the United States, its appearance in Canada came later.

4 Street Names Snow Powder lines Freebase Crack Big C Angie Hard Nose candy Dust Rock Coke Flake Blow Charlie Henry Stardust about_cocaine.html

5 What Does Cocaine Look Like? Cocaine can be: a powder (for snorting) a liquid (for injecting) crystals or chunks (for smoking) about_cocaine.html

6 In many countries, cocaine is a popular recreational drug. arch&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&start=0

7 Is Cocaine Addictive? Yes, cocaine is a very addictive drug. Not everyone who uses cocaine becomes addicted. But if you do, it can be one of the hardest drugs to quit. It is also hard to stay off cocaine if you do quit, because the memory of the “high” feeling is so powerful. People who become addicted to cocaine feel a strong need for the drug, even when they know it causes them problems. Getting and taking cocaine can become the most important thing in their lives. about_cocaine.html

8 Can Cocaine Cause Serious Problems? Yes, and no matter how cocaine is taken, it is dangerous. Some of the most common serious problems include: Heart problems (heart attack) Respiratory effects (respiratory failure) Nervous system problems (stroke) Digestive problems

9 Should One Ever Take Cocaine? There is perhaps one single predictable time in life when taking crack-cocaine is reasonable or sensible, not to mention harmless and both emotionally and intellectually satisfying. English doctors would once give an elixir known as the "Brompton cocktail“ to terminally-ill cancer patients. This was a judiciously-blended mixture of cocaine, heroin and alcohol. The results were gratifying not just to the recipient. Relatives of the stricken patient were pleased too at the new-found look of spiritual peace and happiness in the features of a loved one as they prepare for death.

10 Cocaine was marketed as a fast-acting anesthetic back in the day.

11 Modern Usage in Canada Cocaine use began in Canada in the early 1970s. Cocaine users now represent about 20% of drug users in treatment and large numbers have been recently convicted for cocaine-related offenses. Cocaine use is now at a relatively low level in Canada, but there is a substantial cocaine and crack use problem. Rates of use are highest among students, young males and those in large cities. Use is declining among students and adults.

12 Modern Usage in the U.S.A. In the United States, the development of "crack" cocaine introduced the substance to a generally poorer inner-city market. Use of the powder form has stayed relatively constant, experiencing a new height of use during the late 1990s and early 2000s in the U.S. The estimated U.S. cocaine market exceeded $70 billion in street value for the year 2005, exceeding revenues by corporations such as Starbucks.

13 Buyers/Purchasers There is a tremendous demand for cocaine in the U.S. market, particularly among those who are making incomes affording luxury spending, such as single adults and professionals with discretionary income. Cocaine’s status as a club drug shows its immense popularity among the “party crowd”, young adults and teens.

14 Drug Supplies: Drug Supplies: needles, pipes, straws, spoons &oq=

15 Short Term Effects: agitated nervous euphoria ("high") mentally alert energetic talkative senses of sight, sound, and touch are heightened physical and mental fatigue reduced appetite increased blood pressure and heart rate exaggerated reflexes rapid breathing dilation of pupils dry mouth anxiety paranoid thinking

16 Long Term Effects: depressed mood swings restless erratic bizarre violent psychotic paranoid hallucination delusional trouble sleeping sexual dysfunction high blood pressure irregular heart beat red, chapped, runny nose that bleeds often may lose sense of smell and develop sinus infections chest pain breathing difficulties (crack lung) social problems preoccupied with buying, preparing, and using the drug school and job performance may suffer sharing drug supplies, such as needles, pipes, straws, and spoons, can spread viruses these include HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C

17 How it is produced? Crack is produced by mixing cocaine, water, and baking soda or sodium bicarbonate and boiling the mixture until the water has evaporated. A waxy substance containing the alkali and cocaine remains.

18 How quick it works and lasts? The intensity of cocaine depends on the dose and rate of entry to the brain. The faster the absorption, the shorter the high lasts. Intravenous injection of cocaine produces a rush in 15 to 30 seconds. The high from snorting may last 15 to 30 minutes. The high from smoking may last 5 to 10 minutes.

19 The Result: “Coke Crash” Once the drug leaves the brain, the user experiences a “coke crash” that includes depression, irritability, and fatigue. To avoid withdrawal, repeated frequent doses are taken.

20 SELF-HELP GROUPS FOR COCAINE ADDICTION: Cocaine Anonymous Phone: (310)559-5833 Open 9 AM to 5 PM Monday to Friday (Pacific Standard Time) Cocaine Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous Phone: (818)773-9999 Open 8 AM to 5 PM Monday to Friday (Pacific Standard Time Narcotics Anonymous

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