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The MEDCLIVAR metadata base initiative: synergies with DARE national and regional missions across the Mediterranean countries. Ricardo García Herrera on.

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Presentation on theme: "The MEDCLIVAR metadata base initiative: synergies with DARE national and regional missions across the Mediterranean countries. Ricardo García Herrera on."— Presentation transcript:

1 The MEDCLIVAR metadata base initiative: synergies with DARE national and regional missions across the Mediterranean countries. Ricardo García Herrera on behalf of the MedCLIVAR SC MEDARE workshop Tarragona, Nov 28-30, 2007


3 MedCLIVAR is an international program which aims to coordinate and promote the study of the Mediterranean climate. MedCLIVAR’s scientific priorities are: description of climate past evolution, assessment of climate variability, understanding the mechanisms responsible for it, identifying trends and providing climate prediction in relation to future emission scenarios.

4 ESF Research Networking Programmes are principally funded by the Foundation’s Member Organisations on an à la carte basis. The ESF MedCLIVAR Programme is supported by:  Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Austria  Research Promotion Foundation, Cyprus  National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) - National Institute for Earth Sciences and Astronomy (INSU), France  German Research Society (DFG), Germany  National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF), Greece  Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Israel  Ministry for the Environment and Territory, Italy  Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Portugal  Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), Spain  The Swiss National Science Foundation for the promotion of scientific research, Switzerland  Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK), Turkey  Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), United Kingdom MedCLIVAR-ESF sponsors

5 Austria:Reinhard Böhm Cyprus:Kyriakos Theophilou France:Laurent Li Germany:Uwe Ulbrich Greece:Alexander Theocharis Israel: Pinhas Alpert Italy: Piero Lionello & Filippo Giorgi Portugal:Ricardo Trigo & Fatima Abrantes Spain: Ricardo Garcia Herrera Switzerland:Jürg Luterbacher Turkey:Temel Oğuz UK:Mikis Tsimplis MedCLIVAR-ESF Steering committee

6 MedCLIVAR : Scientific objectives

7 To reconstruct the past climate variability by using a multiproxy approach of available instrumental observations (whose dense network includes some of the longest existing time series worldwide), documentary evidence and natural archives; to explore the physical mechanisms and address the importance of different forcing factors of past variability at different time and space scales using coupled-paleoclimate model runs.

8 To investigate the connections between Mediterranean and global climate variability, considering the influence of both the mid-latitude climate patterns (e.g. the North Atlantic Oscillation, the Eastern Atlantic pattern and other teleconnection patterns) and the tropical climate patterns (e.g. El Niño Southern Oscillation, the Asian and African Monsoons). This includes also the study of the role of these patterns on the occurrence of extreme events in the Mediterranean area.

9 To understand the mechanisms responsible for the Mediterranean Sea circulation, for sea level trends and variability, for long-term as well as abrupt changes of water mass characteristics, for variability of dense water formation processes and of vertical stratification.

10 To identify the environmental and climatic effects caused by the strong anthropogenic influence at regional scale to which the Mediterranean region has been exposed since ancient time due to heavy demographic pressure. This topic includes the compilation of a list of critical parameters for monitoring the evolution of the present climate; identification of possible gaps of currently deployed monitoring networks and suggestions for their improvement and extension.

11 To understand and predict the response of the Mediterranean climate to the increase of radiatively active gases and aerosols. This includes the analysis of the effects on the intensity of extreme and hazardous events (e.g. heat waves, cold spells)

12 MedCLIVAR Activities To assist scientists in developing coordinated research projects To favour the exchange of information, data and expertise To establish a network of European, Middle-East and North African institutes and scientists actively involved in regional climate studies To favour the exchange of information and expertises To provide a source of information to assist governs and local authorities To provide material and documentation to help public to reach a well formed and substantiated opinion on climate issues.

13  5 WORKSHOPS  2 SCHOOLS (targeting Phd students and post-docs)  SCIENTISTS EXCHANGE grants (for young and established scientists)  PUBLICATIONS (workshop proceedings, journal special issues, book)  INFORMATION Exchange (web page with documentation, bibliography, data archives, sets of data, links to projects and ongoing activities) MedCLIVAR-ESF Initiatives and

14 1.Reconstruction of Past Mediterranean Climate (Spain, 2006) 2.Connections between Mediterranean and Global Climate Variability (France, 2007) 3.Understanding the Mechanisms Responsible for the Mediterranean Sea Circulation and Sea level Trends (Greece, 2008) 4.Feedbacks of the Mediterranean Dynamics in the Global Climate System 5.Scenarios for Mediterranean Climate under the Increase of Radiatively Active Gases and Aerosols Workshops Open Proposals for an additional workshop please contact P. Lionello ( & R. Boscolo (


16 Introduction: Lionello, P. et al. (2006) The Mediterranean climate: an overview of the main characteristics and issues, pp. 1—26. Chapter 1: Luterbacher, J. et al. (2006) Mediterranean climate variability over the last centuries: a review, pp. 27—148. Chapter 2: Alpert, P. et al. (2006) Relations between climate variability in the Mediterranean region and the tropics: ENSO, South Asian and African Monsoons, hurricanes, and Saharan dust, pp. 149—177. Chapter 3: Trigo, R. et al. (2006) Relations between variability in the Mediterranean region and mid-latitude variability, pp. 179—226. Chapter 4: Tsimplis, M.N. et al. (2006) Changes in the oceanography of the Mediterranean Sea and their link to climate variability, pp. 227—282. Chapter 5: Artale, V. et al. (2006) The Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea as connected systems, pp. 283—323. Chapter 6: Lionello, P. et al. (2006) Cyclones in the Mediterranean region: climatology and effects on the environment, pp. 324—372. Chapter 7: Li, L. et al. (2006) Regional atmospheric, marine processes and climate modelling, pp. 373—397. Chapter 8: Ulbrich, U. et al. (2006) The Mediterranean climate change under global warming., pp. 398—415.

17 1st ESF Workshops on Reconstruction of Past Mediterranean Climate 9-11 November 2006, Carmona, Seville SPAIN Netherlands 1 Switzerland 2 Portugal 4 Spain 27 UK 4 Austria 2 Israel 4 Italy 6 Morocco 1 France 4 Algeria 1 (USA) 1 Turkey 1 Tunisia 1 Germany 2 Algeria Austria France Germany Israel Italy Morocco Netherlands Portugal Spain Switzerland Tunisia Turkey UK USA 61 Participants from 15 Countries

18 To build a catalogue of documentary, early instrumental and natural archives available in the larger Mediterranean region. - To build a database to support this catalogue and promote data interchange - To build a network working towards: o Improving documentary and natural data availability O Improving homogeneity and quality of early instrumental data o Promoting multiproxy comparisons and the subsequent integration of documentary, natural proxies and model outputs



21 Serie de presión y temperatura en Cádiz s.XIX Gallego, D., García-Herrera R., Calvo, N., Ribera, P.,2007. A new meteorological record for Cádiz (Spain) 1806-1854. Implications for climatic reconstructions.Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 1029/2007JD008517.

22 Scientists exchange program, workshops and schools are strongly connected and are expected to greatly increase the value of existing initiatives Medclivar Biblio and meta-data archives




26 NEXT STEPS: Workshop: Extreme Climate Events of the Last 1000-2000 Years in the Greater Mediterranean Region and Their Impact on Cultural History (Istanbul, Turkey, September 2008) Dissemination of the metadatabase

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