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Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Courseware # 3251 Lesson 5: Working with Large Documents.

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1 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Courseware # 3251 Lesson 5: Working with Large Documents

2 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Lesson Objectives create outlines, promote or demote text set up a master document assign files as subdocuments create a table of contents create a table mark index entries create an index update a table of authorities look at advanced reference options for captions, footnotes/endnotes, or citations

3 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Creating Outlines Useful to define points and sub-points within topic Can choose from variety of preset outline numbering styles for each level or customize style for each level Can create outline numbering styles before you type, or apply outline numbering style to selected text To switch to Outline view, on View tab, in Document Views group, click Outline

4 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Creating Outlines To promote text to higher level, click Promote or press SHIFT+TAB To demote text to lower level, click Demote or press TAB Each time you use Promote or Demote, text moves forward or backward one level at a time Promote toOutlineDemote toMove Heading 1LevelBody TextDownCollapse PromoteDemoteMoveExpand Up Promoting or Demoting TextMoving, Expanding or Collapsing Text

5 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Creating Outlines To demote selected text to Body Text style level, click Demote to Body Text To promote selected text to Heading 1 style level, click Promote to Heading 1 To view or change level applied for current line, use Outline Level Double-click to expand line and display text below this line Click to collapse all text at all levels Can also click Expand or Collapse buttons on ribbon

6 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Creating Outlines Text between symbols referred to as “family of text” – Click Move Up or Move Down to move family of text, or click and drag symbol to new location – Can move individual levels without affecting “family” Use Show Level to display only text at that level Use Show Text Formatting to change display from formatted or normal – Displaying in unformatted display displays more of outline and focus on text Use Show First Line Only to display only first line of multiple lines of text for level When switch to Draft or Print Layout view, text displays with default styles set for level

7 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Using Master Documents Compile and organize number of smaller files to create large report Individual sections to be inserted into master document called subdocuments – When setting up master document, these appear as links when files collapsed – When expanded, will see entire text content to format text and apply styles, and insert headers and footers, or page numbers Similar to setting up template in that you can insert items such as cover pages, page borders, and headers/footers before the subdocuments are completed

8 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Using Master Documents To insert subdocument, switch to Outline view, from Master Document group, click Show Document and click Insert – Navigate to where file is located and select it – Message indicates style applied to text in subdocument that also contains some formatting applied manually – Can decide how to handle style indicated in message – Word then inserts copy of file’s contents in this location, with single-line border around content to show amount of information in subdocument

9 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Using Master Documents appears when ENTER pressed to start new line Click to select entire text in subdocument To remove link from document, click Unlink from Master document group for regular text If subdocument too large or needs to be broken down into smaller sections, position cursor where to split subdocument and use Split from Master Document group If subdocuments small and can be combined into larger document, select subdocuments before clicking Merge in Master Document group To prevent changes to this version of file, click Lock Document from Master Document group

10 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Using Master Documents Once all subdocuments inserted into document, can expand or collapse files – Collapsing files displays path links for files, making master document smaller, both on screen and as saved file Extra page may be added to end of subdocument – Word adds page to show that this subdocument ends on odd page Note where files stored so you may find them easily – In general, if master document displays errors in subdocument locations when opened, this is because files no longer exist in noted path

11 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Referencing Information Creating a Table of Contents – Includes corresponding page numbers and selected formatting Easy update for table of contents Word automatically generates table of contents for any title with heading style applied – To create table of contents: 1.Select heading text to include. 2.Select format. 3.Compile table of contents.

12 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Referencing Information – Fastest and simplest way to create table of contents is with Word’s standard heading styles (Headings 1 through 9) – If table of contents to use different page numbering format than content, add section break after table of contents page and start page numbering at 1 on first page of document content – If including index in document, create it before table of contents – Table of contents entries behave similarly to hyperlinks Click entry in table of contents to move to that item’s location Can turn this feature off

13 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Referencing Information Once styles applied to document headings and text specified for table of contents, ready to compile and format table of contents To create table of contents, on References tab, in Table of Contents group, click Table of Contents

14 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Referencing Information Word provides different styles you can apply to table of contents To customize this, on References tab, in Table of Contents group, click Table of Contents, click Custom Table of Contents

15 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Referencing Information Print PreviewDisplays preview of table of contents with selected options. Web PreviewDisplays how table of contents will appear if save as web page. Show page numbers Use if you want page numbers for table of contents entries. Right align page numbers Use if you want page numbers to be aligned at right margin. Tab leaderSelect leader option from table of contents entry to page number. Use hyperlinks instead of page numbers Use if you want table of contents entries to appear as hyperlinks instead of page numbers. GeneralSelect format or layout style to use for table of contents; can also set which heading levels to include in table of contents.

16 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Referencing Information Options Select styles to use as table of contents entries; can also enter level for styles for non-heading text. ModifyChange formatting attributes set for styles to use in table of contents.

17 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Referencing Information If changes made, should update table of contents To edit entry in table of contents, edit its corresponding heading in document, or use Add Text To update table of contents, click in existing table of contents and: – On References tab, in Table of Contents group, click Add Text or Update Table, or – in tab above table of contents, click Update Table

18 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Creating an Index Alphabetic listing to help locate specific topics and page numbers Can manually mark text to include in index or have Word automatically mark all instances of selected text Three basic steps to create: 1.Specify the text you want to index. 2.Define the format. 3.Compile the index. When determining what to include in index: – special terms, abbreviations, acronyms and synonyms, citations – main ideas found in document and in individual chapters – heading and subheading variations

19 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Creating an Index Marking Index Entries – Marked text known as Index Entry Text can be marked manually or with AutoMark – To access feature to mark text for index or to generate index, on References tab, in Index group, click Insert Index

20 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Creating an Index Print Preview Display preview of generated index based settings made in dialog box. Type Select how sub-entries should display when index generated. IndentedRun-in ColumnsSet number of columns for entries when index generated. Language Set language for index entries; default always shows what language installed. Right align page numbers Align page numbers at right margin.

21 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Creating an Index Tab leaderInclude leader for page numbers. Formats Select which format to use for layout of index when generated. Mark EntryMark this selected text as index entry. AutoMark Automatically mark all entries found in document that match entries placed in concordance (separate) file. ModifyModify options for which styles will be used with index entries, as well as the formatting attributes associated with each style.

22 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Creating an Index – To mark selection of text as index entry: On References tab, in Index group, click Insert Index and click Mark Entry, or on References tab, in Index group, click Mark Entry, or press ALT+SHIFT+X

23 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Creating an Index Index Enter text to be included. Use Main entry for “heading” or main index entry, and Sub-entry for index entry related to main entry, similar to: Styles, 182 Creating, 182 Deleting, 186 Modifying, 184 Templates, 130, 165 Creating, 165 Deleting, 170 Modifying, 167 Normal, 165, 167, 170 OptionsSet up how index entry will be recognized and inserted into Index feature. Page number format Select to add bold or italic to page number. MarkMark this occurrence (selection of text) as index entry. Mark AllMark all occurrences of this selection in document. Sub-entries Main Index Entry

24 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Creating an Index – Upper and lower case treated as distinct, so each variation of text must be marked separately Generating an Index – Once index entries specified, choose format for index, and generate index – When complete, index appears in grey highlight to indicate it was automatically processed as index entry

25 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Inserting a Table of Figures Once captions added to appropriate items, provide list of captions as quick reference for anyone reading report – List similar to table of contents or index with options to customize its appearance To insert table of figures, click References tab and, in Captions group, click Insert Table of Figures

26 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Inserting a Table of Figures Print Preview Click options and preview how this list will appear if options set. Web Preview Provides preview of how this list will appear if document placed on web. General Select general options regarding format style for table, caption label to generate, and what to include in list. Options Specify options that control how Word generates table of figures.

27 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Inserting a Table of Figures Modify Select style to be applied to items in list; built-in style exists that can be changed using Modify button, which opens Modify Style dialog box.

28 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Using a Table of Authorities List of references for a legal document that can include cases, statutes, rules, regulations, treatises, or constitutional provisions Generated from citations marked in document Before generating table of authorities, mark citations in the document: – On References tab, in Table of Authorities group, click Mark Citation, or – press ALT+SHIFT+I

29 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Using a Table of Authorities To include all occurrences of citation, click Mark All To create table of authorities, on References tab, in Table of Authorities group, click Insert Table of Authorities

30 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Using a Table of Authorities Print Preview Previews how table will appear once generated with selected options. Use passim Passim (“here and there”) shown when same source referenced on several pages throughout document. Keep original formatting Maintain original formatting used for citations in table of authorities. Tab leaderAdd leader to tab. Formats Select from list of templates to use for appearance of table of authorities. Mark Citation Add new selection of text as new entry or citation into table of authorities; can also use Mark Citation command for each citation entry. ModifyChange styles or formatting for listed styles.

31 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Setting Advanced Reference Options Using Footnotes or Endnotes – Reference selected item in document, and generally include information about author/originator of item, or direct reader to more information on topic – Footnotes usually appear at bottom of page, but may also be placed directly below text with numbered note reference mark Reference mark is generally placed after text referencing – Endnotes appear at end of document or document section – To create footnote, on References tab, in Footnotes group, click Insert Footnote – To create endnote, on References tab, in Footnotes group, click the Footnote & Endnote dialog box launcher, click Endnotes

32 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Setting Advanced Reference Options To customize footnote or endnote, on References tab, in Footnotes group, click Footnote & Endnote dialog box launcher. Location Determines location of footnote or endnote in document. Format Choose number format or custom mark; can also choose to begin numbering at specific number or continue from previous footnotes or endnotes in this or another document or document section. ApplyApply footnote or endnote settings to entire document or to selected text.

33 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Setting Advanced Reference Options To view text for footnote or endnote, point at note reference icon in document – Can also move from one note to another using Show Note feature in Footnotes group To convert footnote to endnote or vice versa, select reference and in Footnotes & Endnotes dialog box, click Convert

34 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Setting Advanced Reference Options Using Citations – Reference sources used or cited in your document – To add citation, on References tab, in Citations & Bibliography group, click Insert Citation and click Add New Source

35 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Setting Advanced Reference Options Can add citation, even if you do not yet have information for source – Click Add New Placeholder to mark location for entry later Edit source by using Manage Sources – Any item can be changed, using Edit to add more information

36 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Setting Advanced Reference Options Using Captions – Statement or caption below picture, table, or figure as reference to text for audience’s information – To insert caption, position cursor on location for caption, on References tab, in Captions group, click Insert Caption

37 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Setting Advanced Reference Options Caption Display selected caption label with cursor for further data entry, usually description of item being captioned. Label Select Equation, Figure, or Label as label for caption, or create own labels. PositionSelect whether caption should display above or below item. Exclude label from caption Turn feature off if you don’t want label to show with caption description. New Label Use to create different label from those provided in Word.

38 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Setting Advanced Reference Options Delete LabelDelete label. Numbering Determine numbering style to be used with captions. AutoCaptionSet up which items Word will automatically mark to have caption added.

39 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Lesson Summary create outlines, promote or demote text set up a master document assign files as subdocuments create a table of contents create a table mark index entries create an index update a table of authorities look at advanced reference options for captions, footnotes/endnotes, or citations

40 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Review Questions 1.How can you switch to Outline view? a.Click the Outline view button from the list of view buttons on the status bar. b.Press Ctrl+Shift+O. c.Click View and click Outline View in the Show group. d.Click View and click Outline in the Views group. 2.Which key sequence would you press to promote a text level? a.Tab b.Shift+Tab 3.Why is setting up a master document similar to creating a template?

41 Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert Review Questions 4.Why might you see an error message about one of the subdocuments when you try to expand a master document three months from when it was created? 5.What is the fastest way to create a table of contents? 6.What is the difference between using Mark Entry and AutoMark for index entries? 7.Why would you want to enter a citation into a document? 8.Why might you want to add a caption to a table or an image?

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