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Children’s and Adolescent Literature Class #8 March 19, 2008 Book-talks continued… Review of last class - Fantasy & Science Fiction Motivation Plan Assignment.

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Presentation on theme: "Children’s and Adolescent Literature Class #8 March 19, 2008 Book-talks continued… Review of last class - Fantasy & Science Fiction Motivation Plan Assignment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Children’s and Adolescent Literature Class #8 March 19, 2008 Book-talks continued… Review of last class - Fantasy & Science Fiction Motivation Plan Assignment Folklore E-Class Assignment for March 19

2 Developing an Outline for the Reading Motivation Plan Think: What do I know about reading motivation from the research base? Think: Which of these points relate to the needs of my school? Think: How can I incorporate these points into a “doable” plan for the teachers, students, and parents at my school? (Here is where the creativity comes in…)

3 Developing an Outline for the Reading Motivation Plan Think: How can I provide support for teachers as they implement the plan? Think: What resources will I need to develop to get the plan started? Are pre-packaged materials available that will support my plan?

4 Additional Resources 6-12 Chapter on Motivation from Leading a Successful Reading Program (textbook for Roles of the Reading Specialist) Reading Reasons by Kelly Gallagher wPrd.asp?idProduct=356 wPrd.asp?idProduct=356


6 Activity Using the chart as a reference tool, work with a partner to complete the Guess my Age activity.

7 Guess My Age My best ’ s friend ’ s name is Eric. He and I both like to read Matt Christopher books. I like Ranger Rick magazines and books about animals. Did you know that a baby kangaroo is called a joey, and it is only the size of a peanut when it is born? Clues: Best friend Matt Christopher books - realistic fiction Likes informational text and strange facts Answer: Nine Years Old

8 Guess My Age I just love to read stories! I read 5 books all by myself last week, and so did my friend, Molly. My mom is reading me a chapter book, and she reads one chapter every night. It is a good story, and my mom says I am good at thinking about what will happen next! Clues: Taking pride in her reading skills Mentions doing something just like her friend Enjoying a more sophisticated book than she can read on her own Answer: Seven Years Old

9 Guess My Age I just finished reading the biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Did you know she wrote the Little House on the Prairie books? I like those books a lot, because they are full of adventures! My friend, Sarah likes them, too. She says we are like sisters, just like Laura and Mary in the Little House books! Clues: Reading a biography Enjoys adventure stories Has a close friend Answer: Ten Years Old

10 Guess My Age I have read every single Black Stallion book in the library! My friends and I love horses. Megan and I both get Teen People. It ’ s fun to read about the stars we like! Clues: Loves horse stories Friends are important to her Likes teen magazines Answer: Eleven Years Old

11 Guess My Age Guess what? I can read Frog and Toad stories now! My dad read me a fairy tale last night, and it had a frog in it. We went to the library today, and I got one Frog and Toad book, one alphabet book about bugs, and a book about Tyrannosaurus Rex! Clues: Can read “easy reader” stories Likes fairy tales and someone reading to him Likes alphabet books and books about dinosaurs Answer: Six Years Old

12 Guess My Age I can ’ t wait for the new Harry Potter book to come out! My friend and I think it would be great to play quidditch, but we ’ ll have to be satisfied with soccer. In the last Harry Potter book, Harry reminded me of myself, because he was sort of confused a lot and moody sometimes. In social studies class, my teacher is reading Johnny Tremain to us, and it ’ s a great story with people like Paul Revere in it! Clues: Enjoys fantasy books Has a favorite sport Has mood swings Enjoying historical fiction set in the time of the American Revolution Answer: Twelve Years Old


14 Folklore - Defining the Genre Folklore began as stories and poems told across the the generations. People sought to entertain, explain the world, and to transmit cultural values and beliefs. Folklore helps us understand not only ourselves, but also people from other cultures and and other times.

15 Types of Folklore Mother Goose and Nursery Rhymes Folktales: Cumulative Tales, Talking Animal Tales, Noodlehead Tales, Fairy Tales, Tall Tales Fables Mythology Hero Tales: Epics and Legends Folk Songs Fractured Fairy Tales and Literary Folklore

16 Patterns in Folklore Conventions “Once upon a time” & “They lived happily ever after” Repeated use of the numbers three and seven Motifs Folktales are built up of "motifs" - common elements of plot and character that can be used and re-used over and over again, combined and recombined in different ways in order to create variants on existing stories. Motifs serve to develop and inform the text’s major themes. Themes Revolves around a topic of universal human concern, i.e., good vs. evil, usually developed through stereotypical characters who personify one trait

17 A Closer Look… /lessons/lesson_view.asp?id =240 http://cms.attleboroschools.c om/Cinderella/project.htm

18 Something extra… Explore the Read- Write-Think website for reading instruction ideas related to the study of folklore that would be appropriate for the grade level you teach. Grades K-2 son_view.asp?id=874 son_view.asp?id=889 son_view.asp?id=156 son_view.asp?id=83

19 Something extra… Explore the Read- Write-Think website for reading instruction ideas related to the study of folklore that would be appropriate for the grade level you teach. Grades 3-5 son_view.asp?id=261 son_view.asp?id=42 son_view.asp?id=1043 son_view.asp?id=853

20 Something extra… Explore the Read- Write-Think website for reading instruction ideas related to the study of folklore that would be appropriate for the grade level you teach. Grades 6-8 s/lesson_view.asp?id=992 s/lesson_view.asp?id=1 s/lesson_view.asp?id=1

21 Something extra… Explore the Read- Write-Think website for reading instruction ideas related to the study of folklore that would be appropriate for the grade level you teach. Grades 9-12 s/lesson_view.asp?id=281 s/lesson_view.asp?id=784 s/lesson_view.asp?id=814

22 E-Class for March 26 + Homework E-Class assignment: Read Castek’s article, Reading Adventures Online, and complete ELC activities listed under Discussion. Reading assignment: Read Chapter 7, Contemporary Realistic Fiction, and be prepared to discuss it in class on April 2. Come prepared for our Book Club discussion of Pictures of Hollis Woods!

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