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Tuesday 1/18/2011  Go over the calendar for the week  Go over basic info. for No News from Auschwitz  Read No News  Read the Butterfly  Remember:

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday 1/18/2011  Go over the calendar for the week  Go over basic info. for No News from Auschwitz  Read No News  Read the Butterfly  Remember:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday 1/18/2011  Go over the calendar for the week  Go over basic info. for No News from Auschwitz  Read No News  Read the Butterfly  Remember: You will have a test on Friday over the Non- fiction stories and grammar You need to check a SPEAK book with me by FRIDAY 1/21/11!

2 No News from Auschwitz A.M. Rosenthal

3 Journal What do you know about the Holocaust? What is genocide?

4 About Genocide  Term did not exist before 1944  Refers to massive crimes against certain groups of people Refers mostly to Jews, but throughout history, Genocide has claimed other victims too  “Geno-” is Greek for race, tribe  “-cie” is Latin for killing

5 About ‘Holocaust’  ‘Holocaust’ is Greek for “Sacrifice by fire”  The Nazis came to power in Germany in January 1933  Approximately 6 million victims  Families were split up, many never to see each other again  Upon entering concentration camps, prisoners were weeded through – only strong and healthy prisoners were kept for work All others executed

6 AUSCHWITZ (1945)

7 About Auschwitz  Largest concentration camp  Included 3 main camps  Mainly Polish elite sent to Auschwitz: Religious leaders Political leaders Civic leaders

8 About the Prisoners  Over 50% of Prisoners died from: Starvation Labor that was too physical for their ability Disease and epidemics Torture/executions Criminal medical experiments Inhuman living conditions

9 About the Survivors  Auschwitz was liberated in Jan. 1945 by Soviet soldiers  Approximately 200,000 inmates survived between 1940-1945  Of approx. 7,000 guards, 750 were prosecuted and punished after Germany was defeated

10 About the Author  Executive editor for New York Times  After retiring, wrote a column called “On My Mind” Took moral and ethical stand on news events  Wrote this editorial after visiting the ‘tourist center’ of Auschwitz

11 Questions  “No News from Auschwitz”  Explain why the title of the essay is ironic. What “news” does Rosenthal want his readers to know?  What purpose, or aim, do you think Rosenthal had in writing this essay?

12 The Butterfly  The last, the very last, So richly, brightly, dazzlingly yellow. Perhaps if the sun's tears would sing against a white stone.... Such, such a yellow Is carried lightly 'way up high. It went away I'm sure because it wished to kiss the world good-bye. For seven weeks I've lived in here, Penned up inside this ghetto. But I have found what I love here. The dandelions call to me And the white chestnut branches in the court. Only I never saw another butterfly. That butterfly was the last one. Butterflies don't live in here, in the ghetto.  The Butterfly”  Which lines in the first stanza strike you most strongly? What feelings or images do they create for you?  What time of year is implied by the references to dandelions and to the “white chestnut”?  What relationship do you see between Rosenthal’s essay and the poem “The Butterfly”?

13 Wednesday 1/19/2011  Plan for the day: Discuss “No News” Watch videos Handout grammar practice- DUE TOMORROW!  Remember: You have a test FRIDAY!  You need to come see me after school today or Thursday morning or afternoon if you are struggling with any thing we have learned thus far. All power points are online SPEAK book needed to be checked by Friday!

14 Questions  “No News from Auschwitz”  Explain why the title of the essay is ironic. What “news” does Rosenthal want his readers to know?  What purpose, or aim, do you think Rosenthal had in writing this essay?

15 The Butterfly  The last, the very last, So richly, brightly, dazzlingly yellow. Perhaps if the sun's tears would sing against a white stone.... Such, such a yellow Is carried lightly 'way up high. It went away I'm sure because it wished to kiss the world good-bye. For seven weeks I've lived in here, Penned up inside this ghetto. But I have found what I love here. The dandelions call to me And the white chestnut branches in the court. Only I never saw another butterfly. That butterfly was the last one. Butterflies don't live in here, in the ghetto.  The Butterfly”  Which lines in the first stanza strike you most strongly? What feelings or images do they create for you?  What time of year is implied by the references to dandelions and to the “white chestnut”?  What relationship do you see between Rosenthal’s essay and the poem “The Butterfly”?

16 While watching the Video:  We will watch 3 or 4 sections of the video, you need to record 3 facts or new information you learn for EACH section!  Put your name on this and staple it to your questions from yesterday… this will be a combined completion grade!

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