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Pam Reising Laura Moore-Mueller Green River Community College (WA) Assessment & Placement Alternatives.

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Presentation on theme: "Pam Reising Laura Moore-Mueller Green River Community College (WA) Assessment & Placement Alternatives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pam Reising Laura Moore-Mueller Green River Community College (WA) Assessment & Placement Alternatives

2 COMPASS Entrance Exams High School Transcript Current research strongly in favor of multiple measures for placement (Hughes & Scott-Clayton, 2010) Placement Options

3 What do they look like? How do they work? Lessons learned The data – does alternative placement work? Entrance Exams & HS Transcript Tables

4 Pro’s ACT test Immediate Feedback Cut-off scores adjustable Accessible Campus Testing Facility Con’s Four subject areas Diagnostic without initial guidance Multiple choice $$ cost COMPASS

5 Pro’sCon’s 30% inaccurate placement Diagnostic without initial guidance $$ cost (re-testing) (ctd). COMPASS (ctd).

6 Exams developed by GRCC Math Faculty (1997) Exam questions developed based on Course Content Learning Objectives (CCLO) of prior course Entrance Exams

7 7 Exams and Sample Exams developed for: Four developmental level courses First college level courses Second college level course Calculus Entrance Exams

8 Advising tool Free Self-diagnosis of content knowledge gaps (self-study or 2 credit Review Modules before reassessing) Written Entrance Exam Benefits

9 Administering the exam (Math faculty as proctors) to: New students NOT currently registered Students testing during breaks Students at branch campuses Students testing during first week of classes Written Entrance Exam Challenges

10 Time!! Scheduling test for individual on- demand or group sessions Grading exams Data entry of exam scores (registration system and pre-requisite system) Written Entrance Exam Challenges

11 COURSE CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Define a function; 2. Graph linear, quadratic, and other functions; 3. Solve linear equations and inequalities; 4. Solve simultaneous systems of linear equations; (etc.) Example of CCLO from Intermediate Algebra


13 Emulate COMPASS’s strengths: – –Computerized assessment with immediate feedback – –Offered at all campus Assessment Centers – –Scores entered into Student Management System (by Assessment Center staff) –s –Scores fulfill prerequisite checks Improving the Entrance Exams

14 Washington Mathematics Assessment and Placement (WAMAP)WAMAP A web based mathematics assessment and course management platform Test questions are algorithmically generated with numerical and algebraic expressions Assessment Platform

15 Questions can include graphs and images Answers can be in various formats (numerical, algebraic, multiple choice, matching, etc.) Tests are automatically scored Sample Tests available online Assessment Platform


17 IMathAS

18 Student A’s problem Student B’s problem Algorithmic Regeneration

19 Numerical to a certain tolerance Numerical expressions (ex: 3/5) Algebraic Expressions Multiple Choice Computer Graded Answer Formats:

20 Multiple Answer Matching Interval Notation Multiple Answer Computer Graded Answer Formats:

21 Calculator Style Entry of Answers Algebraic examples

22 Preview Option for Syntax of Answer

23 Graph Display in Questions

24 Libraries of Questions

25 esult Example of Scored Result

26 Scored Result by Category

27 Sample Exams Available

28 Exam Tracking System

29 Began in September, 2004 Rubrics developed for 7 School Districts Process included advisors, teachers, & administrators (all both CC & HS) GRCC High School Math Transcript Placement:

30 College Perspective – –Successful placement – –Multiple measures – –Increasing population of hs graduates at CC’s Why Use Transcripts?

31 High School Perspective – –Student motivation – –Higher standards – –Increased communication of College level expectations Why Use Transcripts?

32 SAMPLE Math Transcript Table If your last math course was... and you earned a grade of... and you completed it within_____of today’s date: your placement will be... Geometry I & II C+ or better One yearMath 72 Two yearsCOMPASS score or Entrance Exam B+ or better One yearMath 97 Two yearsMath 72 Advanced Algebra/Trig C+ or betterOne yearMath 97 Two yearsMath 72 B or betterOne yearMath& 141 (a), 107, Math 147, 170 Two yearsMath 97 AOne yearMath& 141 (a), 107, Math 106 (b), 147, 170 Two yearsMath& 141 (a), 107, Math 147, 170 Pre-calculus I & IIC+ or betterOne yearMath 97, 147 or Math& 107 Two yearsMath 97 B or better One yearMath& 107, 141 (a), 142 (a), 151 (a), Math 106 (b), 147, 170. Two yearsMath&141 (a), 107, Math 106 (b), 147, 170 A- or betterOne or two years Math& 107, 141 (a), 142 (a), 151 (a), Math 106 (b), 147, 170 BAT MathC+ or betterOne yearMath 97 (if student has either Pre- calculus or Calculus Two yearsCOMPASS score or Entrance Exam

33 On campus registration Training required HS Transcript Tracking System

34 Platform for delivery must have: – –Stability – –Longevity – –Low cost – –Ease of use for students, exam creator, assessment staff Scores need to ‘work’ with advising and prerequisite check systems, data analysis Entrance Exam – Lessons Learned

35 HS Transcript- Lessons Learned Different operating systems Changing state requirements Time commitment Record of placement needs to ‘work’ with advising and prerequisite check systems, data analysis

36 Involvement across institution is key! – –Faculty – –Deans – –Advisors – –Enrollment Services staff THE Lesson

37 Involvement across institution is key! – –Assessment Center staff – –Information Technology staff – programmers for SMS and prerequisite system – –Institutional Research staff THE Lesson

38 40% passed the Entrance Exam they selected 50% of those were students at lowest developmental level or first college level 74% of all who passed an Entrance Exam passed the class they placed into Data




42 Pam’s email (Entrance Exams): Laura’s email (HS Transcripts): – –Webinar on Dec 5 th ! David Lippman – WAMAP/IMathAS contact: Green River’s website: Questions??

43 Placement Website

44 Thank You!

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