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Firm Foundations Lesson 48 Jesus was Crucified and Buried Memory verse: I Timothy 2:5.

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Presentation on theme: "Firm Foundations Lesson 48 Jesus was Crucified and Buried Memory verse: I Timothy 2:5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Firm Foundations Lesson 48 Jesus was Crucified and Buried Memory verse: I Timothy 2:5

2 Introduction This is the most significant event in history Nothing has ever affected lives as much as this one event

3 Jesus was crucified Mark 15:20-22 Golgotha was just outside walls of Jerusalem Mark 15:23 This drink was to deaden the pain of crucifixion Myrrh was a sap from a low, scrubby tree Mark 15:24 Nailed to cross Lifted up Sold his clothes Prophecy: Psalm 22:16


5 Jesus was crucified (cont.) Mark 15:25-26 Sign placed to show the crime of the dying criminal Think: what would your sign say? Mark 15:27-28 Isaiah 53:12 – Deliverer would die in company of evil men

6 Mocked while on the cross Mark 15:29-32 He would rise up again in 3 days People thought He meant the temple Prophecy: Psalm 22:6-8 King David wrote this God knew exactly what would happen to His Son long before He came into the world

7 Paid for sin by death 1. Sin must be paid in full Punishment for sin is death Not just physical death, separation from God in Hell Took our place

8 Paid for sin by death 2. Jesus was sinless God requires a perfect sacrifice Able to offer Himself to God in our place

9 Paid for sin by death 3. Separated from God for our sins Betrayed by friends, falsely arrested, beaten, scourged, executed – none was as bad as this Mark 15:33 Why was sun blotted out? Mark 15:34-36 People misunderstood Him Mark 15:37 Jesus died and gave His life for us

10 Paid for sin by death 4. Did all that was necessary for our deliverance John 19:30 “It is finished!” What was finished? He finished His work of paying for our sins Did it by being separated from God and giving his life in full payment Trusting in Jesus finished work brings us into friendship with God

11 The veil in the temple was ripped Mark 15:38 Who ripped the curtain? Why? No longer a need for animal sacrifice Blood of animals could never pay for sin Showed that God was fully satisfied with Jesus’ sacrifice

12 The centurion and women at the cross Mark 15:39 Centurion in charge of 100 soldiers Mark 15:40-41 Trusted in God’s Word and accepted that Jesus was promised Saviour

13 Jesus was buried Mark 15:42-46 Joseph was a rich man Buried in the location of a rich man Prophecy: Isaiah 53:9

14 Conclusion Jesus Christ Lived on earth without sinning Took horrible punishment we deserve Separated from God on the cross in our place It is finished He died in our place Full payment for sin has been made Nothing more needs to be done to pay for sins The veil is torn: the way is open through Jesus Christ

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