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Bond Construction Program Long Beach City College District March 2007.

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1 Bond Construction Program Long Beach City College District March 2007

2 Pacific Coast Campus Featured Projects

3 PCC Learning Resource Center This new facility will provide students with updated technology, media services and an expanded modern learning resource facility. The Learning Resource Center includes open computer access and multimedia areas for reference, study, and self-paced education. Start of construction April 2007; Complete Summer 2008 p a c i f i c c o a s t

4 PCC Learning Resource Center p a c i f i c c o a s t

5 New Industrial Technology Phase 1 A new state-of-the-art facility will be constructed at the north end of PCC to replace antiquated Buildings UU and VV. The facility will provide integration of computer and media technology for the training and retraining of students in the industrial trades, including video- enhanced demonstration labs and lecture classrooms. Currently out to bid; anticipated start July 2007; complete Spring 2009 p a c i f i c c o a s t

6 New Industrial Technology Phase 1 p a c i f i c c o a s t

7 PCC New Central Plant The New Central Plant will replace obsolete existing individual building systems with a new centralized efficient and economical system. The PCC Central Plant will incorporate space for a maintenance facility, public safety office, and a new Verizon MDF building, and the new PCC Campus Restroom. p a c i f i c c o a s t

8 PCC New Central Plant p a c i f i c c o a s t

9 New Industrial Technology Phase 2 Construction has begun on the new PCC facility, which will replace antiquated buildings currently housing the Aviation and Automotive Departments. "Smart" classrooms and labs will be provided in the modern, state-of-the-art instructional center in support of the increased employment demand in the industry. p a c i f i c c o a s t

10 New Industrial Technology Phase 2 p a c i f i c c o a s t

11 Liberal Arts Campus Featured Projects

12 South Quad Complex A new state-of-the-art building is under construction on the "Golf Mall" area of the Liberal Arts Campus. The modern facility will house both academic and administrative offices. The instructional portion of the complex will provide needed "smart" classrooms for the Creative Arts and Applied Science, History and Political Science, and Public Service Departments. Additionally, the facility will house the Superintendent's offices as well as other administrative offices. Construction has begun on the relocation and improvement of site utilities including replacement of obsolete data and telecommunication lines. Anticipated construction completion Spring 2008 l i b e r a l a r t s

13 South Quad Complex l i b e r a l a r t s

14 LAC New Central Plant The new Central Plant and utility improvements are underway which will replace obsolete existing individual building systems with a new centralized efficient and economical system. The project is being completed in two bid packages. The first package consists of utility relocation, which began in January 2006. The second package, currently in Plan check consists of the structures for the Central Plant, Public Safety Office and the Concession Stand. l i b e r a l a r t s

15 LAC New Central Plant l i b e r a l a r t s

16 LAC Learning Resource Center In conformance with LBCCD's 5-Year Construction and Education Plan, the existing Library/LRC will be modernized and space added to meet the current and projected needs of the campus. Design is underway on the LRC, which will include an expanded library, an automated and computerized processing area for media material, learning aids, and educational program delivery. An Interim Facility (E-Portables) will house the center is currently under construction; anticipated completion Summer 2007 Currently out to bid; anticipated start June 2007; completion early 2009 l i b e r a l a r t s

17 LAC Learning Resource Center l i b e r a l a r t s

18 Featured Completed Projects

19 Completed Construction Projects PCC CDC – 4/06 District Facilities & Warehouse Complex – Opened 1/17/06 Men’s Gym Boiler Replacement – 4/06 PCC MM/NN Lighting Upgrade – 4/05 LAC Athletic Field – 3/06 South Quad Complex - Bid Pkg. #1 – 12/05 LAC/LRC Utilities–6/06 LAC Men’s Gym Façade Replacement (FEMA & Insurance Funded) – 8/06 LAC Central Plant Piping & Watermain Relocation (SQC Bid Pkg 2) – March 2007 PCC Central Plant Utility Improvements & MDF Bid Pkg 1 – March 2007 S.E. Interim Bungalow – Relocation of Career Assessment Portables – March 2007

20 Completed Construction Projects

21 Child Development Center Construction is completed on this new comprehensive academic/vocational child development teaching facility, which trains students for immediate employment and/or transfer to a four- year institution. The state-of-the-art facility provides a dynamic classroom experience covering physical, motor, cognitive, social, emotional, and linguistic growth and development. p a c i f i c c o a s t

22 Child Development Center p a c i f i c c o a s t

23 Interim Facility - Vet's Stadium/District Facilities & Warehouse Complex During the construction of the Technology Phase 2 project the existing building required demolition. Interim housing was provided for the existing occupants in the temporary facility in the southeast corner of the Veteran's Stadium parking lot. After the occupants vacate and move into the new Tech 2 Facility at PCC the space will be retrofitted and become the new Facilities and Maintenance home. l i b e r a l a r t s

24 Interim Facility - Vet's Stadium/District Facilities & Warehouse Complex l i b e r a l a r t s

25 Building R Façade Replacement The LAC Gymnasium (Building R) Façade Replacement was undertaken with great care to restore it to its original beauty. Water and earthquake damage caused the façade to fail requiring a much needed face lift. The completion of this project contributes to the progress of campus upgrade and development. l i b e r a l a r t s

26 Building R Façade Replacement l i b e r a l a r t s

27 Cordoba Corporation

28 CORDOBA CORPORATION is a civil engineering and construction management firm specializing in educational facilities, transportation systems, and water infrastructure. Cordoba is headquartered in Los Angeles and has an office in Oakland, California. Cordoba has successfully completed hundreds of projects throughout its 23 year history, and has evolved into one of the leading firms in the nation. Cordoba Corporation was founded in 1983 by George L. Pla as a specialized urban planning firm, and has been heavily involved in the development of California’s infrastructure. Cordoba’s business model has been regaled for its efficiency, speed, and for its multifaceted approach toward projects, and has been featured as a case study at the Harvard Business School. m a n a g e m e n t

29 Cordoba Corporation Cordoba Corporation combines the technical expertise of our engineers and construction managers with an understanding of public policy and infrastructure development to shape the world around us. Cordoba has consistently been recognized by Hispanic Business Magazine to be among the 200 largest firms in the United States, the 50 largest "high tech" businesses in the nation, and among the 10 largest service providers in California. The Los Angeles Business Journal has ranked Cordoba one of the top ten most established minority-owned firms and one of the fastest growing companies in Los Angeles. m a n a g e m e n t

30 The BMT Team

31 Bond Management Team, Cordoba Bill Adams Program Director Angel Alvarez Deputy Program Director Ann Kovara Sr. Construction Manager m a n a g e m e n t

32 Bond Management Team, Cordoba Mike Soto Sr. Construction Manager Jim Espinosa Sr. Construction Manager Lisa Hernandez Asst. Construction Manager m a n a g e m e n t

33 Bond Management Team, Cordoba Paul Picchi Asst. Construction Manager Michael Johnson Asst. Construction Manager Gerardo Jimenez Field Engineer m a n a g e m e n t

34 Bond Management Team, Cordoba Tracie Powell Field Engineer Joe Johnson, Jr. Scheduler Dave Hall CADD/IT/Move Mgmt. m a n a g e m e n t

35 Bond Management Team, Cordoba Laura Tocco Cost Engineer Lisa Jones Contracts Administrator David Cates Financial Analyst m a n a g e m e n t

36 Bond Management Team, Cordoba Gilbert Esquibel Document Control Jill Hayes Administrative Asst. Graphic Designer Sharon Stureman Administrative Asst. Document Control m a n a g e m e n t

37 Bond Management Team, Cordoba Sonia Babian Field Engineer Ashi Martin LCBBD Student Intern Jose Jimenez LCBBD Student Intern m a n a g e m e n t


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