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Whales By Eduardo & Aiden. What whales eat Whales eat fish & shrimp.

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Presentation on theme: "Whales By Eduardo & Aiden. What whales eat Whales eat fish & shrimp."— Presentation transcript:

1 Whales By Eduardo & Aiden

2 What whales eat Whales eat fish & shrimp.

3 Where whales live Whales live in the Atlantic Ocean.

4 How whales breathe Whales breathe with their blowhole on top of their head.

5 What whales look like Whales can be blue, white, gray and black.

6 Whale life cycle A whale life cycle has 4 stages: birth, adult, reproducing and death.

7 How whales protect themselves A whale protects itself by smacking its enemy with its tail.

8 Whale fun facts Whales are marine mammals. Whales can jump out of the water and do flips.

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