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Motivation and Emotion Motivation Instinct Theory: we are motivated by our inborn automated behaviors. But instincts only explain why we do a small.

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Presentation on theme: "Motivation and Emotion Motivation Instinct Theory: we are motivated by our inborn automated behaviors. But instincts only explain why we do a small."— Presentation transcript:


2 Motivation and Emotion


4 Motivation Instinct Theory: we are motivated by our inborn automated behaviors. But instincts only explain why we do a small fraction of our behaviors. Click on the fish to watch it’s instinctual behavior.

5 Drive Reduction Theory Our behavior is motivated by BIOLOGICAL NEEDS. Wants to maintain homeostasis. When we are not, we have a need that creates a drive. Primary versus Secondary drives

6 Arousal Theory We are motivated to seek an optimum level of arousal. Yerkes-Dodson Law

7 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow said we are motivated by needs, and all needs are not created equal. We are driven to satisfy the lower level needs first.

8 Motivation of HUNGER

9 Biological Basis of Hunger Hunger does NOT come from our stomach. It comes from our… Brain What part of the brain? The Hypothalamus

10 Hypothalamus Lateral Hypothalamus When stimulated it makes you hungry. When lesioned (destroyed) you will never be hungry again. Ventromedial Hypothalamus When stimulated you feel full. When lesioned you will never feel full again.

11 Set Point Theory The hypothalamus acts like a thermostat. Wants to maintain a stable weight. Activate the lateral when you diet and activate the ventromedial when you start to gain weight. Leptin theory

12 Body Chemistry Glucose The hormone insulin converts glucose to fat. When glucose levels drop- hunger increases.

13 Psychological Aspects of Hunger Internals versus Externals The Garcia Effect

14 Culture and Hunger

15 Criadillas- bull testicles. Mice Wine Dog Fried Frog Legs

16 Eating Disorders Bulimia Nervosa Characterized by binging (eating large amounts of food) and purging (getting rid of the food).

17 Anorexia Nervosa Starve themselves to below 85% of their normal body weight. See themselves as fat. Vast majority are woman.

18 Obesity Severely overweight to the point where it causes health issues. Mostly eating habits but some people are predisposed towards obesity.

19 HELPFUL HINTS FOR LOSING WEIGHT Minimize exposure to tempting food cues Take steps to boost your metabolism Be Realistic and Moderate Modify both your metabolic rate and your hunger by changing the food you eat. Don’t starve all day and eat one big meal at night. Beware of the binge. Set realistic goals.

20 Sexual Motivation Sex is natural. Without sex, none of us would be here. How do scientists (or you) find out about sex? YOU ASK!!!!!!

21 Kinsey’s Studies Confidential interviews with 18,000 people (in early 1950’s). Sexual Behavior in the Human Male and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female Scale of sexuality….0 to 6 where 0 is exclusively heterosexual and 6 homosexual and 7 is asexual.

22 Masters and Johnson Study In the 1960’s William Masters and Virginia Johnson set out to explore the physiology of sex. 382 females and 312 males. After their research was done they ran an institute that claimed to turn gay people straight.

23 Mapped out the Sexual Response Cycle Initial Excitement Plateau Phase Orgasm Resolution Phase (with refractory period).

24 Psychological Factors in Sexual Motivation Only some people are externals when it comes to hunger- but we are all externals when it comes to sex. Heiman 4 tape study. People can find sexually explicit images either pleasing or disturbing- but they are none the less biologically arousing.

25 We have discussed the energizing of sexual motivation but have yet to discuss its direction: Sexual Orientation An enduring sexual attraction toward members of either one's own gender or the other gender.

26 How is Sexual Orientation Determined There has been NO evidence that sexuality is socially determined. Kids raised by gay parents are no more likely to be gay that if they were raised by hetero parents. This it is likely biologically determined.

27 The Brain Simon LeVay discovered that there is a cluster of cells in the hypothalamus that is larger in heterosexual men than in heterosexual women or homosexual men.

28 Prenatal Environment Current research seems to point to the hormonal levels in the prenatal environment. We have created homosexual male fruit flies and lesbian sheep!!!

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