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Presented to the Utah Chapter By Al Runnels, CDFM Executive Director, ASMC 26 March 2013 ASMC & YOU.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented to the Utah Chapter By Al Runnels, CDFM Executive Director, ASMC 26 March 2013 ASMC & YOU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented to the Utah Chapter By Al Runnels, CDFM Executive Director, ASMC 26 March 2013 ASMC & YOU

2 A GENDA  The FM Profession  ASMC – Your Professional Society  What’s Happening?  PDI 2013  Virtual PDI  ASMC Strategic Plan 2

3 P ROFESSIONAL O VERVIEW Defense Financial Management  Specific Body of Knowledge  Ethical Standards  Public Trust  Legal Liability 3

4 EDFM/CDFM C ORE C OMPETENCIES 1. Government Resource Management Environment 2. Defense Budget Process 3. Manpower Management 4. Personnel Management 5. Cost and Economic Analysis 6. Management Responsibility for Internal Controls 7. Fiscal Law 8. Finance 9. Accounting 10. Auditing 11. Business Management Process Improvement 4

5 ASMC IS YOUR P ROFESSIONAL S OCIETY  Non-profit association founded in 1948  Serves DoD and US Coast Guard financial managers  20,000 members, 150 chapters, 78 corporate members  Major offerings  Chapter training programs  Certification program (CDFM)  National / regional PDIs  Armed Forces Comptroller Journal  Selected training courses (Fiscal Law / Acq)  National Awards Program 5

6 W HAT ’ S H APPENING ?  Sequester in Effect  HR 933  Debt Ceiling – May 19  Audit Readiness  DoD FM Certification Program  “Conferences” Issue / Policy 6

7 7 Where We Are Headed

8 A UDIT R EADINESS  Assert audit readiness for Statement of Budgetary Resources by end of CY2014  Begin audit of SBR in FY2015  Achieve clean audit opinions on all DoD FY 2017 financial statements  Provide more audit readiness training in the EDFM course  Develop an audit readiness training package for alternative delivery methods 8

9 D O D FM C ERTIFICATION P ROGRAM Approved in FY 2012 NDAA  Pilot began October 1, 2012  Skill levels: 1, 2, and 3  Specific course requirements  Certification encouraged  Bachelor and advanced degrees encouraged  Two years to complete at each level  After completion: 40 / 60/ 80 Continuing Education and Training (CET) Units 9

10 C ONFERENCES I SSUES /P OLICY  $16 Muffin-gate - DoJ IG Report – 9/20/11  President’s Executive Order – 11/9/11  IG Report on GSA Conference – 4/2/12  OMB Guidance – 5/11/12  DoD Policy – 9/29/12  IG Report - VA HR Conferences – 9/30/12  Service Guidance/Policy Memos  DepSecDef Memo 1/10/13 10

11 PDI 2013 C OLORADO C ONVENTION C ENTER (D ENVER ) Monday – CDFM Review Courses, Module 4 Acquisition (2 day) Tuesday – CDFM Review, Testing, MicroSoft Training Wednesday – Official Opening, General Session and Service Day Thursday-Friday Over 100 Workshops, 7 Mini-Courses, General Sessions 11

12 V IRTUAL PDI  Began with PDI 2012  Presently 1,300 paid participants  73 workshops and interviews on line  CPE available  CPE management tool 12

13 ASMC S URVEY R ESULTS  Members value ASMC – 65% rated high, 6% low  Professional development 87% high, 2.5% low  Member loyalty – 83% likely to renew, 5% not  Recommend to colleagues – 78% likely, 5% not  PDI – 74% highly satisfied 13

14 WHAT OUR MEMBERS WANT  Attract new and younger members  Focused education or certification – contracting and audit  Virtual PDI capability  More support for chapters:  National instructors for chapter meetings  Speaker identification 14

15 ASMC S TRATEGIC P LAN Mission To provide professional development and promote ethical behavior in all aspects of Military comptrollership. Vision ASMC will be the premier organization advancing professionalism in the national security financial management community. 15

16 ASMC V ALUES Integrity - We will always act in an ethical manner holding ourselves accountable to each other and to the Society for integrity of word, deed, and signature. Professionalism - We will conduct ourselves with a focus on responsibility; accountability; effective communication; and performance in support of DoD and US Coast Guard financial management. Teamwork - We are most effective when we work collaboratively as a team, recognizing “there is no “I” in “teamwork’” and “None of us is as good as all of us.” 16

17 ASMC G OALS Membership Goal: “Engage and expand membership in ASMC.” Objective 1. Increase number of individual members by 7% annually over the next five years. Objective 2. Increase the Number of corporate members by 5% annually over the next five years. Objective 3. Obtain a 10% average annual participation rate in chapter program events. 17

18 ASMC G OALS Chapter Support Goal: “Support the growth and development of chapters.” Objective 1. Increase the number of active chapters by 5% annually over the next five years. Objective 2. Increase the number of 5 star chapters by 15% annually over the next five years. Objective 3. Increase the number of chapters that maintain an up-to-date web site by 10% annually over the next 5 years. 18

19 ASMC G OALS Certification Goal: “Ensure CDFM is recognized as the preferred certification for DoD and USCG financial managers and those who support them.” Objective 1. Increase the number of current CDFM Certifications by 10% annually over the next five years. Objective 2. Increase the number of CDFM-A by 5% annually over the next five years. Objective 3. Ensure the continued security, integrity, currency, and relevance of the certification program. 19

20 ASMC G OALS Education and Training Goal: “Provide professional development education and training in support of the defense financial management community.” Objective 1. Ensure at least 2,500 participants at 2013 and future PDIs; provide at least 21 available CPEs and achieve a rate of 18 CPEs per participant. Objective 2. Ensure a 75% favorable (“excellent” or “good”) quality of training survey response. Objective 3. In addition to the PDI, provide other professional development opportunities, including at least 50 CPEs annually. 20

21 ASMC G OALS ASMC Internal Operations Goal: “Ensure the effectiveness of ASMC operations” Objective 1. Performance Management. Oversee ASMC programs and operations via focus on established objectives; identification, assessment, and mitigation of risks; staff growth and development; personnel and contracts management; customer service; and effective measurement, review and analysis of results. Objective 2. Financial Operations. Ensure the integrity and effectiveness of ASMC financial operations and maintain a clean external audit opinion of the annual financial statements. Objective 3. Information Management. Ensure the effective compilation, security, management, and use of information in support of decision making and the achievement of ASMC goals, objectives, and initiatives. 21

22 I NITIATIVES (FY 2013) 1. Identify and implement opportunities, where feasible, to increase the effectiveness of ASMC programs and operations and also reduce their cost. (Al ICW Direct Reports) 2. Assess annual program training requirements (EDFM, etc) and develop and implement an annual training plan. (Lead: Phara, ICW Jennifer & Mike) 3. Assess current quality of training survey activities, improve them as necessary, and track/report survey results. (Lead: Jennifer ICW Phara & Mike) 4. Develop a special, online edition of the Armed Forces Comptroller Journal devoted to the DoD Financial Management (FM) Certification Program. (Simone ICW Editorial Board) 22

23 I NITIATIVES (FY 2013 C ONT ) 5. Communicate a monthly message providing information about the DoD FM Certification Program and emphasizing its value. (Lead: Simone ICW Phara, Jennifer, and Bob Shue) 6. Develop and implement a comprehensive marketing and branding campaign in support of ASMC programs, chapters, and operations. (Simone ICW Jennifer, Phara, and Mike) 7. Analyze the population of ASMC members (as well as associated renewal activities); identify and target opportunities; and increase ASMC membership. (Lead: Jennifer ICW Mike and Simone ) 23

24 I NITIATIVES (FY 2013 C ONT ) 8. Analyze the population of individuals with ASMC certifications (as well as associated renewal activities); identify and target opportunities; and increase the number of CDFMs and CDFM-As. (Lead: Phara ICW Mike & Simone) 9. Create an examination revision and maintenance plan, ensuring fair, reliable, and defensible examinations. (Lead: Phara) 10. Review certification program information and customer service needs; set standards; and ensure timely, accurate service. (Lead: Phara ICW Mike 11. Assess current level of security of exams and identify and implement additional controls, as needed. (Lead: Phara ICW Mike) 24

25 I NITIATIVES (FY 2013 C ONT ) 12. Develop and implement a Membership Growth Campaign (including supporting toolkit) that promotes recruitment, retention and orientation of membership at the local chapter level. Elements may include: collateral, leadership training, and incentives. (Lead: Jennifer ICW Mike & Simone) (1 Jan-31 Mar) 13. Identify chapters without current websites and provide them guidance on how to create and maintain an effective web presence through websites and social media. (Lead: Jennifer ICW Simone & Mike) 14. Develop a training program for chapters that have not achieved “Five Star Status” in the past year. (Lead: Jennifer) 25

26 15. Identify “inactive” chapters (membership of less than 20 members), assess their development needs, and develop an outreach program and toolkit of resources to enable their growth. (Lead: Jennifer ICW Mike) 16. Develop an accurate system for tracking and reporting participation in chapter events. Develop and distribute a toolkit to chapters on the topic of “How to Increase Participation and Engage Your Members.” (Jennifer ICW Simone) 17. Review and assess current ASMC programs and operations; determine need for improvement; and develop and implement improvement action plans. (Lead: Al ICW Direct Reports) 26 I NITIATIVES (FY 2013 C ONT )

27 18. Stabilize transition of the Cyanna/Prometrics CDFM and CDFM-A testing process to Pearson Vue. (Phara ICW Mike) 19. Transition from Exchange on the local server to a cloud-based email, such as Office 365 or Google Apps). (Lead: Mike) 20. Explore the development of a robust analytics capability associated with ASMC membership and certification databases. (Lead: Mike) 21. Assess the accuracy of the IMIS database and take corrective actions, as needed. (Lead: Mike) 22. Develop policy and procedures regarding IT system (hardware and software) security. (Lead: Mike) 23. Develop and implement an organizational and individual performance management system. (Al ICW Direct Reports) 27 I NITIATIVES (FY 2013 C ONT )

28 1. Develop a five year ASMC Systems Strategy/Roadmap. (Lead: Mike (FY14)) 2. Develop an analysis of alternatives (AoA) regarding the ASMC Membership and Certification database management system. (Lead: Mike (FY14)) 28 I NITIATIVES (FY 2014)

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