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Distributed Leadership Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School.

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2 Distributed Leadership Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School

3 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School What is distributed leadership?

4 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Co-leadership Shared leadership Teacher leadership

5 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Mobilising leadership at every level

6 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School "Engaging the many – so there is a greater skill set, energy potential, shared responsibility and will to improve.” (Spillane et al, 2001)

7 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School How important is distributed leadership for schools?

8 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School How important is distributed leadership for schools? "School leadership has a greater influence on schools and students when it is widely distributed" (Leithwood et al, 2008)

9 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School How important is distributed leadership for schools? “Sustainability is the ultimate goal for leadership in a complex, knowledge-sharing society." (Hargreaves & Fink, 2006)

10 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School The Key Elements

11 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School A Clear Vision

12 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School PositiveRelationships

13 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Collaboration

14 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Emphasis On People Rather Than Systems

15 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School “Consider how much smarter a school could become if it was able to identify and share the collective experience and learning of all its teachers?” (Little, 1999)

16 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School ICT Enquiry-based learning AfL Metacognition Enterprise Planning SSE Assessment No one is an expert at everything!

17 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School What Does It Look Like In Practice?

18 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Teachers sharing best practice through dropping into colleagues’ lessons; systems of appreciative enquiry well embedded Peer observations as part of PM systems; dialogue centred on learning Team teaching as a key tool in staff development Real involvement in decision making – working parties, sub-groups Learning walks and learning talks integral to School Evaluation Systems

19 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Research Study

20 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Conducted in April 2012 Comparison of perception and practiceUnderstanding of distributed leadership

21 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Link between student learning and teacher collaboration Importance of staff sharing ideas about learning & teaching Importance of planning/reviewing with colleagues Importance of sharing PD with teams Questions probed views on:

22 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School All teachers are leaders in their own classrooms.

23 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School All teachers are leaders in their own classrooms.

24 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School "Everyone in JESS is a leader in a unique way and takes responsibility for different areas. Everyone's opinion is valued."

25 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Teachers should be given opportunities to exercise leadership beyond their classroom.

26 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Teachers should be given opportunities to exercise leadership beyond their classroom.

27 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School "Everyone gets the opportunity to grow and be part of the decisions that are made in school. All teachers are valued."

28 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School "Different staff have different areas of expertise so it makes a huge difference to us when they share it."

29 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Teachers have more direct influence on student learning than the principal.

30 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Teachers have more direct influence on student learning than the principal.

31 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School "Our role impacts learning in every way, from planning, assessment, assessment analysis to communicating with team members, parents and children about their learning journey "

32 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School

33 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Senior management listens to teachers' voices

34 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Senior management listens to teachers' voices

35 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School "I feel that my views are listened to by the management team and I am given the freedom to explore new opportunities that may benefit the school."

36 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Conclusions

37 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Positive stance on Distributed Leadership Understanding the need for collegiality Teachers having a voice of major importance

38 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Actions

39 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School L&T working party set up to review L&T policy Timetabled opportunities for regular learning walks and talks Leadership more widely distributed to include students

40 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Engaging students as leaders

41 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Student Council Tech Leaders Eco-Warriors Art Leaders Line Leaders/ Monitors Charity Committee Heritage Heroes

42 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School

43 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Students teaching Teachers

44 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School 1 to 1 tech mentors Delivering tech professional development Presenting at internal and DSIB linked training

45 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School School management should ensure that the student voice is heard in the decision making process of the school.

46 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School School management should ensure that the student voice is heard in the decision making process of the school.

47 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Pupil Voice Meetings

48 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School STUDENTS GIVEN VOICE IN: Arabic Curriculum Balance Uniform design Sport/ Extra Curricular opportunities Homework

49 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Students get an opportunity to make suggestions about their learning

50 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Students get an opportunity to make suggestions about their learning

51 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School  To continuously improve and develop our organisations so that pupils’ experiences and learning opportunities nurture and develop skills and attitudes to equip them as lifelong learners

52 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Listen to teachers' voices

53 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Listen to pupils' voices

54 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Nurture talent, passion and expertise

55 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Develop energy and purpose that pulls others in

56 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Focus on building professional learning communities

57 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Value and facilitate dialogue

58 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Provide opportunities

59 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School Let go of the reins!

60 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School "The Best Leader Is The One Who Has Sense Enough To Pick Good Men To Do What He Wants Done, And The Self-Restraint To Keep From Meddling With Them While They Do It." —Theodore Roosevelt, American President (1901 - 1909)

61 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School It Is Said Of A Good Leader That When The Work Is Done, The Aim Fulfilled, The People Will Say "We Did This Ourselves." — Lao Tzu, Founder of Taoism (Sixth Century B.C.)

62 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School SATISFACTORYGOODOUTSTANDING STANDING OUT

63 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School STANDING OUT

64 Ruth Burke, Head Teacher Jumeirah English Speaking School

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