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Presentation on theme: "A PRESENTATION OF THE P&T AFOA IN THE AIC HELD AT JAIPUR From 11.3.15 to 13.3.2015."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction Departmentalization of accounts took place on 1.4.1976 New RR came into existence and JAO examination thrown open to the operative side also. While Part I was combined, Part II was the choice given to Part I qualified Candidates. P&T Department bifurcated into Postal and Telecom in 1985. Contd…..

3 Introduction Contd…. BSNL came into existence with effect from 1.10.2000 DoT Cell was formed to manage the GPF and Pension affairs of BSNL employees. Except Group A cadre, the other cadres were borrowed from various departments on deputation to run the show. A proposal for merger of Group B cadres of both Postal and Telecom was mooted, which was approved by the Competent Authority and amalgamation of the cadres came into being w.e.f. 1.9.2009.

4 SWOT Analysis S - Strength W - Weakness O - Opportunities T - Threats The purpose of preparation of the SWOT analysis is nothing but an eye opener not only to the officers of the Accounts and Finance cadre but also to the Departments. This is an effective tool in the field of decision making and strategic planning

5 Strength Availability of dedicated and experienced officers Umbrella of Organised Accounts Service for IP&TAFS Specific Administrative & financial powers available to Postal and Telecom Departments. Assignment of effective watch dogs job as Financial Advisor.

6 Weakness Diminishing cadre strength. Lack of training opportunities. Licence Fee Orientation Course and Specialization Course CPWD Accounts Inventory management Accrual Accounting Computer awareness, specialization programs Defective Pyramidal cadre structure. Placing of auditors under the administrative control of the auditee.

7 Opportunities Rapid expansion of Telecom Services and Non-Postal Commercial Operations Manning the IT area. Possibility of getting exposure in other Government Departments/ PSUs due to deprivation of deputation opportunities to Group B Officers Setting up of separate organizations like IRLD, HPIL to effectively deal with the huge infrastructure in the Postal and Telecom Departments. Strengthening the accounting and finance functions in the forthcoming IT Modernization implementation so as to reap the benefit of computerisation in India Post. Utilising the opportunities arising on the recommendations of Task Force Committee on Leveraging of Postal Network. Contd……..

8 Task Force Committee Recommendations Traditional mail operations and Money remittances will continue to be handled by DoP. Formation of Holding Companies and Subsidiaries for i. Banking & Financial Services: Post Bank of India ii. Insurance Products (Life Insurance, Crop Insurance, Health, Accident & General Insurance) iii. eCommerce: Parcels and Packets iv. Distribution of third party products- Provision of eServices for general public. v. Management of Govt. Services like Aadhaar, Ration Cards, NSCs, KVPs …… on agency basis.

9 Threat Abolition of unfilled posts. Corporatization of Government Departmental activities leading to cut in the cadre strength. Encroachment in accounts and finance areas in the name of IT modernisation. Implication of accounts people by the Executives ignoring the set procedures. Mindset of Executives not taking into account the basic accounting requirements. Non adherence of IFA Charter as envisaged by Ministry of Finance. Auditor – Auditee relationship vis-à-vis 6 th PCR Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, 1979 Receipts and Payments Rules, 1982 Government Accounting Rules, 1990 General Financial Rules, 2005

10 Issues before Accounts & Finance Cadre # Inordinate delay in finalisation of Recruitment Rules # Cadre review of Group B and Group A cadres # Inconsistency in MACP scheme # Repatriation of deputationists in AO cadre # Uniformity in Administrative powers of Heads of PAOs on par with the Heads of CCA offices. # Uniformity in providing basic amenities & special allowance # Grant of Rs. 5400 Grade pay to AAOs # Fixation of minimum pay connected to Rs.7500-250-12500 # Sanction of Additional Posts of AAO/AO cadre for the areas like PLI,BD in Postal and for LF, Pension etc. in DOT. #Forwarding of Departmental Memorandum to VII th CPC in consultation with the Association.

11 CONCLUSION We are at a crucial juncture facing the challenges There are a lot of countervailing forces It is the time to understand and organise ourselves in a collective manner to achieve the goals. Let us perform, bring professionalism and move towards achieving International Standards for bright future to our Cadre, our Departments as well as to the Nation


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