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Intro to SLP Work Speech Language and Hearing Science By Christine Fallon.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to SLP Work Speech Language and Hearing Science By Christine Fallon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to SLP Work Speech Language and Hearing Science By Christine Fallon

2 What is Speech Language and Hearing Science? Many people believe that this major teaches you only about how to help kids not lisp or learn how to say their ‘R’ sounds. In reality, it is much more. There are so many areas that you can focus on! The following slides will show you the basics roles of Speech Language Pathologists. If you are interested in becoming an Audiologist or an assistant to a SLP or Audiologist please look at the other links in this intro course.

3 Speech Language Pathologist Overview Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs) work to prevent speech and language disorders along with cognitive-linguistic, swallowing, and oral motor problems. SLPs may work with people that have: developmental problems, such as a language delay or a child with Autism or Downs Syndrome Traumatic Brain Injuries- this could be a result of a car accident, someone falling and hitting their head, or even sports related injuries People that have had a stroke or have dementia- These people are usually older and have acquired a speech, language, or swallowing problem due to age. Please watch this video to get and overview of working with children as well as adults Here a SLP is working on swallowing techniques.

4 Speech Language Pathologists Working Environments SLPs can work in many different environments including the following: Traveling to clients houses Private practice Hospitals If you are considering working in a hospital please watch this Schools Depending on where you work you may work with clients of different age ranges with different disabilities. For example: SLPs that work in hospitals see many clients that have had a stroke or a brain injury, where as a SLP that works in a school will work with children that have developmental.

5 Things to know It is a common misconception that if you become an SLP you will see instant results from your client. Many times your client may not make progress for many months Occasionally you won’t see much progress at all. People that thinking about becoming an SLP should watch this video.

6 Research Since many SLPs get a degree of science there are opportunities to conduct research. If someone wants to make a full time job doing research getting a doctorate degree. Some research currently being conducted at the University of Arizona include: Neuro imaging to see how people learn language Testing the breathing patterns of infants Studying aphasia (not being able to process what you say) Studies involving bilingual learners and how two languages affect the learner. Looking at a persons attention and memory Here is a video that shows a group that made a app to help someone with their speech problems

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