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By Thomas Skamai And Matthew Van Horn The Devil Figure…  is usually a villain.  has always appeared in works of literature, and still does today. 

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Presentation on theme: "By Thomas Skamai And Matthew Van Horn The Devil Figure…  is usually a villain.  has always appeared in works of literature, and still does today. "— Presentation transcript:


2 By Thomas Skamai And Matthew Van Horn

3 The Devil Figure…  is usually a villain.  has always appeared in works of literature, and still does today.  is a character that often reveals how society perceives the origin of evil.

4 Who is the Devil? the enemy of God. temps people into doing evil things, he is the master of deception. he is the most powerful fallen angel. goes by many names: Lucifer, Antichrist, Beelzebub, Satan, Ruler of Darkness, Wild Huntsman, Black Miner, Black Woodsman, Old Scratch, and many others. Symbols: 666, star that represents the head of a goat, a trident.

5 THE DEVIL FIGURE APPEARANCE Usually has… Dark clothes Ugly features Odd physical appearance (obese, boney, etc.) Horns, tail with arrow end, scarlet skin http://images3.wikia. images/thumb/7/7e/ Barbossa_skeleton.j pg/250px- Barbossa_skeleton.j pg manymovies/coraline-and-other-mother.jpg eDogg2007/?action=view&current=satan.jpg

6  Tempters  Greedy  Deceivers  Revenge seekers The many types of Devil Figures

7 Some villainous figures tempt their victims into doing things that are beneficial to themselves, or not beneficial to their victims. They could also tempt people into doing harm to others.

8 Ursula The Little Mermaid Ursula tempted Ariel into giving Ursula her voice in exchange for legs. Ursula then uses that voice to attempt to take over the sea kingdom. Ursula and her evil minions have the dark, ugly appearance of the devil figure. http://movie- paper/cartoon/mermai d/ursula1.jpg


10 The Devil and Tom Walker Devil figure in this story is the devil. His skin is black as soot. The devil tempts Tom Walker into selling him his soul for money. The devil tells Tom to become an usurer and charge people unfair amounts that made him very wealthy. The devil also kills Tom’s wife. The most likely reason for this was because Tom’s wife tried to deal with the devil in a scolding fashion.

11 Some devil figures do everything they do just to get what they want. They become very selfish and greedy. They don’t care what they do to other people, as long as they get what they want.

12 The Grinch The Grinch is greedy because he tries to ruin Christmas for all of Whoville. He does not care about the village people, but only himself. They want Christmas and he does not. The Grinch is a devil figure because he is a burglar of everything related to Christmas. The “Grinch” is synonymous with “Grouch”. http://www.geeke - content/uploads/ 2008/12/ g Notice the ugliness of the Grinch.

13 Scar Scar is greedy because he wants to be king. What makes him so greedy is that in his attempt to become king he actually kills his own brother and almost his nephew. Scar is dark colored and has a pitch black mane. http://image s2.fanpop.c om/images/ photos/280 0000/Scar- the-lion- king- 2801553- 576-336.jpg http ://fa nart.lion /Arti sts/l ionn e_d e_ mat rix/ Pre mo nitio g


15 Deceivers are devil figures that convince people into doing something evil through the art of deception. They get the person to buy into anything they are saying and act as friends. They then go against them.

16  Kaa is a deceiver because he rambles on and on about trusting him, especially in his song “Trust in Me”.  He hypnotizes Mowgli and other characters in The Jungle Book  He hypnotizes his victims so that he can eat them http://www.jim /mb/images/u pload/kaa- scan-web.jpg http://to nova.ty pepad.c om/thes uddenc urve/im ages/20 07/08/0 8/kaa_2.jpg


18 Someone who seeks revenge has a purpose. Their purpose is to due away with anyone that has harmed them in anyway. They give revenge in a usually unnecessary way.

19  Dean Prichard is from the movie Old School.  Dean Prichard is a devil figure because he seeks revenge in an unnecessary way towards his old high school classmates.  His classmates (Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn, Luke Wilson) pulled a lot of pranks on him during high school. Now, several years later, Prichard is seeking revenge in trying to ruin their lives by kicking them out of their house which is on college campus. http://images.allm 03_Old_School/2 003_old_school_0 11.jpg es/M/MV5BMT QyNzY0OTkzNl 5BMl5BanBnXk FtZTYwMTYw MDc3._V1._SX g


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