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Russia and the Former Russian Republics Physical Geography.

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1 Russia and the Former Russian Republics Physical Geography

2 Russia…it’s big

3 Russia’s Land Size A comparatively small (<145 million[The USSR had 293 m.]) and concentrated population. Concentrated development. Multicultural state. Minimal ports; limited access to a warm water masses (except the Pacific at Vladivostok). Dimensions –Spans 11 time zones. –Gulf of Finland to Alaska (west to east), and well above the arctic circle to New York city (north to south) –Twice the size of the US or China. –Siberia: “sleeping land”. –Russia makes up 76.6% of the total territory of the former USSR (17,075,400 km--almost twice the size of the US).

4 Population of Russia

5 Russian Climate Affected by 3 natural conditions. Latitudinal position: –Colder climate with increasing latitude. –60˚ North latitude line; split the country in half. Continental position: –Dryer air. –Limited temperature regulation by oceanic masses. Altitudinal effect: –Colder climate with increasing altitude. –Location of major mountains. –Limited impact for Russia.

6 Factors Affecting Climate


8 Northern Landforms –Northern European Plain Eastern Europe and western Russia Chernozem: Black earth, especially good for agriculture 75% of region’s population –West Siberian Plain Separated from NEP by Urals Rivers flow North to Arctic –Central Siberian Plateau East of Yenisey River High plateaus and mountains –Russian Far East East of Lena River Volcanic Mountain ranges Russia and Japan claim ownership of Kuril Islands Russia and Alaska: the small islands are 2.4 miles apart, the mainlands are 55 miles apart

9 Mountains Mountains: divide and border the region –Ural Mountains divide Europe and Asia –Caucasus Mountains are very rugged; isolate people –Central Asian mountains (Tian Shan and Paimirs) are pretty rugged as well –Pacific coast = lots of large mountains

10 Water Volga: Europe’s longest Most Russian rivers run S  N –Problem: mouths frozen most of the year Creates floods as water backs up Use icebreakers to free up channels Caspian and Aral Seas actually saltwater lakes –Aral Sea lost 80% of water in last 40 years –Could be gone in 20-30 years Lake Baikal –Deepest lake in the world –20% of world’s fresh water –400 miles north to south

11 Regional Climates Weather similar to Canada and Alaska –Summers can be mild –Winters = long, cold Shorter days the further north you are –Siberia is harshest - 40° F; Winter = habitation fogs (pollution) Subarctic and Tundra in northern Siberia –Permafrost (up to 300 feet deep) Humid continental in European part (NYC, Chicago) Steppe along Russia’s southern border Steppe and desert in Central Asia Mediterranean / Highland in Caucasus

12 Climate of Russia

13 Dailies: Physical Russia What is the population of Russia in comparison with the US? Where do most people in Russia live? Describe Siberia. What did Russia used to be called? How many Republics broke away? List as many things as you can about Russian culture. Yes, you can include food.

14 Dailies: Notes Part Deux 1.What are the four landforms of the north? 2.Describe the mountains in the East of Russia. 3.What affects the climate of Russia? (Three things) 4.Describe the steppe. 5.When is the chapter 17 reading quiz?

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