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Chapter #2 Atoms and Molecules. Chapter Overview Atoms and Molecules  Symbols and Formulas  Inside the Atom  Isotopes  Relative masses of atoms and.

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1 Chapter #2 Atoms and Molecules

2 Chapter Overview Atoms and Molecules  Symbols and Formulas  Inside the Atom  Isotopes  Relative masses of atoms and molecules  Isotopes and atomic weights  Avogadro’s number: the mole  The mole and chemical formula’s

3 Elements are pure substances made up of identical atoms. There are 115 known kinds of atoms. Each has its own symbol. The first character in an atoms symbol is an uppercase letter that corresponds the first letter of the elements name. Most elements have a second character in their symbol which is is a lowercase letter usually the second letter of the elements name. Elements

4 Symbol and names for the known atoms are given in Table 2.1. Elements discovered long ago have names and symbols with Latin or other origins, such as Au for gold (from aurum, meaning “bright dawn”), or Pb for lead (plumbum). Tungsten has a symbol of W, which is the first letter of its German name, wolfram. Element Names

5 The symbol and names for the known atoms are given in Table 2.1.

6 You can also find these symbols and names in the periodic table inside the front cover of your text although this chart does not have names provided. Periodic Chart

7 What are the atoms made of? Atoms are composed of subatomic particles most of which exist outside the stable structure of atoms for very short periods of time. Three subatomic particles are of interest to chemists: 1.The proton (p) 2.The neutron (n) 3.The electron (e - ) Subatomic Particles

8 1 amu = 1.67 x 10 -24 g Atoms have a dense heavy, positively charged nucleus containing the neutrons and protons. Outside the nucleus are the small, negatively charged electrons. Neutrons and protons are about 2,000 times larger than electrons. Subatomic Particles

9 When two or more different types of atoms combine compounds are formed. In a compound formula we write the symbol for each atom type present in the compound, if more than one atom of a given type then a subscript is used to indicate the number of each atom. e.g. NH 3 H 2 OSO 2 CH 4 What happens when we combine atoms? Combining Atoms

10 Atoms have no overall charge so contain the same number of protons (+) as electrons (-). The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is called the atomic number It is given the symbol Z. All atoms of a given type or element have the same atomic number (Z). The periodic table arranges atoms in order of atomic number. Atomic Number

11 Neutrons have no electrical charge. For a given atom type the number of neutrons may vary. The sum of the number of neutrons and protons in an atom is called the mass number. It is given the symbol A. Atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons in their nucleus are called isotopes. Mass Number

12 BOHR MODELS OF HYDROGEN (The three isotopes of hydrogen) P N E N N E P P N N E P N Hydrogen-1 Hydrogen-2 Hydrogen-3

13 BOHR MODELS OF HYDROGEN P N E N N E P P N N E P N Hydrogen-1 Hydrogen-2 Hydrogen-3 H H H 1 2 3

14 BOHR MODELS OF HYDROGEN P N E N N E P P N N E P N Hydrogen-1 Hydrogen-2 Hydrogen-3 H H H 1 2 3 1 1 1

15 BOHR MODELS OF HYDROGEN P N E N N E P P N N E P N Hydrogen-1 Hydrogen-2 Hydrogen-3 H H H 1 2 3 1 1 1 Atomic Number (number of protons); found on the periodic chart

16 BOHR MODELS OF HYDROGEN P N E N N E P P N N E P N Hydrogen-1 Hydrogen-2 Hydrogen-3 H H H 1 2 3 1 1 1 Atomic Number (number of protons) Mass number (sum of protons and neutrons); Not found on periodic chart

17 BOHR MODELS OF HYDROGEN P N E N N E P P N N E P N Hydrogen-1 Hydrogen-2 Hydrogen-3 H H H 1 2 3 1 1 1 Atomic Number (number of protons) Mass number (sum of protons and neutrons); Not found on periodic chart Oxidation number (Protons – electrons)

18 We can distinguish isotopes with the following notation: E Z A Where:  E is the atom’s symbol  A is the mass number  Z is the atomic number e.g. 6 12 C, 6 13 C, 6 14 C, 1 1 H, 1 2 H and 1 3 H As all atoms with a given symbol have the same atomic number sometimes we skip writing Z. e.g. 6 12 C (carbon-12), 6 13 C (carbon-13) and 6 14 C (carbon-14) Atomic Symbols

19 If we assign a mass of 12 atomic mass units (u or sometimes amu) to a carbon-12 atom then we can compute the relative atomic weight for any other atom. Atomic weights or atomic masses are given in your periodic table. Relative Atomic Mass

20 Some atoms naturally occur as a mixture of isotopes. e.g. 1 1 H, 1 2 H and 1 3 H The atomic weights given in the periodic table take this into account. They are the average atomic weight taking into account the amounts of each isotope present. Relative Atomic Mass

21 Relative Atomic Mass of Hydrogen When computing the average atomic mass of any element the radioactive (unstable) isotopes are excluded since there relative abundances are slowly decreasing. Hydrogen has three isotopes. The first two protium and deuterium are stable isotopes and the third tritium is unstable, thus excluded in the calculation. The relative abundance of isotopes of a particular element is constant here on our planet Earth. Mass spectroscopy gives information of relative abundances and relative masses of isotopes.

22 Mass spectroscopy gives the following information for the two stable isotopes of hydrogen. isotope namerelative abundanceMass (amu) Hydrogen-1 (protium) 99.985 % 1.007825 Hydrogen-2 (deuterium) 0.015 % 2.01355 To calculate a weighted average, convert the percent to a decimal by moving the decimal two places to the left. Then multiply this number by the mass and add the two masses. Relative Atomic Mass of Hydrogen

23 0.99985 X 1.007825 = 1.007673 0.0015 X 2.01355 = 0.003021 Relative Atomic Mass of Hydrogen 1.010694 amu 1.0107 amu

24 we defined the relative atomic weight of each kind of atom as follows: “assign a mass of 12 atomic mass units to a carbon-12 atom then compute the relative atomic weight for all other atom types.” Atomic mass units are very small. 1 amu = 1.67 x 10 -24 g Not very practical !!! Relative Atomic Mass

25 Consider the following ozone has the formula O 3. Two molecules of ozone contains 6 oxygen atoms. Oxygen has the formula O 2. What is the mass of three molecules of O 2 ? Three molecules of O 2 has the same mass as two molecules of O 3 as they each contain a total of six oxygen atoms. In chemistry we are often more interested in the number of particles but we can only measure the mass easily. Relative Atomic Mass

26 So we have two problems: 1.It is difficult to count particles as small as molecules, atoms, ions, protons, neutrons, or electrons. 2.Atomic mass units are not very practical. We need a system that allows us to switch between mass (in units which we can measure) and number of atoms or molecules. The Mole

27 We can define a constant called Avogadro’s constant (N A ): “N A is the number of atoms needed to give a carbon-12 a mass of 12 grams” An Avogadro’s number of hydrogen atoms would weigh 1.008g, or of any other element on the Periodic Chart their atomic weight. The Mole

28 One Avogadro’s number of something is called a mole (mol). N A = 6.022 x 10 23 A mole is often compared to a “dozen”. Just as a dozen of something means there are 12 of them, a mole of something means there are 6.022 x 10 23 of them. Or, how about a ream? How many pieces of paper are in a ream? Dozens and reams are convenient counting units for objects, but not for particles. The Mole

29 Moles of Objects Mole is Latin for heap Suppose we order a mole of marshmallows for a chemistry party. How much space here at Central would be required to store the marshmallows?

30 Moles of Objects Mole is Latin for heap Suppose we order a mole of marshmallows for a chemistry party. How much space here at Central would be required to store the marshmallows? Would cover the entire 50 states 60 miles deep

31 Moles of Objects Mole is Latin for heap Suppose we order a mole of marshmallows for a chemistry party. How much space here at Central would be required to store the marshmallows? Would cover the entire 50 states 60 miles deep How about a mole of computer paper instead of a ream of computer paper, how far would that stretch?

32 Moles of Objects Mole is Latin for heap Suppose we order a mole of marshmallows for a chemistry party. How much space here at Central would be required to store the marshmallows? Would cover the entire 50 states 60 miles deep How about a mole of computer paper instead of a ream of computer paper, how far would that stretch? Way past the planet Pluto!

33 To calculate the molar mass of a compound we sum together the atomic weights of the atoms that make up the formula of the compound. This is called the formula weight (MW, M). Formula weights are the sum of atomic weights of atoms Making up the formula. The following outlines how to find the formula weight of water symbol weight number H O 1.01 16.0 2 1 X X = =2.02 16.0 18.0 g/mole Formula Weight Calculation

34 Percent Composition Find the formula weight and the percent composition of glucose (C 6 H 12 O 6 ) symbol weightnumber H O C 16.0 1.01 12.0 6 12 6 x x x = = = 72.0 12.12 96.0 180.1 g/mole %C = %H = %O = 72.0 12.12 96.0 180.1 X = 40.0 %C 6.73 %H 53.3 %O

35 We can define the molar mass or molecular weight of a substance can as: “the mass of one mole of that substance.” We give molar mass the symbol M and it has units g/mol - For an atom the molar mass is equal to the atomic weight we find on the period table. Formula Weight

36 For a molecule the molecular weight is equal to the sum of the atomic weights of the atoms that make it up. The mathematical relationship between mass and moles is: m = nM This can be summarized by the following diagram: moles Its All About Moles

37 The key equation to remember for mole calculations is: m = nM Where: M = molecular weight (gmol -1 ) n = number of moles (mol) m = mass of sample (g) Mole Concepts

38 For a mole of a molecule the number of moles of each atom is determined by how many of that atom are in each molecule. e.g. One mole of H 2 O contains: One mole of oxygen atoms Two moles of hydrogen atoms In 5 moles of H 2 SO 4 how many moles of oxygen atoms is there? 20 moles of O atoms. Mole Concepts

39 In 50.0g of H 2 SO 4 how many moles of oxygen atoms are there? Mole Conversions 50.0g of H 2 SO 4

40 In 50.0g of H 2 SO 4 how many moles of oxygen atoms are there? Mole Conversions 50.0g of H 2 SO 4 = 98.0g of H 2 SO 4 mole H 2 SO 4

41 In 50.0g of H 2 SO 4 how many moles of oxygen atoms are there? Mole Conversions 50.0g of H 2 SO 4 = mole H 2 SO 4 4mole O 2.04 mole O 98.0g of H 2 SO 4 mole H 2 SO 4

42 In 5 moles of H 2 SO 4 how many atoms of oxygen are present? Mole Conversions

43 In 5 moles of H 2 SO 4 how many atoms of oxygen are present? Mole Conversions 5 moles H 2 SO 4 =

44 In 5 moles of H 2 SO 4 how many atoms of oxygen are present? Mole Conversions 5 moles H 2 SO 4 mole H 2 SO 4 4 mole O

45 In 5 moles of H 2 SO 4 how many atoms of oxygen are present? Mole Conversions 5 moles H 2 SO 4 mole H 2 SO 4 4 mole O 6.02 x 10 23 atoms O mole O = 1.20 x 10 25 atoms

46 The End

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