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Folder Design – Intro to Art. Folder Design is a graphic art assignment. In this project, you are creating a design that illustrates your name and YOU!

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Presentation on theme: "Folder Design – Intro to Art. Folder Design is a graphic art assignment. In this project, you are creating a design that illustrates your name and YOU!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Folder Design – Intro to Art

2 Folder Design is a graphic art assignment. In this project, you are creating a design that illustrates your name and YOU!

3 Who is this and what does he like to do?

4 What’s in a NAME?




















24 What materials can you use? Color pencilsMagic markersFabric * Fuzzy wires to attach your pencil + glue * Anything that is glued on must be securely attached. Craftsmanship is part of the grade.

25 Folder Design Process Brainstorm list of hobbies, talents, interests, achievements, characteristics, pastimes, etc. about you in your notebook. Make a list of adjectives that describe you to use when planning your cover. Look through creative fonts to find ideas for ways to write expressively— choose fonts that characterize you at this point in your life. Perhaps you select several fonts for different aspects of your personality or CREATE you OWN! Look at examples online or in clipart. Pay close attention to layouts, focal point, counter focal point, and etc. Is there a clear message sent by the fonts or icons employed in the design? All lettering, information and imagery been directed toward describing the person of interest. Collect any resources you’ll need to express your message. Be creative. You MUST plan your folder design IN your journal first—in other words, draw your composition/rough draft in your journal or on a piece of copy paper. What will the viewer know or assume when reading your image?

26 How will these be graded? Here are the following categories and percentages: ________________/10 Organized approach to project—plan is drafted in student’s journal and approved by teacher prior to beginning. ________________/20 Creativity: Student used a approach to project— made use of resources when planning idea. ________________/10 Neatness/craftsmanship: folder has a place for pencil to be stored and is well constructed. ________________/50 Effort: Student brought in items to use on project from home or looked carefully thorough classroom resources for ideas. Student worked on design and gave significant effort to project until completion. ________________/10 Citizenship: student cleaned up his/her area and worked as a team. ________________/100 Project total

27 Folder Design: Due Friday 1.Make sure your have your rubric with planning on it. 2.Pencil holder glued in and sides taped before handing it in. 3.Listen for instructions on how to make your sketchbook. 4.Sketchbook must be constructed by Friday as well. 5.Color Theory Unit begins on Monday

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