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The Emission Trading Registry. Outline  Understanding the registry system  Opening of the Aircraft Operator Holding Account (AOHA)  Allocation of Aircraft.

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Presentation on theme: "The Emission Trading Registry. Outline  Understanding the registry system  Opening of the Aircraft Operator Holding Account (AOHA)  Allocation of Aircraft."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Emission Trading Registry

2 Outline  Understanding the registry system  Opening of the Aircraft Operator Holding Account (AOHA)  Allocation of Aircraft allowances  Trading  Reporting of verified emissions and surrendering

3 Understanding the registry system ITL (UN)CITL (EU National registries within EU EUCR National registries outside EU CDM registry

4 Opening of the AOHA Documentation to be sent to the DEA DEA approval of the documentation Opening of the account Access to the account NO trade until mid 2012

5 Allocation of Aircraft allowances Formalities Open AOHA Date: 28 February What to do with the units…

6 Trading Personal holding account (PHA) needed Choose a national registry Apply for a PHA How to trade Units available: EUA, CER, ERU

7 Reporting of verified emissions and surrendering Reporting in Aviation Data Online Automatically transferred to the registry Surrendering Amount How to do it Deadline for surrendering: 30 April 2013 In non-compliance? Fine 100 EUR per missing unit Not possible to make transactions

8 Thank you for the attention! Susanne Petersen, DK Emission Trading Registry. +45 3392 7511 Hotline is open Monday to Friday 10-12 AM and 1-3 PM

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