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In 1584 Queen Elizabeth I gives Sir Walter Raleigh a charter to go to the “new world.”

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1 In 1584 Queen Elizabeth I gives Sir Walter Raleigh a charter to go to the “new world.”

2 Sir Walter Raleigh sends the first expedition group to the “new world” in 1586 led by Sir Richard Grenville.

3 Sir Walter Raleigh sends a second expedition group to the “new world” in 1587 led by John White.

4 On Roanoke Island, the first English child born in America. On August 18, 1587, Virginia Dare was born.

5 The expedition group needed more supplies and food. So, John White went back to England in 1587. he said, “Take care of the baby.”

6 John White came back to Roanoke Island in 1590. he had to wait three years because there were no ships available because of war.

7 When John White came back to Roanoke, none of the people were there. All he found was a clue. He found the word “Croatoan” carved into a tree.

8 A theory some people think happened to the Roanoke colony is they moved in with the Croatoan tribe.

9 Another theory some people think happened to the Roanoke colony is that they died of diseases from the Spanish.

10 The theory I believe in is the one when they move in with the Croatoan tribe.

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