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 The first 3-D printer was made in __________ by Charles W. Hull of 3D Systems Corp.  3D printing first started out as a very ___________ concept. 

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Presentation on theme: " The first 3-D printer was made in __________ by Charles W. Hull of 3D Systems Corp.  3D printing first started out as a very ___________ concept. "— Presentation transcript:


2  The first 3-D printer was made in __________ by Charles W. Hull of 3D Systems Corp.  3D printing first started out as a very ___________ concept.  Major decreases in cost has made them more obtainable to the regular consumer.

3  Used in ____________ and in the creation of models  Can be used in the _______________ of engineering, construction, automotive design and many more fields that use models/prototypes.  Also used for other things like jewelry and medical technologies.


5  The ___________ of making any 3-D object solid or hollow in virtually any shape by the addition of layer upon layer.  Builds from the bottom up laying down a ________ of plastic upon layer of plastic

6  Advantages: ◦ Increased _____________ of parts and prototypes ◦ Lower cost no need to make new molds when redesigning ◦ More _______________ parts are able to be made ◦ Design changes can be made more quickly

7  3d printed room ◦  Chinese students use 3D printing to build racing car. ◦

8  e_library/general-2/history- of/1112953506/the-history-of-3d-printing/ e_library/general-2/history- of/1112953506/the-history-of-3d-printing/  /additive_handout.pdf /additive_handout.pdf

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