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Apples A lesson presented to Mrs. Frisbee’s second grade class.

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2 Apples A lesson presented to Mrs. Frisbee’s second grade class.

3 Fair Use Guidelines Certain materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the educational fair use guidelines.

4 Introduction n Apple Information n A Few Washington Apples n Recipes n Johnny Appleseed n P. E. Activity

5 Apple Information n Color n Flavor n Nutrition Facts n Uses n Food Safety n Seasonal Apples

6 A Few Washington Apples n Red Delicious n Golden Delicious Granny Smith

7 Recipes n Bars and snacks n Breakfast and Breads n Cookies n Desserts n Spreads and sauces n Beverages

8 Johnny Appleseed n Importance n History n Contribution

9 P. E. Activity Students can take apples and participate in a relay. The students are taken outside. Apples are placed at one location and the students at another. The students are grouped into teams. The object is to have each student run to an apple, pick it up and bring it back to the next teammate. The team that rotates through all students first wins.

10 Bibliography Material was obtained for this assignment from the following sources:,, www.donskitchen,com.clip- apples.html and

11 Thank You

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