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ANU Archives Maggie Shapley, University Archivist.

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Presentation on theme: "ANU Archives Maggie Shapley, University Archivist."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANU Archives Maggie Shapley, University Archivist

2 2 ANU Archives Noel Butlin Archives Centre – archives of Australian companies and organisations University Archives – our own archives including official records and papers of academics Pacific Research Archives – material in above two relating to the Pacific

3 ANU Archives Reading Room 3

4 Data about the archives Data about the creators of archives, the groups of records they created, and about the individual items (eg files) they created Database project to capture this data from hard-copy lists and Excel spreadsheets into an online database Data conforms to international standard for archival description 4

5 University archives data 5

6 6

7 Company data 7

8 8

9 Organisations data 9

10 10

11 Next steps OCR of typed lists for CSV loading Maps, audiovisual and published serials Link to digital images in Digital Collections Sharing data with National Library of Australia’s ‘Trove’ Refresh of data with Australian Trade Union Archives website 11

12 Data in the archives Raw data collected ‘in the field’ or in the course of business Notebooks, lab books, rainfall statistics, sales statistics, wages records, share registers, stock prices, questionnaires, audio recordings, images 12

13 Stock prices, Sydney Stock Exchange 13

14 Weather records 14

15 Sales statistics 15

16 Processed data Card indexes, computer punch cards, computer printouts where data has been extracted from original sources and processed and analysed Index to immigrants from particular countries who settled in particular areas 16

17 Printouts from 1966 census 90Tabulation 15: Birthplace by local government and collectors district: Victoria, male Tabulation 15: Birthplace by local government and collectors district: Victoria, female 91Tabulation 15: Birthplace by local government and collectors district: Queensland, male and female Tabulation 15: Birthplace by local government and collectors district: Territories, male and female Tabulation 15: Birthplace by local government and collectors district: Tasmania, male and female 92Tabulation 15: Birthplace by local government and collectors district: New South Wales, Asian-born, male Tabulation 15: Birthplace by local government and collectors district: New South Wales, Asian-born, female Tabulation 15: Birthplace by local government and collectors district: New South Wales, Australian/European-born, male 93Tabulation 15: Birthplace by local government and collectors district: New South Wales, Australian/European-born, female Tabulation 15: Birthplace by local government and collectors district: South Australia, male and female 94Tabulation 15: Birthplace by local government and collectors district: Western Australia, male and female 17

18 Contact details (development site) 18

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