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The Commission on Sex in Prison Healthy sexual development of young people in custody Louise Bowers HCPC registered forensic psychologist & BPS chartered.

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Presentation on theme: "The Commission on Sex in Prison Healthy sexual development of young people in custody Louise Bowers HCPC registered forensic psychologist & BPS chartered."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Commission on Sex in Prison Healthy sexual development of young people in custody Louise Bowers HCPC registered forensic psychologist & BPS chartered psychologist

2 What do we know about healthy sexual development amongst young people generally ? Very little…… Ethical & methodological problems Chronological age vs ‘pubertal age’ Normative sexual development is subjective, interpersonal, socially embedded, gender specific and culturally defined etc

3 What do we know about healthy sexual development amongst young people in custody ? Even less…… Ethical issues and getting access to yp in custody difficult to overcome Recent review of the impact of imprisonment on yps’ development did not specifically cover effects on sexual development (Lambie & Randall, 2013) However… conclusion was that ‘incarceration fails to meet the development and criminogenic needs of young offenders’

4 Barriers to healthy sexual development for young people in custody (1) Not had positive care-giver experiences and role models Some have been victims of abuse themselves and are traumatised Absence of normal sexual experience critical stages of puberty & adolescence with little/no support Limited access to appropriate sex education Sexual experimentation is frowned upon / punished Difficult to develop a healthy sexual identity/ non-mainstream sexual identity

5 Barriers to healthy sexual development for young people in custody (2) Confusion about sexuality if engage in same sex interaction Some yp vulnerable to sexual exploitation Few opportunities to develop intimacy/relationship skills Over interpretation of risk and ‘offence paralleling behaviour’ Fear about sex and relationships in the future Fear about disclosure of offences to future intimate partners Having sexual history/interests examined by professionals and parole boards

6 Moving forward ‘through the gate’ Multiple problems continue ….. Understanding the social rules around dating & sex Some normative activities are blocked Fear of experimentation being seen as ‘risky’ Fear of sexual inexperience being exposed When to tell OM that you are ‘in a relationship’ Fear of rejection if disclosure is made Perception that risk can rise if a relationship breaks down

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