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Corine Land cover/SOER Launch Event University of Leicester Earth observation for Statistics Presented by: Peter Helm, Defra Head of Profession for Statistics.

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Presentation on theme: "Corine Land cover/SOER Launch Event University of Leicester Earth observation for Statistics Presented by: Peter Helm, Defra Head of Profession for Statistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corine Land cover/SOER Launch Event University of Leicester Earth observation for Statistics Presented by: Peter Helm, Defra Head of Profession for Statistics Date: 1 July 2015

2 Questions Q 1 What are the potential applications?  Replacing or adding to existing collections  Providing new insights Q 2 What are the issues?  Capabilities of the technology  Learning new skills and process  Costs  Pros and cons  How will this develop. Is this the right time to take forward Q3 How do we get started – what can we learn from others?

3 New opportunities  Copernicus ( with LUCAS)  Improving technology  Wider applications being developed  Less willingness to fill in forms  Need greater speed and detail  Need less cost  Big Data 3

4 The Perfect Storm…. €3.8bn investment in Copernicus will result up to 8TB/day of new free data on the environment 4 The UKSA is investing in Government to ensure optimum uptake of satellite technologies

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6 UK access to Copernicus data & products: Airbus Farnborough has won the European Space Agency contract to process, archive and disseminate data from the Copernicus satellites Sentinels 1 and 2. Sentinel data/products from Airbus Farnborough will be disseminated via two routes:  STFC/RAL Space (the Science and Technology Facilities Council/Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Space Department)  Space Applications Catapult

7 Examples  Land  water  air 7

8 Land Cover Map MEOW Map UK-Earth Observation- for mapping habitat extent and condition & more

9 Use in agricultural statistics 9

10 Agricultural statistics 10

11 Satellite Monitoring – EU Fisheries The Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) is a form of satellite tracking using transmitters on board fishing vessels. The system is a legal requirement under EC Regulation 2244/2003; Regulation applies to vessels exceeding 12m overall length; Basic VMS unit consists of a GPS receiver which plots the position of the vessel coupled with a communications device which reports the position at a minimum of every two hours; The unit automatically sends the following data : –the vessel identification –geographical position –date/time(UTC) of fixing of position –course and speed

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14 And next….. What is the potential ? Example - Application to Livestock information Can the technology identify different types of livestock holding? Process and cost of translating the observations into statistics What savings can be made ? How do we move forward ? If there are difficulties what needs to change before it can be useful operationally 14

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