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A NCIENT G REECE Vocabulary Words Kalani Nechman.

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Presentation on theme: "A NCIENT G REECE Vocabulary Words Kalani Nechman."— Presentation transcript:

1 A NCIENT G REECE Vocabulary Words Kalani Nechman

2 A CROPOLIS A large hill which the Greeks built their city-states around

3 A GORA Definition A place where Greeks meet and conduct business

4 A SSEMBLY Definition A lawmaking place where people voted on issues that helped their city.

5 C ITIZEN Definition A person who has certain rights and responsibilities to his or her country.

6 C OLONY Definition A group of people who lived apart from Greece but kept economic ties with it.

7 D EMOCRACY Definition A form of government where people vote to make decisions.

8 J URY Definition They hear evidence and make decisions in a court of law

9 M ONARCHY Definition Government headed by one ruler

10 P OLIS Definition A Greek city-state

11 P HILOSOPHY Definition A study of wisdom and the right way to live

12 P ENINSULA Definition An area of land nearly surrounded by water

13 P ELOPONNESIAN WAR Definition The war between Athens and Sparta

14 O LIGARCHY Definition The kind of government that is run by a small group of people.

15 H ARBOR Definition A sheltered place along the coastline.

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