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ASTD Atlanta Inc SIG Collaboration!!. - send out to multiple social media college internships - help with productivity.

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Presentation on theme: "ASTD Atlanta Inc SIG Collaboration!!. - send out to multiple social media college internships - help with productivity."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASTD Atlanta Inc SIG Collaboration!!

2 - send out to multiple social media college internships - help with productivity GA department of labor - help with productivity, free to us - admin

3 EVA - virtual assistant e-lance

4 Marketing Step 1 - branding Makes referrals easier - more specific the better Referral partner program - sponsored event at nice place - show case - pilot program - $0 to $xxx - couple hours, 1 day event - referral incentive structured program based on how far they go through pipeline

5 Marketing Lunch & learn tricks and tips - free - contact people you know - interested in this free L&L. Restaurant - L&L with us as a speaker Building list - permission based Target organization to specialize in - industry meetings, CEO meetings, leadership conference, pay for the booze!

6 Marketing Know who your target market is

7 C-Suite Zoom Info - cost involved - hoovers on steriods - find the person’s name, contact number - find someone who knows them Panelists at industry conference Harris info source - book, CD, online Mail C-level a book Send an article - valuable information

8 C-Suite Send to PMI, other organizations Chief learning officer magazine ASTD national Article name in google alerts to see where it’s popping up Reprints out of magazine Citations help when looking for speaking gigs

9 C-Level Association - regional - switch to meet the audience (example PM, business analyst) What does your target audience read Link from your website to the article on the magazine’s website Trade shows? Not according to Gary as an exhibitor - for speaker - yes!

10 C-Suite Get involved on panel discussions - presentations (at trade shows) ASTD National has a speakers bureau! Create a profile. Viewed by Chapter presidents Building relationships

11 Marketing Referrals and word of mouth - knowing what I do, do you know anyone else who might be interested in this? Would you mind giving me an introduction, set up a meeting? I can draft the letter, you of course can edit it, and send to Joe - set the context I’ll do this work for you free, speacial price for introduction, referral

12 Marketing Have a supply of referral letters Bio fodor document Tag recommendations from LinkedIn - website linked to LinkedIn website - pdf’s they can print off to show to decision makers Make sure material will print well in black & white

13 Marketing Join a group in front of groups we want to get in front of - volunteer within the organization - looking for judges for event, speakers for organization (nice way to cold call) - Volunteering builds relationship Be targeted with your volunteering - can get overwhelmed Do programs for board of non-profit organizations - for free, or for a charge, invoice for full price and give the scholarship

14 Marketing Scholarship - cover the travel

15 Michael Jones Offered to host an Inc SIG netweaving event the last week of April

16 May 25 - Financial Planning for Irregular Income of the Independent Panel Discussion - Retirement planning, personal/taxes, billing practices, template program agreement

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