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So much more than a lamp and ballast change out ENERGY SERVICES PEOPLE.PLANET.PROFIT.

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Presentation on theme: "So much more than a lamp and ballast change out ENERGY SERVICES PEOPLE.PLANET.PROFIT."— Presentation transcript:

1 So much more than a lamp and ballast change out ENERGY SERVICES PEOPLE.PLANET.PROFIT.

2 Success Stories Building Profile Building Type: Class A Office Building Total Square Feet: 591,723 Stories: 30 Environmental Benefits: Annual kWh Savings: 2,936,044 Annual CO2 Reduction: 1,826.16 metric tons Annual Greenhouse Gas Reduction: 4,022,380 lbs Financial Benefits: Payback: 3.10 years / ROI: 46.24% First Year Savings: $ 1,047,542.38 Annual Operating Savings: $ 667,516.00 Con Ed Rebate: $ 365,000.00 Energy Services Provided: 1. Energy Analysis 4. Utility Rebate 2. Financial Analysis 5. EPAct 3. Project Management 6. Labor Collaborating with *** Studio and *** Consulting, the Philips Lightolier Energy Services team created a solution that met the criteria set by Big 4 Accounting Firm for their facility lighting upgrade. 3 scenarios recommended by *** Studio were analyzed for the 30 stories the client occupied in the building to find the best combined benefit for visual, financial, and environmental improvements. The Philips Lightolier team designed customized fixtures, assessed controls, met with the Local 3 Labor Union to ensure installation would go smoothly, and negotiated with Con Edison which allowed for customized rebates. As one of the largest Philips Lightolier Energy Services projects won to date, Big 4 Accounting Firm demonstrates that Energy Services has the resources to satisfy the customer. Energy Services is able to utilize standard equipment, custom built fixtures, and lamp & ballast replacements to find the best possible solution specifically designed for each end user. Big 4 Account Firm in NYC So much more than a lamp and ballast change out ENERGY SERVICES

3 Success Stories Investment 1 st Year Savings Post-1 st Year Payback ROI 10 Year Savings (E+M+T+R) Savings In Years Investment 1 st Year Savings Post-1 st Year Payback ROI 10 Year Savings (E+M+T+R) Savings In Years Operating Savings Lease Option Energy Maintenance Total Annual Total Monthly Months Monthly Pymt Monthly PCF Operating Savings Lease Option Energy Maintenance Total Annual Total Monthly Months Monthly Pymt Monthly PCF Total $2,491,049 $1,047,542.38 $ 667,516 3.10 46.24% $6,962,106.00 $ 469,767.00 $ 197,749.00 $ 667,516 $ 55,626.33 - $ - $ - Financial Analysis ENERGY SERVICES Con Edison Rebate: $ 365,000.000

4 Success Stories Environmental Analysis Carbon Footprint Amount of electricity your project will save 2,936,044 kWh/year Emissions ReductionsAnnual Reductions10-Year Totals Conversion Factor: 1 kWh is worth 1.37 lbs of CO2 (Source: EPA 2006) Greenhouse Gas Reduction (in pounds of CO2) 4,022,380 lbs40,223,803 lbs OR when converted to Metric Tons of CO2 1,826.2 Metric Tons 18,262 Metric Tons Equivalent Environmental BenefitsAnnual Reductions10-Year Totals Acid Rain Emission Reduction 22,020.3 lbs of SOx 220,203 lbs of SOx Smog Emission Reduction 10,569.8 lbs of NOx1105,698 lbs of NOx Barrels of Oil Not Consumed 4,247.6 Barrels 42,476 Barrels Gallons of Gas Not Consumed 207,990.6 Gallons2,079,906 Gallons Cars Off the Road 394.5 Cars 3,945 Cars Acres of Pine Trees Reducing Carbon 1,521.2 Acres 15,212 Acres ENERGY SERVICES

5 So much more than a lamp and ballast change out PEOPLE.PLANET.PROFIT.


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