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Food and Nutrition security

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Presentation on theme: "Food and Nutrition security"— Presentation transcript:

1 Food and Nutrition security
Moderator and presenter Laila Lokosang

2 Critical areas In the context of nutrition-agriculture linkages:
1. Availability of food (production and productivity) 2. Access (money, markets and infrastructure) 3. Utilization, quality, food diversity 4. Food resilience for vulnerable population

3 indicators 1. Availability of food (production and productivity)
Percentage increase in food production/ total production Yield/ ha (Increase in technology used to increase productivity) Reduction of post harvest loss 2. Access (money, markets and infrastructure) Percentage of surplus harvest sold Household food insecurity access scale Increase in feeder roads to markets and production areas  3. Utilization, quality, food diversity Dietary diversity score Quality and number of intakes per day 4. Food resilience for vulnerable population Coping strategy index An indicator across the boarder Reduction in malnutrition (stunting, acute etc)

4 Should this be a theme or sub theme to another theme?
It should be a theme

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