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5 TH MEETING ADVERBIAL CLAUSE. What is Adverb?  An adverb is a word that tells us more about a verb.  It "qualifies" or "modifies" a verb.  Adverbs.

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Presentation on theme: "5 TH MEETING ADVERBIAL CLAUSE. What is Adverb?  An adverb is a word that tells us more about a verb.  It "qualifies" or "modifies" a verb.  Adverbs."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Adverb?  An adverb is a word that tells us more about a verb.  It "qualifies" or "modifies" a verb.  Adverbs answer the questions "How?", "When?", "Where?", "Why?", "In what way?", "How much?", "How often?", "Under what condition", "To what degree?"

3 Adverb  The easiest adverbs to recognize are those that end in -ly.  Some adjectives end with -ly also but remember that adjectives can modify only nouns and pronouns. Adverbs modify everything else.

4 KINDS OF ADVERBS  There are several classes or 'kinds' of adverbs that we use for specific functions:  Adverbs of manner Adverbs of manner  Adverbs of place Adverbs of place  Adverbs of time Adverbs of time  Adverbs of certainty Adverbs of certainty  Adverbs of degree Adverbs of degree

5 Adverbs of manner  He swims well, (after the main verb)  He ran... rapidly, slowly, quickly..  She spoke... softly, loudly, aggressively..  James coughed loudly to attract her attention.

6 Adverbs of place  I looked everywhere  John looked away, up, down, around...  I'm going home, out, back  Come in!

7 Adverbs of time  When: today, yesterday, later, now, last year  For how long: all day, not long, for a while, since last year  How often: sometimes, frequently, never, often, yearly

8 Adverbs of degree  Common adverbs of degree:  Almost, nearly, quite, just, too, enough, hardly, scarcely, completely, very, extremely.  The water was extremely cold.  hey are completely exhausted from the trip.

9 Adverbs of certainty  express how certain or sure we feel about an action or event.  Common adverbs of certainty: certainly, definitely, probably, undoubtedly, surely  He definitely left the house this morning.  He is probably in the park.

10 Adverbs as modifiers  An adverb modifies a verb He walked quickly.  An adverb modifies an adjective I know she is very careful.  An adverb modifies an adverb He is almost always hungry.

11 Adverbial Clause TypeQuestion answeredExample PlaceWhere?Wherever there are computers, there is Microsoft software. TimeWhen?After the fruit is harvested, it is sold at the market. CauseWhy?I didn't call her because I'm shy. PurposeWhy?She took a computer course so that she could get a better job. ConditionUnder what condition?If you save your money, you will be able to go to college.

12 Adverbial Clause  Time: After, before, when, while, as by the time (that), whenever, since, until, as soon as, once, as so long as.  Cause and effect: Because, since, now that, as so long as, inasmuch as, so (that), in order that.  Opposition: Even though, although, though, whereas, while.  Condition: If, unless, only if, whether or not, even if, providing (that), Provided (that), in case (that), in the event (that).

13 Adverbial Clause  When she was in Bandung, she visited many friends.  Since she never heard about cloning, she decided to not speak about it.  I couldn’t feel anger against him because I like Him too much.

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