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Published byRalph Adams Modified over 9 years ago
1 Inter-American Committe on Ports (CIP) Informative Session Jorge Durán Chief of the Inter-American Committe on Ports (CIP) Organization of American States (OAS)
2 Comisión Interamericana de Puertos SEDI Structure
3 OAS General Assembly - Forty-Fourth Regular Session AG/RES. 2816 (XLIV-O/14) – ADVANCING HEMISPHERIC INITIATIVES ON INTEGRAL DEVELOPMENT ……and to endorse the Declaration of Cartagena, (CIDI/CIP/DEC.1 (VIII- O/13), and the Plan of Action of Cartagena: "Innovative and Competitive Ports for Sustainable Economic Development with Social Inclusion in the Americas", (CIDI/CIP/PA.1/13 ( VIII-O/13), 1.- strengthen the CIP Secretariat’s role as a facilitator of policy dialogue 2.- promote public-private partnership in the port sector 3.- promote hemispheric cooperation on port issues CIP Mandates
4 IX Meeting of the CIP Resolution CIDI/CIP/RES. 1 (IX-O/14): To extend the period of the Action Plan of Cartagena (2014-2015) through the Tenth Ordinary Meeting of the CIP scheduled for 2016. To maintain the six TAGs of the CIP approved in the Action Plan of Cartagena, and extend the period of their authorities until the next Regular Meeting of the CIP and instruct them to continue implementing the work program of the CECIP To instruct the Technical Secretariat of the CIP to prepare a draft Work Plan for the CECIP that incorporates activities it plans to carry out through December of 2016 To instruct the CECIP to meet prior to the September 20, 2015 with the purpose of reviewing and approving, ad referendum on the Tenth Ordinary Meeting of the CIP, the draft Work Plan of the CECIP and the budget of the CIP for 2016 To maintain the annual contribution of the port authorities of the Member States for the years 2015 and 2016 to the Special Port Program of the CIP, and to instruct the CECIP to assess the increase this contribution and submit its recommendations to the next meeting
5 IX Meeting of the CIP Resolución CIDI/CIP/RES. 1 (IX-O/14): To instruct the TAG on Protection and Security to create the as soon as possible a Working Group to develop dialog and cooperation in the field of maritime and port security in the Caribbean (Proposal from Barbados) Elected the new authorities of the Executive Committee of the CIP (CECIP) for the period 2014-2016. Uruguay, Colombia and Barbados, as President, first and second Vice-presidents of CECIP, respectively. To welcome the offer of the Government of Uruguay to be host of the Tenth Ordinary Meeting of the CIP in 2016 to instruct the Secretariat to continue with the organization of new editions of the Maritime Award of the Americas To instruct the Technical Secretariat of the CIP, to continue promoting cooperation among the port authorities in the Americas to identify and capitalize on opportunities for greater coordination and collaboration of the CIP with other sectoral forums within the framework of the OAS, considering activities in maritime and inland ports and waterways
6 1.Strengthen Inter-American Port dialogue. 2.Capacity Building to promote and improve technical and managerial skills of port officials. 3.Technical Assistance, Regional Cooperation and Associate members. 4.Dissemination and promotion of the Ports of the Americas and the CIP. A.Logistics, Innovation and Competitiveness B.Sustainable Port Management and Environmental Protection C.Port Protection and Safety D.Public Policy, Legislation and Regulation E.Tourism, Inland Ports and Waterways, Ship Services and Navigation Safety F.Corporate Social Responsibility and Women in Ports CIP: Objectives and Priority Areas Objectives of the CIP SecretariatThematic Priority Areas
7 CIP Structure MexicoVenezuela United States Uruguay ArgentinaPanama Comisión Interamericana de Puertos CECIP: Chair: Chair: Uruguay Vice Chairs: Vice Chairs: Barbados Colombia
8 TAGs and their members TAG on Logistics, Innovation and Competitiveness Chair: Mexico Member States: Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Paraguay, Panama, Peru, United States, Uruguay and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. TAG on Port Protection and Security Chair: United States Member States: Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Surinam, Uruguay and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
9 CTC on Logistics, Innovation and Competitiveness - México ACTIVITYOBJECTIVEDATE Producing an online course on Logistics, Innovation and Competitiveness To provide technical and academic skills to port officials of the Americas in areas such as logistics, innovation and competitiveness, raising the technical and managerial levels of port staff to cope with the challenges of modernization in ports. December 2014 Developing a Website To create an interactive tool for the exchange of information and the enhancement of cooperation among the members of the TAG December 2014 Implementing Phase I of the Pilot Plan for Port Statistics To obtain the necessary resources for the construction of the Centre. Prove the viability for the design and implementation of the Manual on Port Statistics and Indicators, as proposed by Peru’s National Port Authority. December 2014 Producing a working paper on port innovation, and implementing training activities To enhance the competitiveness of the region, stressing the geographic limitations of countries without maritime borders that often resort to the use of infrastructure outside their territory. TDB Organizing the III Hemispheric Convention on Logistics and Competitiveness. To promote an open forum for analysis, discussion, and exchange of experiences, policies, strategies and actions planned and implemented by the Member States of the OAS. 2015 to define TAG’S Activities
10 The TIR system as an example of good practice In partnership with IRU and the TAG on Logistics, Innovation and Competitiveness, the Secretariat of the CIP contracted a study by Oxford Economics on the economic and competitive advantages of the adoption of best practices in multimodal transportation in the Americas. Competitiveness Study
11 TIR International customs transit system to facilitate trade and transport, allowing operators to transfer goods through third countries customs control recognition for the supply chain. Preliminary estimates: Implementation of the TIR system could boost exports in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico from $ 1 to $ 5 billion per year (a total of $ 9 billion per year for the three countries) In the case of Argentina and Brazil, most of the increase occurs through intermodal trade, while in the case of Mexico is produced by road transport. Competitiveness Study
12 TAG on Port Protection and Safety – EE.UU. ACTIVITYOBJECTIVEDATE Developing an online course on Port Protection and Safety To provide technical and academic skills to port officials of the Americas in areas such as port protection and safety, raising the technical and managerial levels of port staff to cope with the challenges of modernization in ports. December 2014 Updating the Website To disseminate and promote information regarding the themes of port protection and safety. December 2014 Working Group to establish a Caribbean regional framework for maritime and port safety and security. Establish an efficient system of direct communication between officials of Safety and Security in the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR) and the implementation of internationally recognized training programs. 1st quarter 2015 Organizing the IV Hemispheric Conference on Port Protection and Safety To increase the status of standards and International norms on port protection on a global scale. 2015 TBD TAG’S Activities
13 Working Group Presidencia: Barbados Miembros: 1.Antigua and Barbuda, 2.Bahamas, 3.Barbados, 4.Belize, 5.Bolivia, 6.Colombia, 7.Dominica, 8.Estados Unidos 9.Grenada, 10.Guyana, 11. Haiti 12. Jamaica, 13. Mexico, 14. Saint Kitts and Nevis, 15. Saint Lucia, 16. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, 17. Suriname, 18. Trinidad and Tobago, 19. Uruguay.
14 TAG on Port Protection and Safety – EE.UU. Working Group to establish a Caribbean regional framework for the protection and maritime and port security Proposal from Delegation of Barbados during the First Workshop on Maritime Safety in April 2014 in Washington DC. Initiative approved by all Member States at the Ninth Meeting of the CIP, in June 2014 in Washington DC. Objectives: Deepening dialogue and cooperation between Member States for the establishment of (1) an efficient and direct communication system between officials of Safety and Security in the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR) and the implementation of (2) internationally recognized training programs. Countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Colombia, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, St Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, USA and Uruguay. TAG’S Activities
15 TAGs and their members TAG on Public Policy, Legislation and Regulation Chair: Uruguay Member States: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. TAG on Tourism, Inland Ports, Waterways, Service to Ships and Navigation Chair: Argentina Member States: Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Peru, Suriname and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
16 Actividades CTCs TAG Public Policy, Legislation and Regulation - Uruguay TAG’s Activities ACTIVITYOBJECTIVEDATE Producing of a online course on public policy, legislation and regulation To provide technical and academic skills to port officials of the Americas in the areas of public policy legislation and regulation that will raise the technical and managerial levels of port staff to cope with the challenges of modernization and the ports December 2014 Organizing the I Hemispheric Conference on Port Legislation To provide a forum for analysis, discussion and exchange of experiences about the policies, strategies and actions raised or carried out by the member countries of the OAS November 2014 Collecting the information about the Questionnaire on Port Legislation To obtain the responses from the Member States of the CIP, through the completion of the questionnaire on legislation. November 2014 Gathering information on the Member States’ main port infrastructure projects and their execution To analyze the creation of port investment scenarios and other associated investment, as well as the contractual arrangements that would allow public and private sectors’ investors to perceive their benefits. November 2014
17 Actividades CTCs CTC on Tourism, Inland Ports and Waterways, Ship Services and Navigation Safety - Argentina ACTIVITYOBJECTIVEDATE Producing an online course on Tourism, Inland Ports and Waterways, Ship Services and Navigation Safety. To provide technical and academic skills to port officials of the Americas in areas such as tourism, inland ports and waterways, ship services, and navigation safety, raising the technical and managerial levels of port staff to cope with the challenges of modernization in ports. December 2014 Developing a database on Cruise tourism ports To provide Associate Members with a better access to information. March 2015 Developing a database on river and lake ports To provide Associate Members with a better access to information. TDB Organizing a seminar on Cruise Ship Tourism To exchange information on best practices and training. March 2015 Composing a list of regional dredging enterprises To improve the exchange of information related to these services, enhancing the sharing of best practices that tend to establish reliable routes of navigation. November 2014 Produce a database of port experts To continue with the project designed in 2013November 2014 TAG’S Activities
18 TAGs and their members TAG on Sustainable Management and Environmental Port Protection Chair: Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Member States: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Suriname, United States and Uruguay. TAG on Social Coprotate Responsibility and Women in Ports Chair: Panama Member States: Argentina, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
19 CTC on Corporate Social Responsibility and Women in Ports - Panamá ACTIVITYOBJECTIVEDATE Producing an online course on CSR and Gender. To provide technical and academic skills to port officials of the Americas in areas such as Corporate Social Responsibility and gender, raising the awareness of port staff to cope with the challenges of modernization in ports December 2014 Updating and giving maintenance to the Website To optimize the access to information and communication channels with stakeholders TDB Organizing a Seminar on Successful Experiences of Women in Ports To exchange information on best practices and promote training. 2nd half year 2015 Organizing and promoting the “Port Woman of the Year in the Americas” 2013-2014 Award To promote the incorporation of equal rights to participation, improving the opportunities of professional and human development for women. 2nd half year 2015 Organizing a Hemispheric Seminar on the Exchange of Successful Experiences in Corporate Social Responsibility. To exchange information on best practices and promote training. 2nd half year 2015 TAG’S Activities
20 TAG on Sustainable Port Management and Environmental Protection - Venezuela ACTIVITYOBJECTIVEDATE Producing an online course on Sustainable Port Management and Environmental Protection To provide technical and academic skills to port officials of the Americas in areas such as sustainable port management and environmental protection, raising the technical and managerial levels of port staff to cope with the challenges of modernization in ports. December 2014 Gathering the ports’ environmental profiles and contingency plans To underline the importance and necessity of Environmental profiles and Contingency Plans for ports within the region. December 2014 Producing a Pilot Plan for the implementation of Annex V of the MARPOL Convention. To gather information related to Annex V of the MARPOL Convention, including: a) Procedures conducted for the reception of waste originated by ships. b) Availability of reception facilities. c) Final destination or treatment on the ports’ hinterland January-May 2015 Organizing the IV Hemispheric Convention on Environmental Port Protection To spread the status of standards and international norms related to environmental port protection on a global scale. To highlight the improvements on Sustainable Development carried out by the Member States at a governmental level. To identify frequent issues while providing a solution, based on experiences and best practices implemented on the Hemisphere TDB 2015 TAG’S Activities
21 Eventos hemisféricos de la CIP American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) Customs Brokers Association of Uruguay (ADAU) Global Institute of Logistics (GIL) Instituto Nacional de Logística, Uruguay (INALOG) International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC) International Road Transport Union (IRU) North American Marine Environment Protection Association (NAMEPA) RightShip Terminal Internacional del Sur S.A. (TISUR) Western Dredging Association (WEDA) World Ocean Council (WOC) Port of Arica, Chile Port of Bahía Blanca, Argentina Port of Busan, Corea del Sur Port of Miami, EEUU SWIC, California AAPA Puertos del Estado, España Port of L’Havre, Francia PIANC, EEUU CIP New Associate Members and Strategic Agreements New Associate MembersMemoranda of Understanding Strategic Alliances
22 Eventos hemisféricos de la CIP July 2013 - Regional Workshop on MARPOL and Port Reception Facilities – Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA September 2013 – VIII Ordinary Meeting of the CIP, Cartagena, Colombia December 2013 - XXIII International Seminar on Ports, Waterways, Multimodal Transport and Foreign Trade, Buenos Aires, Argentina April 2014 - I Hemispheric Convention Dredging and Marking, Buenos Aires, Argentina June 2014 – IV Regular Meeting of the CIP, Washington DC, headquarters of the OAS June 2014 - Inter-American Forum on Successful Experiences in Port Development, Washington DC, headquarters of the OAS August 2014 –XXIII Latin American Congress of Ports AAPA, Iguazú, Argentina CIP Hemispheric Events Recent Hemispheric Events
23 Eventos hemisféricos de la CIP October 2014 - North American World Maritime Day Observance 2014, Cozumel, Mexico. November 2014 - Latin American Meeting of the American Association of Port Authorities AAPA, Houston, Texas. November 2014 - 1st Hemispheric Seminar on Port Legislation and Public Policies, Montevideo, Uruguay November 2014 - International Forum on Maritime and Port Security, Panama City, Panama. First half 2015 March 2015 - Hemispheric Tourism Conference and Workshop on Cruise Lines and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Mar del Plata, Argentina Second half of 2015 Hemispheric Conference on Logistics, Innovation and Competitiveness, Mexico Hemispheric Conference on Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection, Venezuela Hemispheric Seminar on CSR and Women in Ports (Port Woman Award), Panama Upcoming Hemispheric Events CIP Hemispheric Events
24 Eventos hemisféricos de la CIP December 2013 - Port Security Seminar, St. Vincent and the Grenadines April 2014 - 1st Workshop on Maritime Security, Washington DC, headquarters of the OAS May-June 2014 - XIV Ibero-American Course on Technology, Operations and Environmental Management in Ports, Santander, Spain September-October 2014 - XIX Ibero- American Course on Port Management, Madrid, Spain 30 port officials trained, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname Participation of officials of 17 OAS Member States 52 applications from 12 countries, 19 fellows from 11 countries. (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Uruguay) 48 applications from 12 countries, 20 fellows from 11 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Haiti, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Venezuela) Capacity Building CIP Hemispheric Events
25 Eventos hemisféricos de la CIP September-October 2014 - XXVIII Advanced Course in Port Management and Operation, organized by IMO and the Port of Le Havre in France. October - June 2015 - Master in Port Management and Intermodal Transportation, Valencia, Spain Capacity Building continued CIP Hemispheric Events 4 candidtaes from the Americas were selected (Barbados, Dominica, Ecuador y Jamaica) 13 applications from 7 countries (Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, México, Nicaragua, Panamá y Perú), 2 Scholarship Fellows (Nicaragua y Colombia)
26 Dissemination and Promotion of Ports in the America’s and the CIP In support of the CIP activities on environmental protection, the Secretariat and the North American Marine Environment Protection Association (NAMEPA) produced and distributed, in English and Spanish, posters and brochures of the "Save Our Seas" campaign regarding the negative impact of litter to the marine environment. 750 copies distributed to the Permanent Missions, Digital Distribution to all CIP Members and Associate members pdf CIP and NAMEPA
27 Categories and Winning Entries: 1. Award for Environmental Waste Management in : (a) Commercial Shipping: Transport Desgagnes Inc. - Canada (b) Cruise Lines: Royal Caribbean Cruises - U.S. (c) Ports:(i) Waste management: National Ports Administration- Uruguay (ii) Environmental protection: Port Company of Arica - Chile 2. Award for Sustainable Tourism Port Destination : Regional Port Society of Cartagena - Colombia. 3. Award for Corporate Social Responsibility in Ports : Port Authority of Santa Marta- Colombia MARITIME AWARD OF THE AMERICAS Dissemination and Promotion of Ports in the America’s and the CIP
28 OAS Synergies Synergies with OAS : SEDI Section of Culture and Tourism, Department of Economic and Social Development - Participation in the Maritime Award of the Americas and cooperation with other strategic partners on cruise tourism. Corporate Social Responsibility Program of the Department of Economic and Social Development - Participation in the Maritime Award of the Americas and cooperation in capacity building of CSR for the port sector. Department of Sustainable Development - Participation in the Maritime Award of the Americas. Other OAS Areas: CICTE, the CIP Secretariat is looking for potantial sinergies here. CIM, the CIP Secretariat adn CIM will work toegether in the Women in Ports award (2015)
29 Thank you! Jorge Duran Chief of the Secretariat Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP)
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