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Published byLora Burke Modified over 9 years ago
Nanotechnology publishing for Russia – the perspective for working closer with Elsevier Paul Evans, PhD Senior Vice President International Publishing Development
2 Elsevier has a long history of scientific publishing The Publishing House of Elzevir was first established in 1580 by Lowys (Louis) Elzevir at the University of Leiden, Holland Among those authors who published with Elsevier are Galileo, Erasmus, Descartes, Alexander Fleming, Julius Verne Keeping to the tradition of publishing established by Lowys Elzevir, Jacobus George Robbers established the modern Elsevier Company in 1880 Introduction
3 About Elsevier Elsevier publishes 2200 journals (10% of STM) covering 25% of the STM authors market. Through ScienceDirect 10 million scientists and researchers have desktop access to a service offering 9 million journal articles. In 2004, Elsevier launched its new abstract & indexing database, Scopus, which covers 17,000 journals from all key STM publishers. MD Consult brings the leading medical resources together into one online service to help health professional make better decisions. To do this we: Maintain sales in 180+ countries. Employ over 7,000 people in 70 offices in 26 countries of whom 1,150 are based in The Netherlands.
4 Share of Journal Articles Published ~1 million English language research articles published globally in 2005 Our Scientific Disciplines 290,000+ English language research articles published with Elsevier today Life sciences Materials Science & Engineering Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Physics Maths & computer science Social Sciences Earth Sciences Environmental Sciences Elsevier Springer Blackwell Wiley ACS Taylor & Francis Wolters Kluwer AIP IEEE APS Others 25% Article Share
5 Solicit and manage submissions Manage peer review Production Publish and disseminate Edit and prepare Archive and promote 1,000 new editors per year 18 new journals per year >600,000+ article submissions per year 500,000 referees 1 million referee reports per year 7,000 editors 70,000 editorial board members 6.5 million author/publisher communications per year 290,000 new articles produced per year 180 years of back issues scanned, processed and data-tagged 10 million researchers 4,500+ institutions 180+ countries 386+ million downloads per year 2.8 million print pages per year 9 million articles available Organise editorial boards Launch new specialist journals 40%-90% of articles rejected Journal publishing volume Introduction
6 Solicit and manage submissions Manage peer review Production Publish and disseminate Edit and prepare Archive and promote Organise editorial boards Launch new specialist journals Author Gateway and Elsevier Editorial Systems €15 million eJournal Backfiles eReference Works €40 million Production Tracking System €5 million ScienceDirect Scopus Scirus eNewsletters and alerts >€200 million Journal publishing investments Estimated cumulative investment since 2000 Electronic Warehouse €15 million Introduction In total, €300 million+ invested in E-publishing technology & distribution since 2000
7 Some Future Thinking on Innovation: Exploring New Services for Decision Makers – Based on Scopus Some Future Thinking on Innovation: Exploring New Services for Decision Makers – Based on Scopus
8 DIFFERENT ROLES, DIFFERENT NEEDS ResearchersManagersStrategists Profile: Researchers R&D Profile: Department Heads Section Heads Profile: Provost Dean Strategic Decision Makers Challenges: Identify the high impact research areas Identify the best collaborators Increase funding opportunities Challenges: Increase group level funding Identify next hot topics Identify areas to focus/invest in Create a world class department Challenges: Establishing world class capability Benchmarking against peer institutions Define strategic direction Optimize allocation of funds across departments Elsevier can help through visual display of bibliographic data from Scopus
9 WHY SCOPUS? Broad coverage of STM and Social Science literature Worldwide coverage: 70% of sources from outside US 36 m records (70% incl. abstracts) pre-1996: 18 m records (incl. abstracts) post-1996: 18 m records (incl. abstracts and ref’s) >17,300 active titles, incl 15,800 peer-reviewed journals including 1,200 OA journals extended conference coverage 520 serial conference proceedings >3 m conference papers 100% coverage of Medline
10 Quality: Overall ScienceDirect (SD) Usage Key Facts: One million downloads per day 2,200 journals 9 million articles 10 million scientists have access >90% of STM scientists have access to >94% of Elsevier content
11 Higher usage: increased productivity – more articles published
12 Russia’s nano publishing – a relative view of output in Scopus registered journals. Main BRIC countries in this field Hence China has over 20% of nano papers and Russia and India each below 5%
13 Elsevier’s publishing of nano-papers and world trend World Elsevier Russia 200741,16610,9231,077 200637,5559,421974 200535,6657,9681,018 200428,5306,898933 200319,2434,812784 200213,3473,373465 20019,2792,676375 20006,5421,690295 Elsevier publishes around 25% of the world’s papers in nano science and technology Search in Scopus for keywords “nano* “
14 Elsevier share of Russian papers in nano Hence Elsevier produces about a quarter of Russia’s Nano S&T papers within Scopus registered journals
15 Elsevier’s journals publishing Nano papers Not all journals are listed as nano journals and many of the higher impact journals predate the nano period. ISI now has a category of Nanoscience and technology Often scientists use other terms instead of the nano prefix as this is not always taken seriously Main base of journals for Elsevier across this sector (defined by scale) is around 90 journals (from materials science, physics, chemistry and life science) E.g. the journal CARBON… editor Professor Peter Thrower UK, Associate Editor Yuri Gogotsi who is at Drexler in US Why – a nano journal…??. Impact of carbon nanotubes etc… Key journal for this topic
16 Elsevier’s Nano journals (1) NANOTECHNOLOGY (Electronic Warehouse: COAY file) Number:ISSN:Journals:Contents: selection for all journals 11359-6454Acta Materialia 20926-860xApplied Catalysis A: General 30926-3373Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 40169-4332Applied Surface Science 50142-9612Biomaterials 60008-6223Carbon 70272-8842Ceramics International 80960-0779Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 90009-2614Chemical Physics Letters 100927-7757Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical & Engineering Aspects 111007-5704Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 121359-835xComposites Part A 131359-8368Composites Part B 140266-3538Composites Science and Technology 151631-0705 Compte Rendus Physique 160927-0256Computational Materials Science 170010-4655Computer Physics Communications 181567-1739Current Applied Physics 191359-0294Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 201359-0286Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 210925-9635Diamond & Related Materials 220012-821XEarth and Planetary Science Letters 231388-2481Electrochemistry Communications 240013-4686Electrochimica Acta 250020-7683International Journal of Solids & Structures 260966-9795Intermetallics 270022-0248Journal of Crystal Growth 280925-8388Journal of Alloys and Compounds 290021-9673Journal of Chromatography A 300378-4347Journal of Chromatography B 310021-9797Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 320021-9991Journal of Computational Physics (former AP title) 330022-0728Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
17 Elsevier’s Nano journals (2) 340022-2313Journal of Luminescence 350304-8853Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 360924-0136Journal of Materials Processing Technology 370376-7388Journal of Membrane Science 381381-1169Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 390022-2860Journal of Molecular Structure 400022-3093Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 410022-3115Journal of Nuclear Materials 421010-6030Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 430022-3697Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 440378-7753Journal of Power Sources 450022-4073Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiation Transfer 461044-0305Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 470955-2219Journal of the European Ceramics Society 480254-0584Materials Chemistry and Physics 490167-577xMaterials Letters 500025-5408Materials Research Bulletin 510921-5093Materials Science & Engineering A 520921-5107Materials Science & Engineering B 530928-4931Materials Science and Engineering C 540927-796XMaterials Science and Engineering R 550167-9317Microelectronic Engineering 560968-4328Micron 571387-1811Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 580030-4018Optics Communications 591566-1199Organic Electronics 601569-4410Photonics and Nanostructures 610378-4371Physica A 620921-4526Physica B 630921-4534Physica C 640167-2789Physica D 651386-9477Physica E 660375-9601Physics Letters A 670370-1573Physics Reports
18 Elsevier’s Nano journals (3) 680032-3861Polymer 690079-6425Progress in Materials Science 700079-6700Progress in Polymer Science 710079-6816Progress in Surface Science 721359-6462Scripta Materialia 730924-4247Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 740925-4005Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 750927-0248Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 760038-1098Solid State Communications 770038-1101Solid State Electronics 780167-2738Solid State Ionics 790749-6036Superlattices and Microstructures 800257-8972Surface and Coatings Technology 810039-6028Surface Science 820167-5729Surface Science Reports 830379-6779Synthetic Metals 840040-6031Thermochimica Acta 856056-0000Thin Solid Films 860301-679xTribology International 870304-3991Ultramicroscopy 880042-207xVacuum 890043-1648Wear Keywords: 1. Nano*
19 Nanotoday – from magazine to short reviews journal From January 2009 a new format for this publication Already within 3 years of launch it has achieved an impact factor of 5.9 Enthusiastic Editor- in – Chief: Jackie Ying Associate professor of chemical eng at MIT; executive of Institute of Bioengineering and nanotechnology at Singapore Biopolis Short reviews basis for future + Nanotoday conferences beginning next August in Singapore
20 From Jackie Ying’s editorial…. The new journal…Rapid publishing Nano Today is also undergoing a major transformation. In 2009, the magazine will move to a traditional journal format as Nano Today: An International Rapid Reviews Journal. The journal will provide a peer-reviewed forum for the publication of authoritative review articles, rapid communications, news and opinions to shape and define the frontiers of nanoscience and nanotechnology through their multidisciplinary applications. The journal aims to cover cutting-edge research with a rapid publication time of 4–6 weeks. We are delighted that Nano Today has received its first impact factor of 5.929 in the Thompson Reuters Journal Citation Reports for 2007. We look forward to your support of the journal, and call for your submission of review articles and short communications in the following areas: Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Nanostructured Materials and Films Functionalization and Size-Dependent Properties of Nanocrystals, Quantum Dots and Nanowires Processing and Templating of Nanotubes and Nanoporous Materials Tailoring of Polymeric Nanoparticles, Organic-Inorganic Nanocomposites and Biohybrids Fabrication of Nano and Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Design and Engineering of Structural and Functional Nanomaterials Nanosystems for Biological, Medical, Chemical, Catalytic, Energy and Environmental Applications Nanodevices for Electronic, Photonic, Magnetic, Imaging, Diagnostic and Sensor Applications
21 Deborah Logan – Elsevier Oxford…Publisher…Coordinating strategy and publishing capabilities for the Nano community worldwide Contact:
22 The future? Russia has boldly set a key focus for nanotechnology and aims to be fully world class as an important player in research and exploitation of related technologies Elsevier is a leading information solutions provider and decision support service working on a global basis to support all elements in the publishing and science production chain. Completely dedicated to productivity improvements for research and into development. OPTIONS A special package of journals for Russian institutes etc to fully support the ambitious global ambitions in nanotechnology Support with related services for researchers, authors, editors, reviewers Potential for sponsored services to emphasise to the world Russia’s ambitions, progress and advantages for cooperation in this vitally important area
23 And then…
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