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Arizona City/County Management Association February 9, 2007.

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1 Arizona City/County Management Association February 9, 2007

2 What is the Emeritus College? College: (n) An assembly of scholars gathered together for their mutual interests. See colleague and collegial. The Emeritus College is an official unit of the University whose members primarily are retired ASU faculty with emeritus status. The mission of the Emeritus College is to give a home and a focus to continued intellectual, creative and social engagement of retired faculty with the University.

3 Emeritus College Objectives 1.Provide a rich selection of scholarly and creativity opportunities for ASU emeriti and emeritae. 2.Provide emeriti/ae with encouragement and material support for accomplishing their work. 3.Open up a robust relationship between ASU emeriti/ae and the community. 4.Provide the University with a significant resource of experience, expertise and talent. 5.Develop the resources through which we can accomplish these objectives.

4 The Bottom Line….. The Emeritus College is dedicated to the proposition that intellectual and creative activity transcend official designations and age. The Emeritus College is in business to provide opportunities to emeriti/ae and to be a valuable resource to the University. We are an opportunities exchange. As retirees, the members of the Emeritus College are obliged to do nothing except that for which they obligate themselves. There are no annual reviews, performance criteria or Emeritus of the Year Awards; only the satisfaction in having been engaged. Activities may involve pro bono or “for fee” service. Some service may be rewarded with honoraria from the Emeritus College.

5 Who may belong to the Emeritus College? Regular Member: Any Arizona State University retired faculty member with emeritus status. Associate Member: Any retired faculty member living in the Phoenix area who holds the Emeritus rank from another institution of higher learning with similar accreditation as ASU. Affiliate Member: Any retired faculty member from ASU who does not hold the Emeritus rank. 285 sustaining members to date We also have a Surviving Spouse membership category for the widowed spouses of ASU emeriti/ae regardless of whether their deceased spouses were Emeritus College members. There are no dues. Members expected to contribute annually to College’s Foundation fund campaign (at least $30.)

6 How is the Emeritus College organized? Dean of the Emeritus College College functions ASU Emeritus Press Center for ASU History and Tradition Center for K-12 Issues in Education Center for the Arts Emeritus Center for Writing Emeritus College Council Administrative Committee

7 Milestones in the History of the Emeritus College April 2003: letter to President Michael Crow (inspired by Chronicle article on the Emory University Emeritus College) Create an emeritus college that will distinguish ASU! Michael Crow

8 Milestones in the History of the Emeritus College April 2003: letter to President Michael Crow September 2003: Establishment of Steering Committee July 2004: Submission of proposal November 2004: Acceptance of proposal and establishment of the Emeritus College and appointment of Dean and College Council January 2005: Hired administrative Assistant July 2005: Inaugural Convocation

9 Milestones in the History of the Emeritus College September 2005: First Creative Writing Workshops February 2006: Formation of Dean’s Council March 2006: Occupancy of permanent facilities March 2006 Invitation to participate in Ira A. Fulton Challenge April 2006: First edition of the Emeritus Press

10 Milestones in the History of the Emeritus College May 2006: First Annual Emeritus College Symposium June 2006: Writers Group organized July 2006: Emeritus Art Exhibit at College of Public Programs

11 Milestones in the History of the Emeritus College September 2006: Emeritus College Grants and Awards Program September 2006: Emeritus College Concert and Colloquium Series inaugurated October 2006: AROHE national meeting in Tempe January 2007: First Research and Creativity Grants awarded.

12 Come on in!

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