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. Cooperative Education Orientation Mrs. Vavricka Cooperative Education Teacher/Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: ". Cooperative Education Orientation Mrs. Vavricka Cooperative Education Teacher/Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 . Cooperative Education Orientation Mrs. Vavricka Cooperative Education Teacher/Coordinator

2 Introduction Welcome to your Cooperative Education (Co-op) class. During this presentation we will be reviewing the required paperwork and procedures of the class. You will have a check-off list that will be initialed and dated.

3 Introduction (con’t.) The co-op program is a vocational program that provides classroom instruction in correlation with on- the-job training The school and local businesses work together to provide training in various business and/or marketing occupations.

4 Participants There are four participants associated with a co-op program They all share equal responsibility in the training of the student Parental participation is very important in supporting the program

5 Participants (cont’d) Participants - student - teacher-coordinator - supervisor - parents TIP All four must work together for the student to succeed

6 Participants (con’t.) Student Teacher-Coordinator - Mrs. Vavricka – –Responsible for teaching the related class and coordinating the student, parent, employer, and school. – –Periodically, I will visit you on the job in order to observe work skills and habits. – –I will also meet with supervisor to discuss your progress on the job.

7 Participants (con’t.) Supervisor - the person of authority at work that is responsible for your on-the-job training. Parents - needed to support the program so that you will have adequate transportation, insurance and permission to leave school early in order to go to work

8 Required Paperwork - Startup Training Agreement Working papers Cooperative Education Student Agreement Code of Ethics Parental Approval Letter TIP All paperwork must remain in folder and will count as a quiz grade

9 Paperwork - Weekly Weekly hour and wage sheet Weekly Work Schedule Update Master Wage Spreadsheet

10 Paperwork - Quarterly Each marking period you will be required to take an evaluation form to your employer for their completion. Must be returned to me prior to the end of the marking period. Failure to turn in prior to the end of marking period may result in a failure.

11 Co-op Rules In addition to the code of ethics, you must adhere to the following program rules You must call Mrs. Vavricka at 856- 829-7770, ext. 180. If you are not coming to school. If you do not attend school - YOU MAY NOT ATTEND WORK!!!

12 Co-op Rules (con’t.) You must remain employed until at least 7 days prior to graduation If you are fired from a position, you will fail for that marking period. You may not leave one job for another job unless permission has been given by your teacher. You must then work your 2 week notice.

13 Co-op Rules (con’t) You may not attend work if you receive an external suspension. In-school suspensions - You remain until your normal dismissal time. Detentions may be served before or after school. If you leave early, you must notify me and sign out at the attendance office.

14 Co-op Grading* 30% - Cooperative Employer Evaluation, Observations & Master Wage Sheet 20% - Tests (Minimum of 2 tests) *Subject to revision. 15% - Quiz 10% - Classwork 15% - Projects 10% - Business Behavior

15 Labor Laws - Minors Under 18 May not work before 6 AM or after 11 PM during weeks when school is in session. May work after 11 PM during weekends. May not work more than 6 consecutive days. May not work over 8 hours daily or 40 hours weekly.

16 Class Requirements Demonstrate respect for others in the class. Complete assignments in a timely manner. Use equipment and learning materials respectfully. Be on time for class! End of class is not at the bell signal. I dismiss you; not the bell! Communicate with me any difficulties that could interfere with your success. TIP You are the only one responsible for making this year a positive experience!

17 Cooperative Education US Department of Labor Statistics 41% of successful business owners were cooperative education students. 27% of the top 10 colleges require a coop or internship program. 59% of all coop students go to a two- or four-year college/trade school. – –71`% of those 59% graduate

18 Labor Stats Regarding Cooperative Education 31% of teachers in the US were involved in a coop program in high school. – –Mrs. Vavricka was a co-op student. – –Holds a bachelor and master degree in business and education.

19 Labor Stats Regarding Cooperative Education 58% of business owners who are successful and who were coop students give back to their communities by participating in or sponsoring a coop program. Note: 57% of students entering a four-year college will graduate from that school.

20 Have a great year!!!

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