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WWII Battles & Important Events. The European Theater.

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1 WWII Battles & Important Events

2 The European Theater

3 1941 – Churchill comes to U.S. for war plans Feb. 1943 – Battle of Stalingrad – The German airforce bombed Stalingrad (city in the Soviet Union) and was winning at first – point: Soviets trapped Germans in the city & cut off their supplies. This led the Germans to soon surrender. – From then on, the Soviets were able to push the Germans back to the west May 1943 – “Desert Fox” Rommel surrenders in N. Africa (Operation Torch) – Allies invade Axis-controlled North Africa – Dwight D. Eisenhower becomes an important figure, planning attacks & leading Allied troops – Gen. Rommel (Germany) was forced to surrender – point: Allies could now attack Italy from the south

4 June 6, 1944 – Invasion of Normandy (D-Day) – A well-planned invasion, this was the largest land- and-sea operation in U.S. history – 3.1 million Allied troops stormed the French coast – Surprise attack – the secret messages sent between the Allies about this plan were not detected – Strong German retaliation, but Allies victorious – point: from here, the Allies were able to push through France and much of western Europe, freeing those countries from German control

5 July 1944 – Liberation of Majdanek – Soviets were the first to find a Nazi death camp – They freed the people in the camp and the Allies began looking for more Oct. 1944 – Capture of Aachen – First German town captured by Allies – Made Germany angry, and they planned one last big attack against the Allies

6 1944-1945 – Battle of Anzio – Allies captured Sicily in 1943; Mussolini was forced to resign (later fled but was caught & executed by his own people) – “Bloody Anzio”, 1944 – Germany almost won, but the Allies pushed through; big losses on both sides – point: Allies had made their way to the southern German border; future battles would be fought IN Germany 1944-1945 – Battle of the Bulge – Last major German offensive strike; push 60 miles into Allied territory – point: German force does a LOT of damage but also lose too much on their side (troops, supplies); have to retreat back, continue losing ground

7 – Tuskegee Airmen are instrumental in air raids; celebrated as heroes upon return to U.S. May 8, 1945 – V-E Day – Hitler killed himself to avoid capture – Soviets had overtaken Berlin, Germany – Germany officially surrendered to the Allies (Gen. Eisenhower negotiated the surrender) – “V-E” = Victory in Europe

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