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Transport Children and Youth Leader TrainingJanuary 2011.

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1 Transport Children and Youth Leader TrainingJanuary 2011

2 Transport Policy Valid driving licence for a minimum of 3 years Insured appropriately (you MUST tell your insurer you are driving children & young people) Drive carefully at sensible speeds within the speed limit – it’s a good witness!

3 Good Practice Be wise Being alone with a child Collection and drop off points

4 Driving a Minibus In planning an activity for which transport is required, the organiser must check that: TBC Minibus: the driver is on the approved list of MIDAS drivers. Hiring a Minibus (normally KCC): no drivers other than those on the written agreement are allowed to drive the vehicle. As the driver you are responsible for checking that it is a roadworthy vehicle. If in doubt, do not drive the vehicle. Ensure you have an adult leader by at least 1 exit in the back, and that there is nothing on the floor or loose.

5 Driving Licences There are a few complex exemptions for those who do not have D1 licences which permit them to drive a minibus. All the following conditions must be met: The driver has held a full B licence for a total of at least 2 years The driver is aged 21 and over The driver receives no payment or other consideration for driving the vehicle other than out-of pocket expenses The vehicle weighs no more than 3500 kg If aged 70 or over, the driver has passed a medical examination to PCV standards

6 Seat Belts Always insist on seat belts being worn. From September 18 th 2006 new regulations govern the wearing of seatbelts and use of child restraints in private cars: AgeWeightHeightFront SeatRear Seat* 9-12mnths <13kgRear facing baby seatRear facing baby seat* 1-3yrs9-18kgFront facing child seatFront facing child seat* 3-4 yrs9-18kgFront facing child seatFront facing child seat** 4-6 yrs>15kg<135cmBooster seatBooster seat** 6-12 yrs>22kg<135cmBooster cushionBooster cushion** 12-13 yrsAdult seat beltAdult seat belt 14yrs+Adult seat belt***Adult seat belt*** Key: * correct child restraint must be worn unless in a taxi and child restraint not available when child may travel unrestrained in the rear of the car. ** correct child restraint must be worn where seat belts are fitted. The child may use an adult belt in a rear seat if the correct restraint is not available IF a) they are in a taxi, b) it is a short, unexpected journey or c) two occupied child restraints prevent fitting a third. ***until age 14 the responsibility for wearing a seatbelt rests with the driver

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