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DECLARATION OF HELSINKI Rels 300 / Nurs 330 29 October 2014.

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1 DECLARATION OF HELSINKI Rels 300 / Nurs 330 29 October 2014

2 Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital - 1963  22 elderly patients were injected with live human cancer cells  purpose of experiment was to determine how long the foreign cancer cells would live in debilitated non-cancer patients compared to patients debilitated by cancer  patients not told what the injection contained due to physician’s concerns about “anxiety,” “phobia and ignorance” about cancer in patients  physicians claimed they had oral consent from each study participant rels 300 / nurs 330 2

3  no approval by hospital research committee  study involved Dr. Chester Southam and Dr. Emmanuel Mandel  3 non-participating doctors objected  study physicians were placed on probation for one year after being found guilty of fraud, deceit, and unprofessional conduct  experiment had been partly funded by the American Cancer Society Cancer, vol. 19, November 1966, pp. 1743-1753 2 years later, the Cancer Society elected the principal investigator (Southam) as their Vice-President rels 300 / nurs 330 3

4 Key elements of the charges and convictions  The doctors “failed to secure a valid and informed consent from each of the 22 patient-volunteers to participate in the experimentation”  Withholding information violated “the absolute right of each patient to determine what shall be done with his own body”  “No choice was given to these volunteers”  The patients were treated as “a mere ‘guinea pig’”  The doctors’ conduct was “unprofessional, immoral and shocking” (Jay Katz in Ethical Issues in Modern Medicine, p.706-717) rels 300 / nurs 330 4

5 World Medical Association DECLARATION OF HELSINKI 1964 I. Basic principles 1.Biomedical research involving human subjects … should be based on … animal experimentation and on a thorough knowledge of the scientific literature. 2.The design and performance of each experimental procedure involving human subjects … should be transmitted for consideration, comment and guidance to a specially appointed committee … 3.Biomedical research involving human subjects should be conducted only … under the supervision of a clinically competent medical person… rels 300 / nurs 330 5

6 4.Biomedical research involving human subjects cannot legitimately be carried out unless the importance of the objective is in proportion to the inherent risk to the subject… 5.Every biomedical research project involving human subjects should be preceded by careful assessment of predictable risks … and foreseeable benefits to the subject or to others… 6.The right of the research subject to safeguard his or her integrity must always be respected… rels 300 / nurs 330 6

7 7.Physicians should abstain from engaging in research projects involving human subjects unless … the hazards involved are believed to be predictable… 8.In publication of the results of his or her research, the physician is obliged to preserve the accuracy of the results… 9.In any research on human beings, each potential subject must be adequately informed of the aims, methods, anticipated benefits and potential hazards of the study... He or she … is at liberty to abstain from participation in the study and … is free to withdraw … consent to participation at any time… rels 300 / nurs 330 7

8 10.When obtaining informed consent for the research project the physician should be particularly cautious if the subject is in a dependent relationship to him or her … 11.In case of legal incompetence, informed consent should be obtained from the legal guardian... Whenever [a] minor child is in fact able to give a consent, the minor's consent must be obtained in addition to the consent of the minor's legal guardian. 12.The research protocol should always contain a statement of … ethical considerations. rels 300 / nurs 330 8

9 WORLD MEDICAL ASSOCIATION DECLARATION OF HELSINKI Ethical Principles For Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Adopted by the 18th WMA General Assembly, Helsinki, Finland, June 1964, and amended by the: 29th WMA General Assembly, Tokyo, Japan, October 1975 35th WMA General Assembly, Venice, Italy, October 1983 41st WMA General Assembly, Hong Kong, September 1989 48th WMA General Assembly, Somerset West, Republic of South Africa, October 1996 52nd WMA General Assembly, Edinburgh, Scotland, October 2000 53rd WMA General Assembly, Washington 2002 (Note of Clarification on paragraph 29 added) 55th WMA General Assembly, Tokyo 2004 (Note of Clarification on Paragraph 30 added) 59th WMA General Assembly, Seoul, October 2008 64th WMA General Assembly, Fortaleza, Brazil, October 2013 Full text: rels 300 / nurs 330 9

10 Letter of Consent from the Tuskegee Study Dear Sir: Some time ago you were given a thorough examination … If you want this special examination and treatment … REMINDER THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE FOR SPECIAL FREE TREATMENT. BE SURE TO MEET THE NURSE. rels 300 / nurs 330 10

11 Willowbrook State School Dear__________: We are studying the possibility of preventing epidemics of hepatitis on a new principle. Virus is introduced and gamma globulin given later to some, so that either no attack or only a mild attack of hepatitis is expected to follow. This may give the children immunity against this disease for life. We should like to give your child this new form of prevention with the hope that it will afford protection. Permission form is enclosed for your consideration. If you wish to have your child given the benefit of this new preventative, will you so signify by signing the form. rels 300 / nurs 330 11

12 Design a Letter of Consent for the JCD Hospital Study Start your letter of information and consent with this phrase: “You are invited to participate in a research study designed to... “ rels 300 / nurs 330 12

13 1. Purpose of study. What is the hypothesis to be tested; or the goal or aim of the study; or the research question to be evaluated? 2. Description of study. Describe the elements of your research study. What is the rationale or justification for a research study which involves human subjects? rels 300 / nurs 330 13

14 3. Methodology. Describe the study design. How will the data be analyzed? 4. Participants. Inclusion and exclusion criteria Number of participants sought Source of participants rels 300 / nurs 330 14

15 4. Participants (cont’d) Recruitment How will volunteers be approached? By whom? Who is your target population? Direct benefits to participants Will potential participants be offered any direct benefits? No enticements or elements of coercion to participate should be offered. Compensation Volunteers should not be paid any substantial compensation that would be considered coercive. rels 300 / nurs 330 15

16 5. Potential risks and harms to all parties. Risks and harms to research participants. Risks include physical, psychological, and emotional harms, inconveniences, or consequences of participating in study. Loss of privacy and breach of confidentiality are both harms. rels 300 / nurs 330 16

17 6. Potential benefits. Direct benefits to research participants (if none, this should be clearly stated). Benefits to other involved parties. Compensation is NOT a benefit. 7. Balance of risks/harms and benefits. Do the potential benefits outweigh the potential risks and harms for the research participant? rels 300 / nurs 330 17

18 8. Deception. If research participants will be deceived concerning any aspect of the research study, a full justification for deception must be offered. Normally, deception is unethical. 9. Alternatives to participating in study. Potential participants should be informed of any interventions that would be alternatives to participating in this research study. rels 300 / nurs 330 18

19 rels 300 / nurs 330 19

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