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Building a Budget. Part I Solicitation/RFP PI Interview Reasonable, allowable, allocable Admin and Clerical Budget categories Personnel Travel Equipment.

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Presentation on theme: "Building a Budget. Part I Solicitation/RFP PI Interview Reasonable, allowable, allocable Admin and Clerical Budget categories Personnel Travel Equipment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a Budget

2 Part I Solicitation/RFP PI Interview Reasonable, allowable, allocable Admin and Clerical Budget categories Personnel Travel Equipment Subawards Cost Share F&A/Indirects/Overhead

3 Case Study PI’s Initial Budget Budget Justifications Revised budget for submission Rebudgeting

4 Personnel (Modular) Grant: Dr. Cruise, Principal Investigator (1.5 SM months) Dr. Cruise is a Professor in the Basic Science Lab within the Department of Biology. Dr. Cruise has over ten years experience in cancer research and is an expert in the study of cancer in mice. Dr. Cruise will be responsible for maintaining the overall scientific and procedural integrity of the project, including the experimental procedures. He will conduct weekly scientific meetings with his research team to discuss relevant aspects of the progress of the project. At the completion of each data collection phase, Dr. Cruise will oversee the data analysis and will be primarily responsible for the preparation of the scientific reports and dissemination of the results of the studies.

5 Personnel (Non-modular) Grant: Dr. Cruise, Principal Investigator (1.5 SM months) Dr. Cruise is a Professor in the Basic Science Lab within the Department of Biology. Dr. Cruise has over ten years experience in cancer research and is an expert in the study of cancer in mice. Dr. Cruise will be responsible for maintaining the overall scientific and procedural integrity of the project, including the experimental procedures. He will conduct weekly scientific meetings with his research team to discuss relevant aspects of the progress of the project. At the completion of each data collection phase, Dr. Cruise will oversee the data analysis and will be primarily responsible for the preparation of the scientific reports and dissemination of the results of the studies.

6 Personnel Contract: The research will be led by the Principal Investigator (PI), Dr. Cruise, at 50% FTE for two summer months. The PI is primarily responsible for the technical conduct and management of the project to assure the award conditions are met. ) Dr. Cruise is a Professor in the Basic Science Lab within the Department of Biology. Dr. Cruise has over ten years experience in cancer research and is an expert in the study of cancer in mice. Dr. Cruise will be responsible for maintaining the overall scientific and procedural integrity of the project, including the experimental procedures. Dr. Cruise will plan and implement the research outlined in the RFP. In attachment 1, please find a copy of Dr. Cruise's payroll sheet indicating his approved salary.

7 Personnel (Modular/Non-modular) Grant: Research Assistant, (2.4 CY months) The Research Assistant will support the day to day activities related to the care and feeding of the mice. He/she will be primarily responsible for maintain accurate and complete lab logbooks. The Research Assistant will meet weekly with Dr. Cruise and the Post Doc, in addition to daily contact as needed.

8 Personnel Contract: A Lab Manager is budgeted at 20% FTE for twelve months. This position is responsible for assisting with setting up the scanning electron microscope (SME), managing the animals in the lab, and working with the Post Doc to set up each experiment. In attachment 1, please find a copy of the Lab Manager's payroll sheet indicating his approved salary.

9 Supplies (Modular) Grant:

10 Supplies (Non-modular) Grant: Lab Materials and Supplies: A total of $10,000 is budgeted to cover the costs associated with the care and feeding of the mice as well as the genetic materials needed to conduct the experiments. The breakdown of these costs include: Food, bedding, water bottles, and other accessories is budgeted $7,500 ($7.50 each for 1,000 mice) Genetic extraction supplies and analysis = $2,500 ($2.50 each for 1,000 mice) Other: The other direct costs include $5,000 for 1,000 mice and $5,000 to purchase 100 mice habitats that will each house 10 mice.

11 Supplies Contract: Lab Materials and Supplies: A total of $10,000 is budgeted to cover the costs associated with the care and feeding of the mice as well as the genetic materials needed to conduct the experiments. The PI has determined that at least 1,000, mice will be needed in order to have enough data to determine statistical significance after the completion of the studies. The breakdown of these costs include: Food, bedding, water bottles, and other accessories is budgeted $7,500 ($7.50 each for 1,000 mice). By purchasing these items as a bundle instead of individually the university is able to save over 50%. Genetic extraction supplies and analysis = $2,500 ($2.50 each for 1,000 mice). Other: The other direct costs include $5,000 for 1,000 mice and $5,000 to purchase 100 mice habitats that will each house 10 mice. Quotes for mice and related purchases are attached.

12 Travel (Modular) Grant:

13 Travel (Non-modular) Grant: Travel is budgeted for a total of $15,000 for Dr. Cruise to attend the annual conference of the XYZ Association, to be held in San Diego, CA and the international conference on ABC Society, to be held in Paris, France in the Spring of 2014. Additional travel money of is budgeted for travel and per diem for 3 invited speakers at $5,000 each to present at Middle College’s symposium on Emerging Technologies in Cancer Research.

14 Travel Contract: Domestic: Domestic travel is estimated at $5,000. It is anticipated that the following trip will take place: Dr. Cruise will travel to the Really Important Scientific Conference in Monterey, CA (January 13 - 15, 2014). The duration of the trip is expected to be 4 days, 3 nights. The PI will fly to Monterey, CA, the day before the conference begins and will leave on the last day of the conference. The estimated trip cost includes air transportation, lodging, conference registration, and per diem. Airfare is estimated at $896, lodging is estimated at $275 per night for a total of $825 for the trip, conference registration is estimated at $3,030, and U.S. Department of State for Monterey, CA, is $71 per day, with the first travel day and the last travel day at 75% of the $71 per diem. This conference will allow Dr. Cruise to share his interim results of the project so he can gain feedback that will improve the end product. In attachment 3.1, please find a copy of the orbitz printout documenting the flight and lodging cost, the conference webpage documenting the registration fee, and a copy of the U.S. Department of State per diem for Monterey, CA.

15 Travel Contract: Foreign: Foreign travel is estimated at $10,000. It is anticipated that the following trip will take place: Dr. Cruise will travel to the International Really Important Scientific Conference in Paris, France (March 9 - 22, 2014). The duration of the trip is expected to be 14 days, 13 nights. The PI will fly to Paris, France, the day before the conference begins and will leave on the last day of the conference. The estimated trip cost includes air transportation, lodging, conference registration, and per diem. Airfare is estimated at $2,789, lodging is estimated at $300 per night for a total of $3,900 for the trip, conference registration is estimated at $1,124, and U.S. Department of State for Paris, France, is $162 per day, with the first travel day and the last travel day at 75% of the $162 per diem. This conference will allow Dr. Cruise to share his interim results of the project so he can gain feedback that will improve the end product. In attachment 3.2, please find a copy of the orbitz printout documenting the flight and lodging cost, the conference webpage documenting the registration fee, and a copy of the U.S. Department of State per diem for Paris, France.

16 Equipment (Modular) Grant:

17 Equipment (Non-modular) Grant: Budget is requested in the amount of $30,000 to purchase a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The SEM will be used to isolate and identify specific genetic markers.

18 Equipment Contract: A total of $30,000, is requested to purchase a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The SEM will be used to isolate and identify specific genetic markers, as outlined in the Statement of Work. There are two companies (X and Y) that sell SEMs in the U.S. at comparable costs. Since the SEMs are of equal quality, we will purchase from X company which is a woman, veteran-owned company. A quote has been included.

19 Collaborations (Modular) Grant:

20 Collaborations (Non-modular) Grant: Subaward: A subaward will be issued to Down South University in the amount of $110,000. A detailed budget justification is included with the subaward documents. Contractual Costs: A service contract will be issued to New Idea Co. in the amount of $25,000. They will provide services on the genetic analysis and genotyping. New Idea Co. will complete the DNA isolation and normalization at a cost of $25.00 per mouse to complete the DNA isolation, normalization and array processing. All samples will be genotyped on the Affymetrix Axiom BoiBank Array, Catalog Version 2 (in contrast to the outdated Affymetrix Exome Array). The array is designed to assay 653K SNPs and InDels and will test both commons and rare variants.

21 Collaborations Contract: Subcontractor: Subcontractor costs are estimated at $110,000: The budgeted amount of $110,000 is based on the attached statement of work, budget and budget justification as submitted by the Down South University (DSU). The subcontractor will conduct a series of experiments to determine investigate cognitive memory in mice. F&A is only calculated on the first $25,000, of a subcontract. Please see the attachment for documentation. Vendor: Vendor costs are estimated at $25,000. They will provide services on the genetic analysis and genotyping. New Idea Co. will complete the DNA isolation and normalization at a cost of $25.00 per mouse to complete the DNA isolation, normalization and array processing. All samples will be genotyped on the Affymetrix Axiom BoiBank Array, Catalog Version 2 (in contrast to the outdated Affymetrix Exome Array). The array is designed to assay 653K SNPs and InDels and will test both commons and rare variants. New Idea Co. is the only U.S. company to provide this service and can commitment to completing the work within the period of time outlined in the project. Please see the attachment for a detailed quote for this work.

22 Rebudgeting Contract v grant Justifications

23 Questions?

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