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Polish Actors. Baar made her debut on the stage of the Theatre Academy in Warsaw, but the official theatrical debut was made when she played in ’’ Mi.

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1 Polish Actors

2 Baar made her debut on the stage of the Theatre Academy in Warsaw, but the official theatrical debut was made when she played in ’’ Mi ł o ść do trzech pomara ń czy”. She has been an actress of the National Theatre in Warsaw since 2005. She also works with other theaters. She had the opportunity to work with directors such as Tadeusz Bradecki, Jan Englert, Jerzy Jarocki, Maciej Sobocinski, Andrzej Strzelecki. She occurs in the classical and contemporary. repertoire Kamilla prefers dramatic roles. Kamilla Baar Place & Date of birth  6 th November 1979 Cz ł uchów (Poland)

3 After he failed the exam to theater school in Warsaw, Karolak has got a degree in rehabilitation at the University of Warsaw. The fourth approach got to National Theatre School in Cracow, graduating in 1997. He worked not only as a salesman and a builder, but also as bodyguard when he was attending college. He made his debut in the theater December 16, 1995 in the role of the master of ceremonies for the show Possessed or Small Plutarch Lives unsuccessful novel by Fyodor Dostoyevsky's The Possessed in the Old Theatre. He has performed in theaters in Cracow. In 2003, during the XXVIII Opole Theatre Confrontations in Opole received the award for her role Bastard acting in the play "The Water Hen" Witkiewicz at the New Theatre in Ł ódz. Tomasz Karolak Place & Date of birth  21 th June 1971 Radom

4 Guzik graduated Maria Sklodowska- Curie High School in Katowice, and in 1999 the graduated National Theatre School in Wroc ł aw. She occurs in the Polish Theatre in Bielsko-Bia ł a. She made her debut in the role of Matty ’’They Shoot Horses ?”. In 2002 she was awarded a diploma of the Mayor of Bielsko-Biala for creative and inspiring work on stage. She received second prize in the National Festival of the Art of Word Verba Sacra, and in 2000 received the Laurel Dembowski - ZASPu award for her stage debut. Anna Guzik Place & Date of birth  15 th August 1976 Katowice

5 Machalica cames from an acting family. His father was Henryk Machalica. He has got two older twin brothers: Christopher (a sports instructor) and Alexander (actor of New Theatre in Pozna ń ). In 1981 he graduated the Warsaw Academy of Dramatic Arts. His screen debut was in 1979. He currently plays for the Common Theatre in Warsaw. He was awarded in the National Festival of Polish Song in Opole in 1986. He became the artistic director of Adam Mickiewicz’s Theatre in Czestochowa in 1 th July 2006. Piotr Machalica Place & Date of birth  13th Feburary Pszczyna

6 Ko ż uchwoska grew up in Toru ń. In 1994 she graduated the National Theatre School in Warsaw. She has belonged to the Warsaw Dramatic Theatre and the National Theatre since 2005. Films and television roles brought her popularity, including ’’Kiler’’(1997), series ’’M jak mi ł o ść ” (2000-2011), and ’’’’ (since 2011) and ’’Prawo Agaty” (since 2012). Ma ł gorzata Ko ż uchowska Place & Date of birth  27 kwietnia 1971 Wroc ł aw

7 Quelles

8 Made by: Kinga K ł osowska Poland Thank you for attention

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