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European Cruise Council 2009 Conference Rome, 19 May « Study on Tourist facilities in ports » Paul Nemitz Head of Unit for Maritime Policy Development.

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Presentation on theme: "European Cruise Council 2009 Conference Rome, 19 May « Study on Tourist facilities in ports » Paul Nemitz Head of Unit for Maritime Policy Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Cruise Council 2009 Conference Rome, 19 May « Study on Tourist facilities in ports » Paul Nemitz Head of Unit for Maritime Policy Development and Coordination DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries 1

2 From “Strategic objectives for the Commission 2O05-2009” ”the particular need for an all-embracing maritime policy aimed a developing a thriving maritime economy, in an environmentally sustainable manner [...] we should make policy choices that ensure that our various objectives are mutually reinforcing. Actions that promote competitiveness, growth and jobs, as well as economic and social cohesion and a healthy environment reinforce each other. These are all essential components of the overarching objective of sustainable development, on which we must deliver”

3 Context:  Communication “An Integrated Maritime Policy for the European Union” of 10.10.2007  Action Plan on the Integrated Maritime of 10.10.2007 3

4 An Integrated Maritime Policy for the EU Adopted 10 October 2007

5 Goals of the European Integrated Maritime Policy as in the Blue Book:   Maximising the sustainable use of the oceans and seas   Building a knowledge and innovation base   Delivering the highest quality of life in coastal regions   Promoting Europe’s leadership in international affairs   Raising the visibility of Maritime Europe

6 The study « Employment trends in all sectors related to the sea or using sea resources » demonstrates that coastal and marine tourism is the most significant maritime sector in terms of employment in almost all EU Member States with a coastline

7 WHY A STUDY ON TOURIST FACILITIES IN PORTS? To answer this question: How to increase economic benefits and job creation in coastal regions and islands, notably through cruise tourism, whilst reducing its negative environmental effects? 7

8 Components in order to address this research objective:  Growth and development opportunities for coastal regions and islands through cruise tourism  Cruise tourism and the environmental impact, especially on ports  Return on investments on cruise tourist facilities in ports 8

9 Task “Tourist facilities in and around ports: the environment factor” provides an assessment of the economic rationale of investing in sustainable infrastructure and equipment, and notably shore side electricity 9

10 … and established cost indicators for compliance with environmental legislation associated with tourist facilities in and around ports that need to be taken into consideration in addition to economic threats and opportunities in order to know the real value of investing in tourist facilities in ports 10

11 Task “An indicator to clarify return on investment in tourism facilities” with the aim to work out and calculate an average european indicator defining the expected return on investment for destination when financing port facilities for the tourism industry 11

12 Task “An indicator to clarify return on investment in tourism facilities” The result would be to have a useful indicator on the port infrastructure that increase awareness on the positive impacts to be derived from investment 12

13 Task “An indicator to clarify return on investment in tourism facilities” In case of significant regional differences, the indicator will be presented per regional sea basin or will include various sea basins together as appropriate 13

14 Task “An indicator to clarify return on investment in tourism facilities” A clear lay-out of the methodological approach will be presented in order to allow ports and local administrations to derive tailor-made cost-benefit analysis 14

15 Task “An indicator to clarify return on investment in tourism facilities” The description of the methodologial approach will include: - The definition of appropriate assessment indicators (return on investment, payback period, increase in welfare, growth and employment effects on other sectors in and outside the port) and the inclusion/quantification of risk factors 15

16 Task “An indicator to clarify return on investment in tourism facilities” It will include also: - A description of the key data requirements for calculating indicators 16

17 The study will be completed by september 2009 and results will be available on the website 17

18 Thank you for your attention!

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