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Shared Decision Making – Working With Young people Lucy Craig & Ruth Wyllie Paediatric Rheumatology Service Great North Children’s Hospital.

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Presentation on theme: "Shared Decision Making – Working With Young people Lucy Craig & Ruth Wyllie Paediatric Rheumatology Service Great North Children’s Hospital."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shared Decision Making – Working With Young people Lucy Craig & Ruth Wyllie Paediatric Rheumatology Service Great North Children’s Hospital

2 Background Children’s and Young People (YP) Rheumatology Service Separate YP clinic established 5+ years ago “You’re Welcome” DoH standard implementation Re evaluate service provision for YP Aim to improve communication and shared decision making with YP WHY? Transitional care  process preparing YP for transfer to adult services

3 Practical Aspects We need to involve YP in managing their own health issues Nurses wanted to encourage YP to go into consultation room without their parents YP were worried about what to say to the Doctor….

4 “A spoonful of questions” Encourages discussion during the consultation. Tackles ‘controversial’ issues which may be hard to bring up without a prompt Initially 15 questions available to choose from to take in to consultation Now refined to 5 key questions Need to consider confidentiality – refined method

5 Other methods Question of the month When will I move to adult services? What jabs should I be having at this time of year? I’m going on holiday, what do I need to do with my medicines? “Ask 3 things” Tell me 3 things you can remember about your medication?

6 Summary YP now go into consultation independently YP feedback to parents demonstrating knowledge and understanding “You’re Welcome” accreditation Launching “ask 3 questions” to all children’s departments GNCH Simple ideas can be effective and not expensive…



9 Lucy Craig & Ruth Wyllie Paediatric Rheumatology Service Great North Children’s Hospital 0191 282 9311

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