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How does the universe expand? What is expansion? Newtonian derivation of FRW-equations Problems with FRW: causality General Relativity derivation of FRW-

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Presentation on theme: "How does the universe expand? What is expansion? Newtonian derivation of FRW-equations Problems with FRW: causality General Relativity derivation of FRW-"— Presentation transcript:

1 How does the universe expand? What is expansion? Newtonian derivation of FRW-equations Problems with FRW: causality General Relativity derivation of FRW- equations

2 What is expansion?

3 Newtonian Derivation

4 FRW-equations

5 Special Relativity: 2 postulates: The laws of physics are the same for all observers The speed of light is equal to the same constant for all observers

6 Causality Space-time according to O1: The guy who’s watching TV Space-time according to O2: The guy who is running from O1 to the TV

7 The OPERA-experiment

8 GR-derivation of FRW-equations Events given by 4-vectors A tensor, like, is a generalised matrix Metric tensor defines distances Indices are raised/lowered by and it’s matrix inverse: Energy momentum tensor is Einstein’s equation (16 equations!) is:

9 Homogeneity & Isotropy demand: Flat space, k = 0 and sum = 180° Spherical space, k = +1, sum > 180° Hyperbolical space, k = -1, sum < 180°

10 The calculation Put this into Einstein’s equation (16!): Mathematica gives: only 2 independent equations: k = 0 Flat space k = +1 Spherical space k = -1Hyperbolical space

11 Conclusion: How Does the universe expand? Homogeneity & Isotropy: Gravity: Equation of state: Special relativity demands v < c if causality should hold Does not apply for distant galaxies, since communication is impossible

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